8 research outputs found

    Transformation at Scale: The Experience of Developing No Cost Learning Material for Database-Related Courses

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    The high costs of textbooks have put a big financial burden for many college students, and may become a roadblock for students’ ability to complete their education. In addition, many textbooks are outdated at the publication date, given the dynamic nature of the technology field. In this study, our team of investigators took a collaborative effort to select, organize, and integrate publicly accessible information, and transform those resources into instructionally rigorous learning materials on a series of database related courses in the IT curriculum. The authors also designed and conducted several experiments to evaluate the educational effectiveness of the developed no-cost-to-students learning materials. Our team-oriented and systematic approach on development of cost free course material could be beneficial to our colleagues in the academic community who strive to make higher education more affordable to the students

    Discipline Based Education Research for Animal Welfare Science

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    Animal welfare science features interdisciplinary and collaborative working across fields, spanning behavioural ecology, psychology, veterinary sciences, economics and fundamental biology. However, education research is not yet prevalent within the animal welfare literature. In a Web of Science search there were 188 papers which specifically discussed or explored how to teach animal welfare from 1978 to 2017. Of these, only 34% (n = 61) specifically focussed on instructional design or pedagogical research, and these were predominantly within veterinary education (57%). Despite this, the literature is in broad agreement that animal welfare education is an important topic that should be done well. Within the UK, there were a possible 586 animal-related courses within Universities College Admissions Service database for potential students to choose from, highlighting the significance of robust and considered educational practice. The current gaps identified in the literature were discussion of hidden curriculums outside of veterinary degrees, animal-centred education, the blueprinting of assessment and authentic assessment. Therefore, this review proposes that animal welfare scientists interested in education consider discipline based educational research (DBER) practices, and engage more fully with the educational research literature. A key component of DBER is the recognition that specialist knowledge needs to be taught by specialists, and so it is important that animal welfare scientists begin to access educational research too

    Teachers' Perceived Value, Motivations for and Adoption of Open Educational Resources in Animal and Food Sciences

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    Teachers' motivations behind their view on value and adoption of open educational resources (OER) were investigated based on 101 questionnaire answers from teachers in animal welfare, animal science and food science. A factor analysis uncovered the underlying dimensions for teachers’ motives and indicated that they were complex and linked to subject area. Underlying dimensions for the motives to adopt OER were identified at three levels; individual (e.g. altruism), institutional (e.g. collaboration with peers), and societal (e.g. reaching beyond borders of the academy). The underlying dimensions for the inhibitors for adoption at individual and institutional level were challenges regarding individual competences, quality assessment and teaching practices. When using activity theory, an affinity space could be identified for teachers in animal welfare with its own norms and expectations with regards to the open educational practices. The results suggested that sharing for the benefit of others and collective collaboration with other peers were stronger incentives for teachers in the specific subject of animal welfare than it was for teachers in broader and less contested subject areas. Animal welfare teachers also had low agreement with problems such as OER being deviant to higher education and for being difficult to adapt to teaching context, and these teachers also had a higher adoption rate than other teachers. Furthermore, this study provides evidence that OER challenges the boundaries of higher education and that an affinity space can enable OER adoption

    Faculty Use Of Open Educational Resources: Attitudes, Norms, And Self-Efficacy As Behavioral Predictors.

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    The primary drivers of open educational practices, open educational resources (OER), and OER enabled pedagogy are the faculty who will help transform higher education in these domains. The purpose of this study was to understand factors that lead faculty to use OER and to learn how their use is related to teaching behaviors. It is broadly based on an OER Research Hub hypothesis that the use of OER leads to critical reflection by the educator with evidence of improvement in their practices. Within that hypothesis is the suggestion that the use of OER causes faculty to incorporate a wider range of content, consider different teaching approaches and reflect on their practices as an educator. In this study, the components of this hypothesis are dissected by directly measuring faculty teaching and reflective practices and using the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to explain factors that contributed to the behavior. This research looks at faculty perceived attitudes towards OER, their subjective norms of peers, and their self-efficacy in teaching as determinants of behavior. This yields three research questions. What are the attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control of faculty in relation to three behaviors: use of OER to prepare for instruction, use of OER within a course, and reflective practices. Higher education faculty in the United States were surveyed (n=414) using questions adapted from the Attitude Towards Open Education Resources (ATOER), the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate regression. The findings show the impact that OER use has on how teaching faculty change the way they prepare for classes, the way they engage with students in the classroom, and the way they reflect on their teaching. When looked at independently, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control each significantly explained the use of OER in preparing for instruction and reflective practices. Perceived behavioral control was not significant in explaining use of OER in a course. Multivariate models incorporating all three of the major constructs of the TPB, found the models to be a significant predictors of use of OER in preparing for instruction, use of OER in a course, and faculty reflective practice. However, in both the univariate and the multivariate models, the amount of variance explained was very low, with there being no explanation above 20%. The findings also identified the need for interventions that facilitate transformative teaching using OER. A deeper understanding of the faculty who use OER and the factors related to OER that influence faculty practices is an important contribution to the research

    Barriers to Effective Curriculum Implementation

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    An administration of a private school located in the south reported the problem of a lack of curriculum fidelity to a new phonics program, which created a need to identify barriers preventing full curriculum implementation. Using the concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) as the conceptual framework, this qualitative case study identified concerns and barriers teachers report when implementing a new curriculum and used the. Data were collected from 10 participants (8 teachers and 2 administrators) through a questionnaire, interviews, and observations. Participants were interviewed to identify any barriers experienced with curriculum fidelity of a new phonics program. Teachers were observed to determine which components of the curriculum were present in or omitted from their lessons. Participants completed a questionnaire to determine their levels of concern when asked to implement a new curriculum. Results indicated that teachers required additional information before the expected implementations occur and an understanding of demands on their personal time. Common themes showed a desire for professional development (PD), peer-collaboration, and access to curriculum resources, which served as the basis for the project. The resulting project integrated PD to address concerns connected to reoccurring themes. Implications for social change include change at a systematic level by providing administrators with data to support teachers during curriculum changes and substantiation for the benefits of understanding concerns prior to a change for improving curriculum fidelity

    Teachers\u27 Perceptions on the Implementation of Behavioral Intervention Initiatives in Alternate Schools: A Phenomenological Study

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    The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study was to understand the teachers\u27 perceptions of the implementation of behavior intervention initiatives in alternative schools. The theory guiding this study was the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) framework, as it suggested that teachers\u27 attitudes and behaviors in learning or implementing new philosophies, resources, and methodologies would be addressed to proceed to higher levels of curriculum implementation. This phenomenological study investigated 13 teachers\u27 perceptions of implementing behavior intervention initiatives at several alternative school campuses in the United States. Qualitative data collection methods included individual interviews, a focus group, and questionnaires with experienced teachers who had implemented behavior intervention initiatives within the alternative school. The data analysis process selected was the Moustakas (1994) phenomenological model was described using phenomenological reduction in the following sections. (a) topic bracketing, (b) horizontalization, (c) theme clustering, (d) textural description of the experience, (e) structural descriptions of the experience, and (f) textural-structural synthesis. By analyzing and culling data, three themes emerged as the findings from this study that showed to be the influence of such outcomes in alternative school settings included: (a) misaligned interventions, (b) lack of teacher buy-in, and (c) team collaboration

    A model for effective curriculum implementation in accredited private higher education institutions in Botswana

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    The purpose of the study was to propose a model (framework) for effective implementation of curricula in accredited Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) operating in a highly regulated higher education environment in Botswana. The study used a mixed methods research approach that employed concurrent triangulation design. A structured questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide were used to collect data on the views of both 306 lecturers and 12 academic middle managers (AMMs) respectively, on how the curriculum is implemented in the accredited PHEIs. Data analysis was done using statistical tables, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Mann Whitney U-Test, regression analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM). Results of the study showed that characteristics of the external environment, lecturer, institution as well as characteristics and conception of the curriculum were all statistically, significantly and positively related to effective curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs and hence acted as predictors of effective curriculum implementation in these institutions. The study also showed that factors in the above predictor variables which included heavy workloads, lack of training on pedagogical issues, limited opportunities for staff development in some of the PHEIs, limited teaching resources as well as a highly regulated higher education environment were major challenges affecting effective curriculum implementation in the PHEIS. It emerged from the study that a 1% improvement on each of the predictor variables could lead to improvements in the way curriculum is currently implemented in these institutions. Based on these results, a framework was proposed for enhancing curriculum implementation in accredited PHEIs.Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo eziKhungweni Zemfundo Ephakeme Zangasese ezigunyaziwe (ama-PHEI) eziqhuba umsebenzi wazo ngaphansi kwesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu. Lolu cwaningo lwasebenzisa indlela yokucwaninga exubile ngokulandela i-concurrent triangulation design. Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa i-structured questionnaire kanye ne-semi-structured interview guide ukuqoqa idatha mayelana nemibono yabafundisi basenyuvesi abangama-306 kanye nabaphathi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abasezikhundleni zokuphatha ezimaphakathi (ama-AMM) abayi-12, ngokulandelana, mayelana nendlela okuqaliswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa ngokusebenzisa amathebula ezibalo, i-Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), i-Mann Whitney U-Test, i-regression analysis, i-correlation analysis kanye ne-structural equation modelling (SEM). Imiphumela yocwaningo yabonisa ukuthi izici zobunjalo besimo sangaphandle, izici zomfundisi, izici zesikhungo kanye nezici eziphathelene nekharikhulamu kanye nomsuka womqondo wokusungulwa kwayo, konke kwabe kukhombisa ukuhlobana okucacile futhi obuboniswa nayizibalo phakathi kwalokhu nokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe futhi ngalokho-ke lokhu kwasebenza njengezibikezeli zokuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo kulezi zikhungo. Ucwaningo lwabonisa nokuthi ezinye izimo, ngaphezu kwezibikezeli, ezibandakanya umsebenzi omningi ngokweqile okumele wenziwe ngumfundisi ngamunye, ukuntuleka kokuqeqeshwa mayelana nezindaba eziphathelene nokufundisa, amathuba ayingcosana kakhulu okuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi kwezinye zalezi zikhungo ezingama-PHEI, izinsizakufundisa eziyingcosana kanye nesimo semfundo ephakeme esilawulwa kakhulu, kwabe kuyizinselelo ezinkulu ezinomthelela ekuqalisweni kwekharikhulamu ngempumelelo ezikhungweni ezingama-PHEI. Kwahlaluka ocwaningweni ukuthi ukuphuculwa kwesimo nge-1% esibikezelweni ngasinye kungaholela ekutheni ibe ngcono indlela okusetshenziswa ngayo ikharikhulamu kulezi zikhungo. Ngokususela kule miphumela, kwathuthukiswa imodeli yokwenza ngcono ukuqaliswa kwekharikhulamu kuma-PHEI agunyaziwe.Die doel van die studie was om ʼn model (raamwerk) voor te stel vir doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde private hoëronderwysinstellings (PHEIs) wat in ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing funksioneer. ʼn Gemengdemetode-navorsingsbenadering is gevolg, met gebruik van gelyktydige-triangulasie-ontwerp. ʼn Gestruktureerde vraelys en ʼn halfgestruktureerde onderhoudsgids is gebruik om data in te samel oor die sienings van 306 dosente en 12 akademiese middelbestuurders (AMMs) onderskeidelik, oor hoe die kurrikulum geïmplementeer word in die geakkrediteerde PHEIs. Data is ontleed met behulp van statistiese tabelle, Analise van Variansie (ANOVA), die Mann Whitney U-Test, regressieontleding, korrelasieontleding en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (SEM). Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat eienskappe van die eksterne omgewing; van die dosent; van die instelling, sowel as eienskappe en beskouings van die kurrikulum, almal positiewe, beduidende en statistiese verwantskappe met doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs het, en dus as voorspellers van doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in hierdie instellings opgetree het. Die studie het ook getoon dat faktore in die bogenoemde voorspellerveranderlikes – insluitende aansienlike werkslas, gebrek aan opleiding oor pedagogiese kwessies, beperkte geleenthede vir personeelontwikkeling in sommige van die PHEIs, beperkte onderrighulpbronne, sowel as ʼn hoogs gereguleerde hoëronderwysomgewing – groot uitdagings was wat doeltreffende kurrikulumimplementering in die PHEIs beïnvloed het. Dit het uit die studie geblyk dat ʼn 1%-verbetering in elk van die voorspellerveranderlikes verbeteringe kan teweegbring in die manier waarop die kurrikulum in hierdie instellings geïmplementeer word. Op grond van hierdie resultate is ʼn raamwerk voorgestel om kurrikulumimplementering in geakkrediteerde PHEIs te versterk.Curriculum and Instructional StudiesD. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies