66 research outputs found


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    Providing an assessment and feedbacks are crucial parts for teaching and learning phase as well as for continued growth in the education system. In general, assessing the students’ progress and giving feedbacks as reflections of progress can be done in a variety of ways. The recent research is primarily concerned with how the formative assessment, as the most advantageous and beneficial kind of evaluation can be considered as a sufficient contributor to the instruction process, particularly once followed by genuine constructive feedbacks. This research's findings claimed that the formative assessment and feedbacks have a significant impact on what the learners perform and how the instructors teach. This research explored how formative assessment is implemented in ESP classes, particularly in Business English classes at universities in Indonesia and Thailand


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan asesmen kinerja melalui Seesaw sebagai assessment for learning dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kererampilan berkomunikasi abad ke-21 siswa pada pembelajaran lingkungan. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari empat kelas X MIPA di SMAN 1 Lembang, tiga kelas digunakan untuk kelas uji coba dan satu kelas untuk kelas penerapan. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode mixed method dengan desain Embedded mixed method. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri atas soal tes dan kuesioner standar keterampilan berpikir kritis dan komunikasi abad ke-21 yang diadaptasi dari NAEP, lembar kerja dan rubrik keterampilan berpikir kritis dan komunikasi, lembar observasi, angket respon siswa dan catatan lapangan. Penelitian ini menghasil data kualitatif berupa hasil pemilihan fitur yang terdapat dalam Seesaw untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai asesmen kinerja dalam memberikan tugas, materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan, umpan balik dan mengumpulkan tugas melalui proses ujicoba. Data kuantitatif berupa nilai lembar kerja siswa serta nilai pretest dan posttest keterampilan berpikir kritis materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan dan nilai kuisioner komunikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 14 langkah tata kelola asesmen kinerja yang memanfaatkan 10 fitur Seesaw. Nilai peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi ekosistem dan pencemaran lingkungan berada pada kategori sedang sedangkan keterampilan komunikasi pada kategori rendah. Peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi rendah dapat disebabkan oleh siswa yang belum terbiasa melakukan komunikasi dengan guru ataupun temannya secara daring melalui Seesaw. Akan tetapi 10 fitur Seesaw memiliki potensi untuk digunakan sebagai asesmen kinerja pada pembelajaran lingkungan yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan komunikasi abad ke-----This study aims to develop performance assessment through Seesaw as assessment for learning to improve critical thinking skills and communication skills 21st century on the environment learning. The Subjects used consisted of four Class X Science at SMAN 1 Lembang, three classes are used for pilot class and one class for the implementation class. This research used mixed method with Embedded mixed method design. The instrument used consisted of test and questionnaire standard of critical thinking and communication skills 21st century adaptated from NAEP, worksheets and rubrics critical thinking and communication skills, observation sheets, student questionnaire and field notes. This study produces qualitative data in the form of feature selection contained in Seesaw to be utilized as a performance assessment in assigning tasks, material of ecosystem and environmental pollution, feedback and collecting tasks through a pilot process. Quantitative data is in the form of student work sheet scores, pretest and posttest scores of critical thinking skill of ecosystem and environmental pollution materials and scores of communication questionnaire. The results show that there are 14 steps of performance assessment governance utilizing 10 Seesaw features. Score of improving students' critical thinking skills on ecosystem and environmental pollution materials is in the medium category whereas communication skill is in low category. Improved low communication skills can be caused by students who are not yet accustomed to communicate with their teachers or friends online through Seesaw. However, Seesaw's 10 features have the potential to be used as performance assessments on environmental learning that can improve critical thinking skills and communication skills 21st centur


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online-offline media (MO2) on improving students' cognitive learning outcomes. This study is a true experiment with a total sample of 60 students (30 students who use smartphones and 30 students who do not) at SMA Negeri 1 Samarinda class XI science in biology subjects. The design of this study used a posttest-only control design. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using an independent sample t-test and an N-Gain test. The results of the independent t-test analysis showed that there was a difference in the increase in cognitive learning outcomes in the application of MO2 with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. The results of the N-gain test showed that MO2 was effective in improving cognitive learning outcomes with a score of 78% (high category). The results of this study indicate that MO2 media is effective in improving student learning outcomes. &nbsp

    Assessment for Learning: Changes in the Role of Assessment in Learning

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the state of assessment for learning (AfL) in science learning. The research was conducted in February 2021. This research was conducted with a descriptive method using data collection techniques, namely a survey via google form. Before the instrument is used, calibration and testing are carried out and the test results of all items are declared valid and reliable. The results showed that the teacher agreed to the use of Assessment for Learning (AfL) in science learning, which could activate the learning process and accelerate the achievement of goals. In addition to the use of Assessment for Learning (AfL) in science learning, teachers also answered effectively in developing students' literacy skills according to subject coverage. Assesment for Learning (AfL) provides an overview of how students learn and achieve learning goals effectively that can be reported to students' parents. The obstacle in implementing assessment for learning (AfL) is that teachers still find it difficult to compile and develop assessment-based learning designs that are in accordance with process standards, so that most of these teachers adopt learning designs that are already available from various sources, so that the role of assessment is not yet a an integral part of the teaching and learning process

    Tecnologías de información y comunicaciones para la enseñanza de negocios

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    El articulo elabora un recorrido por las principales tendencias de tecnologĂ­as de informaciĂłn y comunicaciones (TIC) que son requeridas por el mercado y la sociedad como nuevas capacidades y competencias para los estudiantes de negocios en un contexto de gestiĂłn de grandes volĂşmenes de datos (Big-Data) y examina los requerimientos que las universidades deben contemplar para lograr estas capacidades

    An assessment classification of formative evaluation tools and digital tools

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    The theme “An assessment classification of formative assessment tools and digital tools” represents the meeting between a theme with a history in education - formative assessment, and another very current theme - the use of digital tools with an emphasis on commonly called apps (digital apps). The formative evaluation presents numerous scientific evidences of its potential in supporting students and teachers in overcoming weaknesses and deficiencies, with very positive impacts in terms of motivation, engagement, achievement and autonomy, thus justifying a study on the difficulties in rooting. Technology can guarantee a greater rootedness and a performance more aligned with inclusive education, considering the student's profile after leaving compulsory education. The qualitative methodology was adopted. The technological environment by nature stands out for its ease and efficiency in the collection, organization and treatment of data, thus meeting, one of the main limitations of formative assessment is the difficulty in collecting data on the interaction of learning and results as well as the analysis of formative feedback and evaluation. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that was possible and a new model of classification of apps for formative evaluation was built. The structure of our model comes from the correspondence between the characteristics and the purposes of the tools and / or techniques of formative assessment, and the potentialities and functionalities of applications for mobile devices, in an intrinsic link to Bloom's Taxonomy (2001). This classification was built from three classifications. One classification focuses on formative assessment techniques and cognitive development goals, another organizes apps by type of pedagogical activities, and finally, another organizes, not apps, but web tools serving cognitive development goals concerning a 1956 version of Bloom's TaxonomyCIEd – _Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, projects UIDB/01661/2020 and UIDP/01661/2020, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-P

    Adaptive Learning Courseware as a Tool to Build Foundational Content Mastery: Evidence from Principles of Microeconomics

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    Adaptive courseware has the potential to increase content mastery through assessment and personalized remediation. In this study, content mastery is determined by assessment items developed in alignment to learning outcomes using Bloom’s Taxonomy. This study tracks freshmen and sophomore students enrolled in the foundations course, Principles of Microeconomics at Colorado State University. The researcher finds that students who complete adaptive assignments show higher mastery on formative assessments

    Using Wearable Devices in Educational Assessment: Smartphone Exams

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    We are residing in a planet where technology is contemporary in our life routines. Today, smartphones are one of the vastest revolutions in individuals’ lifespans. Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular, both in formal and informal educational environments. This chapter discusses the benefits and obstacles in using smartphones as an assessment tools and it compares the achievement of exams delivered via smart phones to paper-based exams. The result of the study indicates that; there was a significant difference between three groups of English Paper Exams, however there was not any significant difference between these groups on English Language Mobile Exams


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    Abstrak Salah satu skill penting bagi mahasiswa di era revolusi industri 4.0 adalah kreativitas dan keaktifan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, guru dapat menerapkan inovasi pembelajaran. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat diterapkan adalah pembelajaran STEAM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendeskripsikan implementasi kegiatan STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) di SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang, 2) Mengetahui validitas implementasi STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Reuse) Kegiatan Recycle, Reuse) di SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang, 3) Mengetahui kepraktisan penerapan kegiatan STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) di SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan metode penelitian Design Based Research (DBR) yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu identifikasi masalah, perancangan, siklus berulang, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 50 siswa kelas V Mawar dan Melati. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa melalui desain pembelajaran STEAM yang melibatkan tiga kegiatan yaitu mengidentifikasi masalah terkait proyek Make Craft With 3R, membuat proyek, dan melakukan refleksi, kreativitas dan keaktifan siswa meningkat. Kegiatan STEAM dapat dijadikan pembelajaran yang bermakna dan menyenangkan bagi siswa.   Kata Kunci: STEAM, bangun ruang, aktivitas pembelajaran.       Abstract   One of the important skills for students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is creativity and activeness. To improve the quality of education, teachers can implement learning innovations. One of the innovations that can be applied is STEAM learning. The purposes of this research are: 1) To describe the implementation of STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) activities at SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang, 2) To find out the validity of the implementation of STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Reuse) Recycle, Reuse) activities in SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang, 3) Knowing the practicality of implementing STEAM Make Craft With 3R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) activities at SDN Mancilan 1 Jombang. This study used a classroom action research approach with the Design Based Research (DBR) research method which consisted of four stages, namely problem identification, design, repeated cycles, and reflection. The subjects of this research were 50 students of class V Mawar and Melati. Data collection is done through observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that through the STEAM learning design which involves three activities, namely identifying problems related to the Make Craft With 3R project, making projects, and doing reflection, students' creativity and activeness increase. STEAM activities can be used as meaningful and fun learning for students.   Keywords: STEAM, build space, learning activity


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    Abstract: Edutech or Educational Technology is when the process the study contains technology to facilitating. It means that educational technology is when the technology is the part of education. In the era of 4.0, technology is used for facilitating education systems. The main problem of this study was “What are the challenges that create the educational technological immersion for English language teaching?” and “How teachers can adapt to the Edutech 4.0?”. Therefore, the main objective of this study were to find out there was any significant challanges that create the educational technological immersion for English language teaching and also the way English teachers of SMPN 7 Pangkalpinang adapt to the Edutech 4.0. This study applied Qualitative Design. The Informants of this study were the Headmaster, English teachers and the students at SMPN 7 Pangkalpinang. The data were collected by using observation, interview, and questionnaire. Based on this study, the result showed that the teachers can easily adapted with the Google Suites for Education, all of the teachers are comfortable in using Google Suites for Education as the Edutech but they still find difficulty to inteact with the students. Keywords : Edutech, Google Suites for Education, Teaching English.
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