414 research outputs found

    Targeted Automatic Integer Overflow Discovery Using Goal-Directed Conditional Branch Enforcement

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    We present a new technique and system, DIODE, for auto- matically generating inputs that trigger overflows at memory allocation sites. DIODE is designed to identify relevant sanity checks that inputs must satisfy to trigger overflows at target memory allocation sites, then generate inputs that satisfy these sanity checks to successfully trigger the overflow. DIODE works with off-the-shelf, production x86 binaries. Our results show that, for our benchmark set of applications, and for every target memory allocation site exercised by our seed inputs (which the applications process correctly with no overflows), either 1) DIODE is able to generate an input that triggers an overflow at that site or 2) there is no input that would trigger an overflow for the observed target expression at that site.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant FA8650-11-C-7192

    Automatic Discovery and Patching of Buffer and Integer Overflow Errors

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    We present Targeted Automatic Patching (TAP), an automatic buffer and integer overflow discovery and patching system. Starting with an application and a seed input that the application processes correctly, TAP dynamically analyzes the execution of the application to locate target memory allocation sites and statements that access dynamically or statically allocated blocks of memory. It then uses targeted error-discovery techniques to automatically generate inputs that trigger integer and/or buffer overflows at the target sites. When it discovers a buffer or integer overflow error, TAP automatically matches and applies patch templates to generate patches that eliminate the error. Our experimental results show that TAP successfully discovers and patches two buffer and six integer overflow errors in six real-world applications

    An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems

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    We analyze reported patches for three existing generate-and-validate patch generation systems (GenProg, RSRepair, and AE). The basic principle behind generate-and-validate systems is to accept only plausible patches that produce correct outputs for all inputs in the test suite used to validate the patches. Because of errors in the patch evaluation infrastructure, the majority of the reported patches are not plausible --- they do not produce correct outputs even for the inputs in the validation test suite. The overwhelming majority of the reported patches are not correct and are equivalent to a single modification that simply deletes functionality. Observed negative effects include the introduction of security vulnerabilities and the elimination of desirable standard functionality. We also present Kali, a generate-and-validate patch generation system that only deletes functionality. Working with a simpler and more effectively focused search space, Kali generates at least as many correct patches as prior GenProg, RSRepair, and AE systems. Kali also generates at least as many patches that produce correct outputs for the inputs in the validation test suite as the three prior systems. We also discuss patches produced by ClearView, a generate-and-validate binary hot patching system that leverages learned invariants to produce patches that enable systems to survive otherwise fatal defects and security attacks. Our analysis indicates that ClearView successfully patches 9 of the 10 security vulnerabilities used to evaluate the system. At least 4 of these patches are correct

    Control-Flow Security.

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    Computer security is a topic of paramount importance in computing today. Though enormous effort has been expended to reduce the software attack surface, vulnerabilities remain. In contemporary attacks, subverting the control-flow of an application is often the cornerstone to a successful attempt to compromise a system. This subversion, known as a control-flow attack, remains as an essential building block of many software exploits. This dissertation proposes a multi-pronged approach to securing software control-flow to harden the software attack surface. The primary domain of this dissertation is the elimination of the basic mechanism in software enabling control-flow attacks. I address the prevalence of such attacks by going to the heart of the problem, removing all of the operations that inject runtime data into program control. This novel approach, Control-Data Isolation, provides protection by subtracting the root of the problem; indirect control-flow. Previous works have attempted to address control-flow attacks by layering additional complexity in an effort to shield software from attack. In this work, I take a subtractive approach; subtracting the primary cause of both contemporary and classic control-flow attacks. This novel approach to security advances the state of the art in control-flow security by ensuring the integrity of the programmer-intended control-flow graph of an application at runtime. Further, this dissertation provides methodologies to eliminate the barriers to adoption of control-data isolation while simultaneously moving ahead to reduce future attacks. The secondary domain of this dissertation is technique which leverages the process by which software is engineered, tested, and executed to pinpoint the statements in software which are most likely to be exploited by an attacker, defined as the Dynamic Control Frontier. Rather than reacting to successful attacks by patching software, the approach in this dissertation will move ahead of the attacker and identify the susceptible code regions before they are compromised. In total, this dissertation combines software and hardware design techniques to eliminate contemporary control-flow attacks. Further, it demonstrates the efficacy and viability of a subtractive approach to software security, eliminating the elements underlying security vulnerabilities.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133304/1/warthur_1.pd

    Combining Static Analysis and Targeted Symbolic Execution for Scalable Bug-finding in Application Binaries

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    Manual software testing is laborious and prone to human error. Yet, it is the most popular method for quality assurance. Automating the test-case generation promises better effectiveness, especially for exposing “deep” corner-case bugs. Symbolic execution is an automated technique for program analysis that has recently become practical due to advances in constraint solvers. It stands out as an automated testing technique that has no false positives, it eventually enumerates all feasible program executions, and can prioritize executions of interest. However, “path explosion”, the fact that the number of program executions is typically at least exponential in the size of the program, hinders the adoption of symbolic execution in the real world, where program commonly reaches millions of lines of code. In this thesis, we present a method for generating test-cases using symbolic execution which reach a given potentially buggy “target” statement. Such a potentially buggy program statement can be found by static program analysis or from crash-reports given by users and serve as input to our technique. The test-case generated by our technique serves as a proof of the bug. Generating crashes at the target statement have many applications including re-producing crashes, checking warnings generated by static program analysis tools, or analysis of source code patches in code review process. By constantly steering the symbolic execution along the branches that are most likely to lead to the target program statement and pruning the search space that are unlikely to reach the target, we were able to detect deep bugs in real programs. To tackle exponential growth of program paths, we propose a new scheme to manage program execution paths without exhausting memory. Experiments on real-life programs demonstrate that our tool WatSym, built on selective symbolic execution engine S2E, can generate crashing inputs in feasible time and order of magnitude better than symbolic approaches (as embodied by S2E) failed
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