9,764 research outputs found

    Loop Spaces and Connections

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    We examine the geometry of loop spaces in derived algebraic geometry and extend in several directions the well known connection between rotation of loops and the de Rham differential. Our main result, a categorification of the geometric description of cyclic homology, relates S^1-equivariant quasicoherent sheaves on the loop space of a smooth scheme or geometric stack X in characteristic zero with sheaves on X with flat connection, or equivalently D_X-modules. By deducing the Hodge filtration on de Rham modules from the formality of cochains on the circle, we are able to recover D_X-modules precisely rather than a periodic version. More generally, we consider the rotated Hopf fibration Omega S^3 --> Omega S^2 --> S^1, and relate Omega S^2-equivariant sheaves on the loop space with sheaves on X with arbitrary connection, with curvature given by their Omega S^3-equivariance.Comment: Revised versio

    Non-involutory Hopf algebras and 3-manifold invariants

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    We present a definition of an invariant #(M,H), defined for every finite-dimensional Hopf algebra (or Hopf superalgebra or Hopf object) H and for every closed, framed 3-manifold M. When H is a quantized universal enveloping algebra, #(M,H) is closely related to well-known quantum link invariants such as the HOMFLY polynomial, but it is not a topological quantum field theory.Comment: 36 page

    T-duality of current algebras and their quantization

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    In this paper we show that the T-duality transform of Bouwknegt, Evslin and Mathai applies to determine isomorphisms of certain current algebras and their associated vertex algebras on topologically distinct T-dual spacetimes compactified to circle bundles with HH-flux.Comment: 21 pages. 3 references added and to appear in Contemp. Mat

    T-Duality from super Lie n-algebra cocycles for super p-branes

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    We compute the L∞L_\infty-theoretic dimensional reduction of the F1/Dpp-brane super L∞L_\infty-cocycles with coefficients in rationalized twisted K-theory from the 10d type IIA and type IIB super Lie algebras down to 9d. We show that the two resulting coefficient L∞L_\infty-algebras are naturally related by an L∞L_\infty-isomorphism which we find to act on the super pp-brane cocycles by the infinitesimal version of the rules of topological T-duality and inducing an isomorphism between K0K^0 and K1K^1, rationally. In particular this is a derivation of the Buscher rules for RR-fields (Hori's formula) from first principles. Moreover, we show that these L∞L_\infty-algebras are the homotopy quotients of the RR-charge coefficients by the "T-duality Lie 2-algebra". We find that the induced L∞L_\infty-extension is a gerby extension of a 9+(1+1) dimensional (i.e. "doubled") T-duality correspondence super-spacetime, which serves as a local model for T-folds. We observe that this still extends, via the D0-brane cocycle of its type IIA factor, to a 10+(1+1)-dimensional super Lie algebra. Finally we observe that this satisfies expected properties of a local model space for F-theory elliptic fibrations.Comment: 44 pages; v2: added more discussion of double dimensional reduction via cyclic L-infinity cohomology; v3: added derivation of Buscher rules for RR-fields, expanded on role of curved L-infinity algebras in double dimensional reductio
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