3 research outputs found

    Technical Solutions for Local Service Insertion in DVB-NGH Single Frequency Networks

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    Current digital terrestrial television networks make use of either single frequency networks (SFN) or multifrequency networks (MFN). These network topologies are not ideally suited for delivery of both global and local services in an efficient way. MFNs enable the efficient transmission of local services but need a significant amount of frequency spectrum. The basic principle of SFNs is that all transmitters radiate the same signal synchronized in time and frequency, therefore are especially suitable for global services due to mutual support of the signal by multiple transmitters. Without violating the SFN principle, local services meant to address sub-regions of an SFN must therefore be transmitted throughout the whole network, causing inefficient distribution of local services. This paper describes the complementary techniques adopted by the next generation mobile broadcasting standard digital video broadcasting - next generation handheld for providing global and local contents in SFN topologies: hierarchical modulation (H-LSI) and orthogonal local services insertion (O-LSI) techniques. H-LSI uses hierarchical modulation to transmit local services on top of the global services in areas close to the transmitters, by transmitting the local services in the low priority stream and the global services in the high priority stream. The O-LSI scheme specifies groups of OFDM subcarriers in specific OFDM symbols for the exclusive use of particular transmitters to transmit local services. For both techniques, the transmission of local content through the whole SFN network can be scheduled in a way that different local areas do not interfere with each other. In addition to the description of both H-LSI and O-LSI schemes, the applicability of these approaches in terms of network topologies, implementation issues, and performance evaluation are analyzed.López Sánchez, J.; Zöllner, J.; Atungsiri, S.; Stare, E.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2014). Technical Solutions for Local Service Insertion in DVB-NGH Single Frequency Networks. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):293-301. doi:10.1109/TBC.2014.2322502S29330160

    Improved Performance of Boosting Power in local service Insertion in DVB-NGH single Frequency Networks

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    The frequency networks ployed in the present television networks are either SFN termed as networks with single frequency or MFN elaborated as networks with multi frequency. To provide the services on a global & local scale, such topologies are not considered as the best approach. A desired spectrum of frequency is required though conveyance of local lied services is been triggered by MFNs. As the multiple transmitters provide support to the global services, the main function that is obliged for SFNs is to emit the signals of the same level which operate at a particular instance & frequencies. The coordinate regions of SFN which are linked to the local services should be relayed over the complete network by not breaching the postulates of SFN which lead to dispersion of services locally in an inefficient manner. The additional methodologies that are opted by the further scenario of basic video & mobile broadcasting, thus supplying the local & global components in topology of SFN that are H-LSI and O-LSI methods. In the region which is nearby to transmitters, services which are relayed as local are kept above the global by making use of modulation in hierarchical method by H-LSI. It s achieved by relaying the services which are local in a stream tended at low priority & global in the stream where priority is high. To make the use of transmitters to relay local services, the OFDM symbols are specified by scheme of O-LSI in particular sets of OFDM. The flow of the data within the network of SFN can be programmed in such a way that there is no intervention of various areas on a local scale for every methodology. Also the assessment is done on the criteria of problems occurring while implementation, topologies of network & analysis of performance adding to the definition of O-LSI & H-LSI. It is also observed that the power to boost of SISO is less than that of MISO

    Estudio para la planificación de redes de difusión según el estándar ATSC 3.0

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    Abstract: In this BsC final degree project, different configuration and network architecture settings for the standard ATSC 3.0 are studied. The work analyzes bitrate requirements, associated ATSC 3.0 modes and several network architecture options. Both calculations and minimum requirements of SNR have been analyzed and simulations in selected environments have been carried out. The field strength distribution of each transmitter have been obtained using SPLAT!. Afterwards, to estimate the coverage probability for each service, a toolbox coded on Python has been applied. By means of these simulations, some implementation guidelines for deploying ATSC 3.0 services are given for each selected scenario.Resumen: En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se estudiarán las posibles configuraciones del sistema y arquitectura de red para el estándar de ATSC 3.0. Se analizarán los requisitos de bitrate para la emisión de cada servicio (UHD, HD,…) además de las posibles planificaciones de redes. Una vez realizados los cálculos y obtenidos los valores de SNR mínimo necesarios, se empezará con las simulaciones en los diferentes entornos seleccionados. En primer lugar, se usará SPLAT! para obtener los valores de campo eléctrico de cada transmisor. Posteriormente, usando una herramienta codificada en Python, se obtendrán las estimaciones de cobertura para cada servicio. Mediante estas simulaciones se ofrecerán unas recomendaciones para la implantación del sistema ATSC 3.0 en los escenarios seleccionados.Laburpena: Gradu Amaierako Lan (GrAL) honetan, ATSC 3.0 estandarrak barruan har ditzakeen konfigurazio ezberdinak eta sare arkitektura aztertzen dira. Igorri ahalko diren zerbitzurentzako (UHD, HD, …) bitrate betekizunak eta sare-plangintza ezberdinak ikertuko dira. Behin eragiketak eta beharrezko SNR minimoak lortuta, hautatutako ingurune bakoitzerako simulazioekin hasiko da. Lehenengo eta behin, transmisore bakoitzak igorritako eremu elektrikoaren balioak lortzeko, SPLAT! softwarea erabiliko da. Ondoren, zerbitzu bakoitzerako estaldura zenbatespenak lortuko dira Pythonen kodetutako erreminta baten bidez. Simulazio hauen bitartez, ATSC 3.0 sistemaren ezarpenerako hainbat gomendio eskainiko dira