11 research outputs found

    Taking social networks to the next level

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    Since the boom of social networking lead to people using multiple account on many platforms in order to keep in touch with hundreds of contacts, managing one's contacts risks becoming a burden for many users. Following and finding information about friends and family has become an issue too. Guided by these observations and by careful research of existing adaptive web technologies, our team worked on the development of SNAP - an adaptive social network integrator which aimed to amalgamate various social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Flickr) in one adaptive environment, which unobtrusively sorts the users' feed according to his/her preference. To achieve data transfer and authorisation, SNAP uses the newest version of the OAuth protocol. Adaptivity was achieved through statistical filtering. The initial field tests show that the system works, however there is definitely room for improvement in terms of Social Network Integration, and testers generally expressed an interest in the idea of using an adaptive social integrator such as SNAP. On top of this, we will be suggesting a number of improvements which will change the way we use social networks forever.peer-reviewe

    Taking Social Networks to the Next Level

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    2.0 creation of presence in SME: from theory to practice

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    Comenzamos con estas palabras de Confucio porque resumen la metodología implícitamente empleada en la experiencia que expondremos en las siguientes páginas. Al planificar nuestra docencia en el curso 2010-11 nos planteamos, entre otros, el siguiente objetivo: que nuestro alumnado fuera consciente de la importancia que la Web 2.0 o web social tiene en la administración de las pymes del siglo XXI. Pero no queríamos limitarnos a narrarlo. Queríamos que vivieran la experiencia de una forma real. Y para ello diseñamos una actividad que describimos en este trabajo.We began with these words of Confucius because they summarize the methodology used implicitly in the experience to be discussed in the following pages. When we were thinking our teaching for the 2010-11 academic year we plan, among others, the following goal: that our students were aware of the importance of the social web or Web 2.0 on the administration of SMEs in the twenty-first century. We did not want to limit ourselves to narrate about it. We wanted that ours students would be able to live the experience in a real way. And we designed an activity described in this paper

    New concepts integration on e-learning platforms

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    The learning experience has evolved into the virtual world of the Internet, where learners have the possibility to shift from face-to-face learning environments to virtual learning environments supported by technologies. This concept, called e-learning, emerged in the early 1960s where a group of researchers from the Stanford University, USA began experimenting different ways to publish and assign learning content using a computer. These experiments were the beginning that led to the creation of countless learning platforms, initially constructed in standalone environments and later ported to the Internet as Webbased learning platforms. As initial objectives, these learning platforms include a collection of features to support instructors and learners in the learning process. However, some of these platforms continued to be based on an old instructor-centered learning model and created a collection of outdated technologies that, given the current need to a learner-center learning model and the existence of Web 2.0 technologies, become inadequate. As a solution to address and overcome these challenges, a friendly user interface and a correct root incorporation of Web 2.0 services a platform designed to focus the learning experience and environment personalization into the learner is needed to propose. In an operating system (OS) context the graphic user interface (GUI) is guided by a collection of approaches that details how human beings should interact with computers. These are the key ideas to customize, install, and organize virtual desktops. The combination of desktop concepts into a learning platform can be an asset to reduce the learning curve necessary to know how to use the system and also to create a group of flexible learning services. However, due to limitations in hypertext transfer protocol-hypertext markup language (HTTP-HTML) traditional solutions, to shift traditional technologies to a collection of rich Internet application (RIA) technologies and personal learning environments (PLEs) concepts is needed, in order to construct a desktop-like learning platform. RIA technologies will allow the design of powerful Web solutions containing many of the characteristics of desktop-like applications. Additionally, personal learning environments (PLEs) will help learners to manage learning contents. In this dissertation the personal learning environment box (PLEBOX) is presented. The PLEBOX platform is a customizable, desktop-like platform similar to the available operating systems, based on personal learning environments concepts and rich Internet applications technologies that provide a better learning environment for users. PLEBOX developers have a set of tools that allow the creation of learning and management modules that can be installed on the platform. These tools are management learning components and interfaces built as APIs, services, and objects of the software development kit (SDK). A group of prototype modules were build for evaluation of learning and management services, APIs, and SDKs. Furthermore, three case studies were created in order to evaluate and demonstrate the learning service usage in external environments. The PLEBOX deployment and corresponding features confirms that this platform can be seen as a very promising e-learning platform. Exhaustive experiments were driven with success and it is ready for use.A experiência de aprendizagem baseada em tecnologias evoluiu para o mundo virtual da Internet, onde os alunos têm a possibilidade de mudar uma aprendizagem presencial em sala de aula para uma aprendizagem baseada em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem suportados por tecnologias. O conceito de e-learning surgiu nos anos sessenta (1960) quando um grupo de investigadores da Universidade de Standford, nos Estados Unidos, começaram a experimentar diferentes formas de publicar e atribuir conteúdos de aprendizagem através do computador. Estas experiências marcaram o começo que levou à criação de inúmeras plataformas de aprendizagem, inicialmente construídas em ambientes isolados e depois migradas para a Internet como plataformas de aprendizagem baseadas na Web. Como objectivos inicias, estas plataformas de aprendizagem incluem um conjunto de recursos para apoiar professores e alunos no processo de aprendizagem. No entanto, algumas destas plataformas continuam a ser baseadas em velhos modelos de aprendizagem centrados no professor, criadas com base em tecnologias ultrapassadas que, dadas as necessidades actuais de um modelo de aprendizagem centrado no aluno e da existência de tecnologias baseadas na Web 2.0, se tornaram inadequadas. Como abordagem para enfrentar e superar estes desafios propõem-se uma plataforma focada na personalização do ambiente de aprendizagem do aluno, composta por uma interface amigável e uma correcta incorporação de raiz de serviços da Web 2.0. No contexto dos sistemas operativos (SOs) o graphic user interface (GUI) é desenhado tendo em conta um conjunto de abordagens que detalha como as pessoas devem interagir com os computadores. Estas são as ideias chave para personalizar, instalar e organizar áreas de trabalho virtuais. A combinação do conceito desktop com uma plataforma de aprendizagem pode ser um trunfo para reduzir a curva de aprendizagem necessária para saber como utilizar o sistema e também para criar um grupo de serviços flexíveis de aprendizagem. No entanto, devido as limitações em soluções tradicionais hypertext transfer protocol - hypertext markup language (HTTP - HTML), é necessário migrar estas tecnologias para um grupo de tecnologias rich Internet application (RIA) e conceitos presentes em ambientes personalizados de aprendizagem (personal learning environment - PLE) para construir uma plataforma baseada em ambientes de trabalho virtuais de aprendizagem. As tecnologias RIA irão permitir a criação de soluções Web poderosas que contêm muitas das características disponíveis em aplicações desktop. Adicionalmente, o conceitos de PLE irá ajudar os alunos a gerir os seus próprios conteúdos de aprendizagem. Nesta dissertação, com base nas características apresentadas anteriormente, é apresentada a personal learning environment box (PLEBOX). A plataforma PLEBOX é uma solução de aprendizagem parametrizável com um ambiente de trabalho semelhante aos sistemas operativos actuais, baseando-se em personal learning environments e tecnologias RIA que fornecem um melhor ambiente de aprendizagem para os seus utilizadores. Os programadores da PLEBOX têm ao seu dispor um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem a criação de módulos de aprendizagem e administração que podem ser instalados na plataforma. Estas ferramentas são componentes de aprendizagem e interfaces construídos como APIs, serviços e objectos do software development kit (SDK). Foi construído um conjunto de módulos com o objectivo de avaliar e demonstrar os serviços de aprendizagem, os serviços de gestão, APIs e SDKs. Para além disso, foram criados três casos de estudo para avaliar e demonstrar a utilização dos serviços de aprendizagem em ambientes externos. O desenvolvimento efectuado até ao momento na PLEBOX e respectivos recursos confirma que esta plataforma pode ser vista com uma promissora plataforma de aprendizagem (e-learning), totalmente modular e adaptativa. Realizaram-se experiências exaustivas para testar a plataforma e estas foram realizadas com sucesso num ambiente real, estando assim a plataforma pronta para exploração real

    Um sistema de coleta de dados de fontes heterogêneas baseado em computação distribuída

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, Curso de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.Atualmente a quantidade de informação cresce de maneira exponencial, seja na Web ou redes internas das organizações. Um dos fatores que justificam esse fato é a participação cada vez mais frequente de usuários comuns não somente no consumo da informação, mas também na produção de conteúdo. Sendo assim, são requeridas maneiras eficientes de se coletar e armazenar grandes volumes de informação. Como tarefa, a coleta de informação constitui-se primeiramente na localização de determinada fonte de informação e posteriormente em sua coleta. De modo geral, as informações estão dispersas em servidores distribuídos geograficamente quando se fala na Web, mas também dentro das organizações espalhadas nos servidores e computadores pessoais. Coletar essa quantidade de informação exige poder de processamento computacional. Visando promover suporte a esta demanda o presente trabalho propõem um sistema em que a tarefa de coleta de dados seja realizada de maneira distribuída. A demonstração de viabilidade é realizada através de um protótipo implementado a partir da proposição de uma visão lógica (funcionamento geral) e física (detalhamento dos componentes tecnológicos). O protótipo desenvolvido contêm os serviços de análise da estrutura de determinado recurso da Web e a coleta propriamente dita de maneira distribuída, permitindo deste modo, atender a demanda de um sistema de coleta de informação em grande escala. Visando possibilitar a análise do sistema proposto, são elaborados três cenários para verificar a adaptação do coletor, bem como, a sua capacidade de processamento. A aplicação do protótipo nestes cenários de coleta permitiu demonstrar que este é capaz de obter resultados consistentes e satisfatórios em relação à adaptação e desempenho em diferentes configurações, tanto na fase de análise quanto na fase de coleta.Currently the amount of information grows exponentially, either on the Web or on organizational networks. One of the factors that justify this fact is the participation increasing of common users not only downloading information, but also in the content production. Therefore area required efficient ways to crawl and store large volumes of information. In this sense, the crawling of information as a task aims first to locate a particular information source and later, in how to collect it. In general, information is spread in geographically distributed servers when taking into account the Web, but also within organizations scattered on servers and personal computers. Collect this amount of information requires a high computational processing power. In order to to promote support to this demand, the present work proposes a system in which the crawling task is performed in a distributed way. The feasibility demonstration is performed using a prototype implemented from the proposition of a logical view (general functioning) and physical (detailing the technological components). The prototype contains services for analyzing the structure of a given web resource and the crawler itself in a distributed way. It allows gathering the demand for a system which collects information on a large scale. Aiming to analyze the proposed system it was elaborated three scenarios to verify the adaptation of the crawler as well as its processing capacity. The application of the prototype in some scenarios was able to demonstrate that the proposed system is able to obtain consistent and satisfactory results taken into account adaptation and performance on different configurations, in both analysis and collect phases

    Threshold concepts in web development: the impact of education and experience on the perceptions of practitioners

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    The Threshold Concepts (TCs) framework posits characteristics of critical concepts that enable a learner to see things in a new and unforgettable way that allows the incorporation of cognitive approaches and skills needed by professionals in the discipline. All previous research has been qualitatively oriented toward discovery of candidate TCs, without, so far, quantitative studies of the candidate TCs recognition within the professional ranks. An underrepresented group in previous research is that of Web development professionals. This proposal describes initial quantitative research utilizing the TCs framework in the Web development area to measure the perception of candidate TCs by professionals in the field. This study developed and utilized a new survey instrument to determine how a national sample of current Web development professionals perceive a candidate TC and how their work experience and level of education impact their perceptions. The particular candidate TC, Separation of Content, Presentation, and Behavior (SCPB), and its appropriate identifying characteristics were selected from results of previous qualitative research. An exploratory analysis using SPSS was done on results from an initial group surveyed and results from a later group were used for a confirmatory analysis using PLS-SEM. The exploratory analysis sought to reduce the contributing factors used to identify the TC, and these factors and their measures then were used with the latter group in the confirmatory analysis. The factors identified for use were the characteristics of Transformative, Troublesome, Irreversible, and Bounded. The PLS-SEM analysis confirmed that SCPB is perceived as a TC by working Web development professionals by virtue of it containing these characteristics, as the theory indicates. The study looked at work experience, in terms of years in computing and years specifically in Web development, and education, in terms of education level (degree(s) received, if any), degree in a computing field, and years since last in formal education. All of these indicated a significant influence on perception, either positively or negatively, except for the last item which did not exhibit statistical significance in this case

    Repurchase intention model for mobile shopping application users in Malaysia

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    Mobile shopping applications have become a popular channel to reach the omnipresent consumer of today. However, the market space has become highly competitive and therefore, cultivating repurchase behaviour has become pivotal to retain market share and boost sustainability. While the literature regarding initial purchase via a mobile shopping application is well developed, knowledge on how to foster repurchase behaviour in this context is still scarce. The purpose of this research was to explore the consumers’ continuous behavioural intention towards using mobile shopping apps. More specifically, the study investigated to what extent does consumers’ continuance behavioural intention to purchase using mobile shopping applications is shaped by various factors. This study employed the Stimulus- Organism-Response (S-O-R) model as the theoretical framework as well as Delone and McLean’s Information System success model, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM), Flow theory, and mobile featured factors to develop a research model based on a comprehensive literature review. Accordingly, factors of system quality, service quality, information quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, flow experience, perceived ubiquity, interactivity, perceived enjoyment, visual appeal (as Stimulus factors), satisfaction (as Organism factor), and repurchase intention and WOM intention (as Response factors) were included in the research model. In addition, flow experience was considered as the moderator factor on the relationships towards Response factors. In an attempt to examine the relationships between the dependent and independent variables, this study adopted a quantitative, cross-sectional approach, consistent with the positivist paradigm. A structured survey questionnaire was administered to a total of 240 consumers who had previously shopped via a mobile shopping application, using a non-probability purposive sampling approach. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test cause-effect relationships in the model. The results indicated that consumers’ satisfaction with mobile app was significantly explained by the factors of system quality, service quality, visual appeal, perceived ubiquity, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and flow experience. Satisfaction significantly explained consumers repurchase intention and word-ofmouth (WOM) intention. Finally, the moderation analysis revealed that flow experience significantly moderated the relationships towards repurchase intention and WOM intention. This research provides a better insight for future researchers and organizations on continuous usage intention of mobile shopping apps

    WeDRisk :an approach to managing web and distributed software development risks

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    PhD ThesisWeb and distributed software developments are risky and face speci c challenges like time zone and cultural di erences. These challenges have resulted in new risks and risk management needs. In this thesis, a systematic review of existing software risk management approaches was conducted to investigate their ability to satisfy the risk management needs of web and distributed developments. The review identi es a number of weaknesses in existing approaches. Examples are the lack of consideration for web and distributed factors and lack of preparation for atypical risks. A new approach called WeDRisk is introduced to manage the risks from project, process and product perspectives. The WeDRisk approach addresses the weaknesses of existing approaches to risk management, which are less able to deal with the speci c challenges of web and distributed develop- ment. A key part of the approach is exibility to deal with the rapid evolution which is typical of such developments. This exibility is achieved by customiz- ing the risk management and providing a method for coping with atypical risks. WeDRisk also provides an improved risk estimation equation to consider web and distributed factors. The novel aspects of the WeDRisk approach were subjected to a series of evaluation cycles, including peer review, two controlled experiments, expert evaluation and a case study. In addition to a number of improvement sug- gestions, the evaluation results illustrate how WeDRisk is useful, understandable, exible, easy to use, and able to satisfy many web and distributed development risk management needs.Industrial Research Centre and Libyan government-Higher Ed- ucation for the scholarship

    Evaluation of the Wisconsin Career Pathways Web Site: A Comprehensive Plan for Ongoing Development

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    An Evaluation of the Wisconsin Career Pathways Web Site: A Comprehensive Plan for Ongoing Development. Margaret A. Rubin, 2014: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. ERIC Descriptors: Career and Technical Education, Career Exploration, Career Guidance, Evaluation, Web Sites. This research study was designed to provide for the ongoing development and improvement of the Wisconsin Career Pathways Web site. The Web site aids secondary educators in the development of secondary-to-postsecondary programs of study, assists middle and high school students in career exploration and academic planning, and helps middle and high school counselors and advisers guide students for success in college and careers by providing them with access to school-wide and individual student Web-site activity. The Web site was developed in phases following a year of planning during the 2008-09 fiscal year. The concept of programs of study is a relatively new and emerging school-reform initiative, and the Wisconsin Career Pathways Web site project was initiated as a Web-based dynamic data-driven resource to help Wisconsin stakeholders. The Web site has been in a constant state of development, expansion, upgrade, and improvement since the launch of its 1st phase in 2010. A developmental evaluation approach was utilized to address the evolving nature of the Web site. The writer developed online surveys to gather input from 3 stakeholder groups: technical college career-prep administrators, middle and high school counselors and advisers, and secondary program-of-study builders. Following quantitative and qualitative data analysis of the surveys, the writer developed a preliminary plan for the Web site\u27s ongoing development and followed up with a focus-group session of interested survey participants representing each of the stakeholder groups. Based on the analysis of qualitative data collected at the focus-group session, the researcher finalized the preliminary plan. The final plan includes a discussion of the data collected and analyzed as well as recommendations for ongoing development and improvement of the Web site. The sequential mixed-methods approach was instrumental in exposing the satisfactory components of the Web site. In general, the data reflected satisfaction with the Web site, namely its user-friendliness, which was one of the project team\u27s earliest goals for the Web site. The Web site is seen as an essential resource for Wisconsin stakeholders. To keep moving forward with Wisconsin\u27s program-of-study and college and career planning initiatives, addressing the unmet needs of stakeholders will not only increase Web-site usage but will lead to a clearer understanding of those initiatives. Based on the results of this study, the researcher developed a comprehensive plan. The plan suggests that improving the online program-of-study builder tool, providing more training, building reporting capacity, developing a marketing plan, and increasing Web-site interactivity based on push-notification technology are necessary actions for the ongoing development and improvement of the Web site. The findings of the study will be submitted to the Wisconsin Technical College System