3,953 research outputs found

    Taylor expansion in linear logic is invertible

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    Each Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic (MELL) proof-net can be expanded into a differential net, which is its Taylor expansion. We prove that two different MELL proof-nets have two different Taylor expansions. As a corollary, we prove a completeness result for MELL: We show that the relational model is injective for MELL proof-nets, i.e. the equality between MELL proof-nets in the relational model is exactly axiomatized by cut-elimination

    Glueability of Resource Proof-Structures: Inverting the Taylor Expansion

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    A Multiplicative-Exponential Linear Logic (MELL) proof-structure can be expanded into a set of resource proof-structures: its Taylor expansion. We introduce a new criterion characterizing those sets of resource proof-structures that are part of the Taylor expansion of some MELL proof-structure, through a rewriting system acting both on resource and MELL proof-structures

    Well-Pointed Coalgebras

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    For endofunctors of varieties preserving intersections, a new description of the final coalgebra and the initial algebra is presented: the former consists of all well-pointed coalgebras. These are the pointed coalgebras having no proper subobject and no proper quotient. The initial algebra consists of all well-pointed coalgebras that are well-founded in the sense of Osius and Taylor. And initial algebras are precisely the final well-founded coalgebras. Finally, the initial iterative algebra consists of all finite well-pointed coalgebras. Numerous examples are discussed e.g. automata, graphs, and labeled transition systems

    Topological and algebraic structures on the ring of Fermat reals

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    The ring of Fermat reals is an extension of the real field containing nilpotent infinitesimals, and represents an alternative to Synthetic Differential Geometry in classical logic. In the present paper, our first aim is to study this ring from using standard topological and algebraic structures. We present the Fermat topology, generated by a complete pseudo-metric, and the omega topology, generated by a complete metric. The first one is closely related to the differentiation of (non standard) smooth functions defined on open sets of Fermat reals. The second one is connected to the differentiation of smooth functions defined on infinitesimal sets. Subsequently, we prove that every (proper) ideal is a set of infinitesimals whose order is less than or equal to some real number. Finally, we define and study roots of infinitesimals. A computer implementation as well as an application to infinitesimal Taylor formulas with fractional derivatives are presented.Comment: 43 page
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