7 research outputs found

    Changing the focus: worker-centric optimization in human-in-the-loop computations

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    A myriad of emerging applications from simple to complex ones involve human cognizance in the computation loop. Using the wisdom of human workers, researchers have solved a variety of problems, termed as “micro-tasks” such as, captcha recognition, sentiment analysis, image categorization, query processing, as well as “complex tasks” that are often collaborative, such as, classifying craters on planetary surfaces, discovering new galaxies (Galaxyzoo), performing text translation. The current view of “humans-in-the-loop” tends to see humans as machines, robots, or low-level agents used or exploited in the service of broader computation goals. This dissertation is developed to shift the focus back to humans, and study different data analytics problems, by recognizing characteristics of the human workers, and how to incorporate those in a principled fashion inside the computation loop. The first contribution of this dissertation is to propose an optimization framework and a real world system to personalize worker’s behavior by developing a worker model and using that to better understand and estimate task completion time. The framework judiciously frames questions and solicits worker feedback on those to update the worker model. Next, improving workers skills through peer interaction during collaborative task completion is studied. A suite of optimization problems are identified in that context considering collaborativeness between the members as it plays a major role in peer learning. Finally, “diversified” sequence of work sessions for human workers is designed to improve worker satisfaction and engagement while completing tasks

    Impact of crowdsourcee’s vertical fairness concern on the crowdsourcing knowledge sharing behavior and its incentive mechanism

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    This paper examines in detail the impact of the crowdsourcee’s vertical fairness concern on the knowledge sharing incentive mechanism in crowdsourcing communities. The conditions for the establishment of the incentive mechanism are analyzed and the impact of fairness concern sensitivity on expected economic revenues of both sides as well as the crowdsourcing project performance is studied by game theory and computer simulation. The results show that the knowledge sharing incentive mechanism can only be established if the ratio between the performance improvement rate and the private cost reduction rate caused by shared knowledge is within a certain range. The degree of the optimal linear incentives, the private solution efforts, and the improvement of knowledge sharing level are positively correlated with the sensitivity of vertical fairness concern. In the non-incentive mode, the ratio between the performance conversion rate of private solution effort and the performance conversion rate of knowledge sharing effort plays an important role in moderating a crowdsourcing project’s performance. The authors find that the number of participants is either conducive or non-conducive to the improvement of performance. The implementation of knowledge sharing incentive can achieve a win-win situation for both the crowdsourcer and the crowdsource

    Human-AI complex task planning

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    The process of complex task planning is ubiquitous and arises in a variety of compelling applications. A few leading examples include designing a personalized course plan or trip plan, designing music playlists/work sessions in web applications, or even planning routes of naval assets to collaboratively discover an unknown destination. For all of these aforementioned applications, creating a plan requires satisfying a basic construct, i.e., composing a sequence of sub-tasks (or items) that optimizes several criteria and satisfies constraints. For instance, in course planning, sub-tasks or items are core and elective courses, and degree requirements capture their complex dependencies as constraints. In trip planning, sub-tasks are points of interest (POIs) and constraints represent time and monetary budget, or user-specified requirements. Needless to say, task plans are to be individualized and designed considering uncertainty. When done manually, the process is human-intensive and tedious, and unlikely to scale. The goal of this dissertation is to present computational frameworks that synthesize the capabilities of human and AI algorithms to enable task planning at scale while satisfying multiple objectives and complex constraints. This dissertation makes significant contributions in four main areas, (i) proposing novel models, (ii) designing principled scalable algorithms, (iii) conducting rigorous experimental analysis, and (iv) deploying designed solutions in the real-world. A suite of constrained and multi-objective optimization problems has been formalized, with a focus on their applicability across diverse domains. From an algorithmic perspective, the dissertation proposes principled algorithms with theoretical guarantees adapted from discrete optimization techniques, as well as Reinforcement Learning based solutions. The memory and computational efficiency of these algorithms have been studied, and optimization opportunities have been proposed. The designed solutions are extensively evaluated on various large-scale real-world and synthetic datasets and compared against multiple baseline solutions after appropriate adaptation. This dissertation also presents user study results involving human subjects to validate the effectiveness of the proposed models. Lastly, a notable outcome of this dissertation is the deployment of one of the developed solutions at the Naval Postgraduate School. This deployment enables simultaneous route planning for multiple assets that are robust to uncertainty under multiple contexts

    Diversity and Novelty: Measurement, Learning and Optimization

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    The primary objective of this dissertation is to investigate research methods to answer the question: ``How (and why) does one measure, learn and optimize novelty and diversity of a set of items?" The computational models we develop to answer this question also provide foundational mathematical techniques to throw light on the following three questions: 1. How does one reliably measure the creativity of ideas? 2. How does one form teams to evaluate design ideas? 3. How does one filter good ideas out of hundreds of submissions? Solutions to these questions are key to enable the effective processing of a large collection of design ideas generated in a design contest. In the first part of the dissertation, we discuss key qualities needed in design metrics and propose new diversity and novelty metrics for judging design products. We show that the proposed metrics have higher accuracy and sensitivity compared to existing alternatives in literature. To measure the novelty of a design item, we propose learning from human subjective responses to derive low dimensional triplet embeddings. To measure diversity, we propose an entropy-based diversity metric, which is more accurate and sensitive than benchmarks. In the second part of the dissertation, we introduce the bipartite b-matching problem and argue the need for incorporating diversity in the objective function for matching problems. We propose new submodular and supermodular objective functions to measure diversity and develop multiple matching algorithms for diverse team formation in offline and online cases. Finally, in the third part, we demonstrate filtering and ranking of ideas using diversity metrics based on Determinantal Point Processes as well as submodular functions. In real-world crowd experiments, we demonstrate that such ranking enables increased efficiency in filtering high-quality ideas compared to traditionally used methods

    Task Composition in Crowdsourcing

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    International audienceCrowdsourcing has gained popularity in a variety of domains as an increasing number of jobs are " taskified " and completed independently by a set of workers. A central process in crowdsourcing is the mechanism through which workers find tasks. On popular platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, tasks can be sorted by dimensions such as creation date or reward amount. Research efforts on task assignment have focused on adopting a requester-centric approach whereby tasks are proposed to workers in order to maximize overall task throughput, result quality and cost. In this paper, we advocate the need to complement that with a worker-centric approach to task assignment, and examine the problem of producing, for each worker, a personalized summary of tasks that preserves overall task throughput. We formalize task composition for workers as an optimization problem that finds a representative set of k valid and relevant Composite Tasks (CTs). Validity enforces that a composite task complies with the task arrival rate and satisfies the worker's expected wage. Relevance imposes that tasks match the worker's qualifications. We show empirically that workers' experience is greatly improved due to task homogeneity in each CT and to the adequation of CTs with workers' skills. As a result task throughput is improved