940 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Grasp Synthesis - A Survey

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    We review the work on data-driven grasp synthesis and the methodologies for sampling and ranking candidate grasps. We divide the approaches into three groups based on whether they synthesize grasps for known, familiar or unknown objects. This structure allows us to identify common object representations and perceptual processes that facilitate the employed data-driven grasp synthesis technique. In the case of known objects, we concentrate on the approaches that are based on object recognition and pose estimation. In the case of familiar objects, the techniques use some form of a similarity matching to a set of previously encountered objects. Finally for the approaches dealing with unknown objects, the core part is the extraction of specific features that are indicative of good grasps. Our survey provides an overview of the different methodologies and discusses open problems in the area of robot grasping. We also draw a parallel to the classical approaches that rely on analytic formulations.Comment: 20 pages, 30 Figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Towards One Shot Learning by Imitation for Humanoid Robots

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    Model-free Probabilistic Movement Primitives for physical interaction

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    Physical interaction in robotics is a complex problem that requires not only accurate reproduction of the kinematic trajectories but also of the forces and torques exhibited during the movement. We base our approach on Movement Primitives (MP), as MPs provide a framework for modelling complex movements and introduce useful operations on the movements, such as generalization to novel situations, time scaling, and others. Usually, MPs are trained with imitation learning, where an expert demonstrates the trajectories. However, MPs used in physical interaction either require additional learning approaches, e.g., reinforcement learning, or are based on handcrafted solutions. Our goal is to learn and generate movements for physical interaction that are learned with imitation learning, from a small set of demonstrated trajectories. The Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMPs) framework is a recent MP approach that introduces beneficial properties, such as combination and blending of MPs, and represents the correlations present in the movement. The ProMPs provides a variable stiffness controller that reproduces the movement but it requires a dynamics model of the system. Learning such a model is not a trivial task, and, therefore, we introduce the model-free ProMPs, that are learning jointly the movement and the necessary actions from a few demonstrations. We derive a variable stiffness controller analytically. We further extent the ProMPs to include force and torque signals, necessary for physical interaction. We evaluate our approach in simulated and real robot tasks

    Evolution of Prehension Ability in an Anthropomorphic Neurorobotic Arm

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    In this paper we show how a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm controlled by an artificial neural network can develop effective reaching and grasping behaviour through a trial and error process in which the free parameters encode the control rules which regulate the fine-grained interaction between the robot and the environment and variations of the free parameters are retained or discarded on the basis of their effects at the level of the global behaviour exhibited by the robot situated in the environment. The obtained results demonstrate how the proposed methodology allows the robot to produce effective behaviours thanks to its ability to exploit the morphological properties of the robot’s body (i.e. its anthropomorphic shape, the elastic properties of its muscle-like actuators, and the compliance of its actuated joints) and the properties which arise from the physical interaction between the robot and the environment mediated by appropriate control rules

    Achieving Synergy in Cognitive Behavior of Humanoids via Deep Learning of Dynamic Visuo-Motor-Attentional Coordination

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    The current study examines how adequate coordination among different cognitive processes including visual recognition, attention switching, action preparation and generation can be developed via learning of robots by introducing a novel model, the Visuo-Motor Deep Dynamic Neural Network (VMDNN). The proposed model is built on coupling of a dynamic vision network, a motor generation network, and a higher level network allocated on top of these two. The simulation experiments using the iCub simulator were conducted for cognitive tasks including visual object manipulation responding to human gestures. The results showed that synergetic coordination can be developed via iterative learning through the whole network when spatio-temporal hierarchy and temporal one can be self-organized in the visual pathway and in the motor pathway, respectively, such that the higher level can manipulate them with abstraction.Comment: submitted to 2015 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robot

    A Posture Sequence Learning System for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand

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    The paper presents a cognitive architecture for posture learning of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. Our approach is aimed to allow the robotic system to perform complex perceptual operations, to interact with a human user and to integrate the perceptions by a cognitive representation of the scene and the observed actions. The anthropomorphic robotic hand imitates the gestures acquired by the vision system in order to learn meaningful movements, to build its knowledge by different conceptual spaces and to perform complex interaction with the human operator