2,006 research outputs found

    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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    Blocking Java Applets at the Firewall

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    This paper explores the problem of protecting a site on the Internet against hostile external Java applets while allowing trusted internal applets to run. With careful implementation, a site can be made resistant to current Java security weaknesses as well as those yet to be discovered. In addition, we describe a new attack on certain sophisticated firewalls that is most effectively realized as a Java applet

    Unifying heterogeneous networks with Kerberos Authentication Server and multithread implementation of Kerberized FTP for Windows 95/NT

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    Evaluación – Prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNA.

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    La importancia de las telecomunicaciones en el mundo moderno es tema vital para el desarrollo humano, es por ello que entender como fluye la información entre la sociedad y mas específicamente en las organizaciones es de vital importantica y reto para el ingeniero de sistemas. Es por ello que entendiendo las líneas anteriores la Universidad Abierta y a Distancia UNAD en colaboración con CISCO Networking Academy, ha desarrollado el diplomado: “CISCO diseño e implementación de redes LAN-WAN”, en donde permite desarrollar habilidades a través de sus modulos de aprendizajes contextos que se vera enfrentado el futuro egresado de la rama, como trabajo final se dispone de un trabajo practico que demuestran dichas habilidades adquiridas a lo largo del curso.The importance of telecommunications in the modern world is a vital issue for human development, which is why understanding how information flows between society and more specifically in organizations is vitally important and challenging for the systems engineer. That is why, understanding the previous lines, UNAD Open and Distance University in collaboration with CISCO Networking Academy, has developed the diploma: "CISCO design and implementation of LAN-WAN networks", where it allows to develop skills through its modules of learning contexts that will face the future graduate of the branch, as a final work there is a practical work that demonstrates these acquired skills along the course

    Diplomado de profundización cisco, diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN / WLAN.

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    El propósito principal de este contenido es dar a conocer los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo de los diferentes trabajos colaborativos que se abordaron y solucionaron durante el curso, lo importante es dar a conocer que contamos con capacidades para resolver problemas de redes dentro de una empresa o para empezar a trabajar como independientes. La Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD en colaboración con CISCO Networking Academy ha puesto en marcha el diplomado CISCO diseño e implementación de redes LAN-WAN como opción de grado para los estudiantes que están culminando sus estudios en ingeniería de sistemas, aparte de la gran facilidad de opción de grado es un curso que nos brinda una gran cantidad de recursos y conocimientos para adentrarnos en un mundo de redes de forma profesional.The main purpose of this content is to publicize the results obtained during the development of the different collaborative works that are addressed and resolved during the course, the important thing is to make known that we have capabilities to solve network problems within a company or in To start working as freelancers. The National Open and Distance University UNAD in collaboration with CISCO Networking Academy has launched the CISCO diploma design and implementation of LAN-WAN networks as a degree option for students who are completing their studies in systems engineering, apart from the great ease The degree option is a course that gives us a lot of resources and knowledge to enter a world of networks in a professional way

    Gaming LAN setup with Local and Remote Access and Downloads

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    The Gaming LAN Setup project aims to design and implement a basic functioning, hardened network that could be utilized locally and remotely to allow users access to respective servers for the option to host a session or join. Users will have the ability to securely log into the internal network to download files via a web interface. The network allows the designated user to take a management position in order to perform basic penetration testing and discover vulnerabilities through various scans to maintain the networ

    DDoS-Capable IoT Malwares: comparative analysis and Mirai Investigation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has not only carried the astonishing promise to interconnect a whole generation of traditionally “dumb” devices, but also brought to the Internet the menace of billions of badly protected and easily hackable objects. Not surprisingly, this sudden flooding of fresh and insecure devices fueled older threats, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we first propose an updated and comprehensive taxonomy of DDoS attacks, together with a number of examples on how this classification maps to real-world attacks. Then, we outline the current situation of DDoS-enabled malwares in IoT networks, highlighting how recent data support our concerns about the growing in popularity of these malwares. Finally, we give a detailed analysis of the general framework and the operating principles of Mirai, the most disruptive DDoS-capable IoT malware seen so far