3 research outputs found

    Targeted Linked-Data Extractor

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    The Linked Data Cloud is too big to be locally manipulated by standard computers and all use-cases doesn’t need to manipulate the whole cloud. To get exactly what is needed for a specific use-case, we need to obtain the specific parts from each bases of the Linked Data Cloud. This paper proposes a method to smartly extract a sub-part of the Linked Data Cloud driving by a list of resources called seeds. This method consist of extracting data starting from seed resources and recursively expanding the extraction to their neighbours

    Linked Dataを用いた俯瞰的な多肢選択式問題自動生成手法の提案

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    近年,教科全体や科目内全体で俯瞰的な学習が求められている.特に教科・科目間の関連を図った横断的な学習が必要とされていること,多肢選択式問題が大量かつ広範囲の出題に向いており多分野の出題に対応する形式であることから,学習者と出題者の双方にとって俯瞰的な多肢選択式問題が有用であると考えられる.“俯瞰的な問題”とは,幅広い関連情報を含み全体像をとらえさせるような内容である.一方,俯瞰的な問題を人手で生成・収集することはコストがかかる.そこで本研究では,出題時に幅広い関連情報を提示することで俯瞰的な視点で問題をとらえさせるような,多肢選択式問題の自動生成手法を提案する.本手法では,多肢選択式問題を構成する問題と選択肢に対してそれぞれ要件を設定し,Linked Dataを利用した自動問題生成アプローチを考案する.Linked Dataとは,構造化されたデータどうしをリンクさせることができるグラフデータである.出題形式として,単一の正解が存在する単数回答形式,複数の正解が存在する複数回答形式,複数の問題に対して単一の正解の組合せが存在する組合せ回答形式の3種類の生成アルゴリズムを提案した.生成問題に対する評価では,被験者として教職免許状所持者と学生に出題したうえで,要件に対応して設定した評価項目を満たすことを確かめた.In recent years, just about all subjects require students to learn in a broad perspective. Because the need exists for cross-curriculum learning aimed at relating subject areas, it is useful for multiple choice questions to include panoramic information for learners. Panoramic information means comprehensive information that gives us macro-perspective; through which us look down at the whole learning subjects. A question including panoramic information refers to content that includes transverse related information and makes respondents grasp the whole knowledge. However, it is costly to manually generate and collect appropriate multiple-choice questions for learners and exam preparers. Therefore, in this research, we propose a method for automatic generation of multiple choice questions including panoramic information using Linked Data. Linked Data is graphical data that can link structured data, and it is used as a technology for data integration and utilization. In this paper, we aim to realize a system for automatically generating three types of multiple choice questions by implementing an approach to generating questions and choices. An evaluation method for the generation of questions and choices involves setting indicators for each evaluation item, such as validity and the degree of the inclusion of panoramic information

    Targeted Linked-Data Extractor

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