4 research outputs found

    Automatic Grading of Programming Assignments

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    Solving practical problems is one of the important aspects of learning programming languages. But the assessment of programming problems is not straightforward. It involves time consuming and tedious steps required to compile and test the solution. In this project, I have developed a online tool, Javabrat that allows the students and language learners to practice Java and Scala problems. Javabrat automatically assesses the user\u27s program and provides the instant feedback to the user. The users can also contribute their own programming problems to the existing problem set. I have also developed a plugin for a learning management system, Moodle. This plugin allows the instructors to create the Java programming assignments in Moodle. The Moodle plugin also facilitates automatic grading of the Java problems

    CSCI: A LEAP into the future

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    This paper outlines the development of a project which aims to improve the teaching and learning outcomes within the Computer Sciences. A major strategy being examined is the effectiveness of digital gamesbased learning. Utilising the Neverwinter Nights game engine the team have created a prototype to be trialled in the first half of 2008. The project forms part of a broader faculty based solution to address teaching and learning problems of first year students, known as QUALITY101

    Automatizaci贸n de los procesos de correcci贸n y autoevaluaci贸n de pr谩cticas en asignaturas con contenidos de programaci贸n mediante herramientas TIC

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    La programaci贸n inform谩tica se ha convertido en los 煤ltimos a帽os en una herramienta transversal en m煤ltiples 谩reas de conocimiento. A trav茅s de la programaci贸n el estu- diante crea programas que presentan un comportamiento deseado en un contexto pr谩ctico concreto. Sin embargo, el proceso de escritura de programaci贸n le demanda al estudiante habitualmente de conocimientos de m煤ltiples 谩reas, dominio de lenguajes de programaci贸n, algoritmos de prop贸sito espec铆fico y l贸gica formal, entre otros. Actualmente, la Universidad de La Laguna incluye la programaci贸n en m煤ltiples titulaciones oficiales. En estas titulaciones el estudiante se enfrenta a la realizaci贸n de m煤ltiples pr谩cticas de laboratorio donde tiene que demostrar sus conocimientos relativos a programaci贸n para la resoluci贸n de alg煤n problema planteado por el profesorado dentro del contexto de la asignatura que imparte. El proceso de correcci贸n de las pr谩cticas involucra un an谩lisis exhaustivo por parte del profesorado de las propuestas de programaci贸n realizadas por el alumnado. Esto habitualmente implica la correcci贸n de un n煤mero elevado de propuestas durante las sesiones pr谩cticas, lo cual da lugar a que el nivel de detalle en la evaluaci贸n sea inevitablemente inferior al deseado. Consecuentemente, se da lugar a que algunos alumnos presenten insatisfacci贸n con las calificaciones ob- tenidas as铆 como extenuaci贸n por parte del profesorado ante la carga de trabajo concentrada en las sesiones pr谩cticas. En este trabajo se plantea el dise帽o, implementaci贸n y validaci贸n de una herra- mienta software que automatiza los procesos de correcci贸n a la vez que facilita la autoevaluaci贸n por parte del alumnado durante el desarrollo de las pr谩cticas.In recent years, computer programming has become a transversal tool in multiple areas of knowledge. The student creates programs that present a desired behavior in a given practical context through the programming. However, the writing process demands the student usually of knowledge about multiple areas, domaining program- ming languages, algorithms of specific purpose, and formal logic, among others. Nowadays, the Universidad de La Laguna includes computer programming in multiple official degrees. In these degrees the student faces the performance of multiple laboratory practices where he has to demonstrate his knowledge related to computer programming for solving a problem proposed by the teacher within the context of the subject he teaches. The process of correcting the practices involves a thorough analysis by the teachers of the programming proposals made by the students. This usually involves asses- sing a large number of proposals during the practice sessions, which results in the level of detail in the evaluation being inevitably lower than desired. Consequently, some students are dissatisfied with the grades obtained as well as exhaustion by the teachers in the face of the workload concentrated in the practical sessions. In this paper, the design, implementation, and validation of a software tool that automates the assessment processes while facilitating self-assessment by students during the development of practices is described

    De la innovaci贸n imaginada a los procesos de cambio

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    En el siglo XXI no podemos ense帽ar sin pensar en las tecnolog铆as, lo que exige primero el desarrollo en el profesorado de una nueva sensibilidad, porque son precisamente las creencias pedag贸gicas el principal freno a la integraci贸n de la tecnolog铆a con car谩cter did谩ctico innovador. Se precisa la adquisici贸n de nuevas habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes. De nuevo compromiso 茅tico y formaci贸n, que son los baluartes de la profesionalidad docente