8 research outputs found

    Tamari Lattices and the symmetric Thompson monoid

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    We investigate the connection between Tamari lattices and the Thompson group F, summarized in the fact that F is a group of fractions for a certain monoid F+sym whose Cayley graph includes all Tamari lattices. Under this correspondence, the Tamari lattice operations are the counterparts of the least common multiple and greatest common divisor operations in F+sym. As an application, we show that, for every n, there exists a length l chain in the nth Tamari lattice whose endpoints are at distance at most 12l/n.Comment: 35page

    KP line solitons and Tamari lattices

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    The KP-II equation possesses a class of line soliton solutions which can be qualitatively described via a tropical approximation as a chain of rooted binary trees, except at "critical" events where a transition to a different rooted binary tree takes place. We prove that these correspond to maximal chains in Tamari lattices (which are poset structures on associahedra). We further derive results that allow to compute details of the evolution, including the critical events. Moreover, we present some insights into the structure of the more general line soliton solutions. All this yields a characterization of possible evolutions of line soliton patterns on a shallow fluid surface (provided that the KP-II approximation applies).Comment: 49 pages, 36 figures, second version: section 4 expande

    On the rotation distance between binary trees

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    We develop combinatorial methods for computing the rotation distance between binary trees, i.e., equivalently, the flip distance between triangulations of a polygon. As an application, we prove that, for each n, there exist size n trees at distance 2n - O(sqrt(n))

    Polygraphs: From Rewriting to Higher Categories

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    Polygraphs are a higher-dimensional generalization of the notion of directed graph. Based on those as unifying concept, this monograph on polygraphs revisits the theory of rewriting in the context of strict higher categories, adopting the abstract point of view offered by homotopical algebra. The first half explores the theory of polygraphs in low dimensions and its applications to the computation of the coherence of algebraic structures. It is meant to be progressive, with little requirements on the background of the reader, apart from basic category theory, and is illustrated with algorithmic computations on algebraic structures. The second half introduces and studies the general notion of n-polygraph, dealing with the homotopy theory of those. It constructs the folk model structure on the category of strict higher categories and exhibits polygraphs as cofibrant objects. This allows extending to higher dimensional structures the coherence results developed in the first half

    Subject Index Volumes 1–200

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