6 research outputs found

    Simulation of a Tele-Surgery process through a Live Video Streaming service, using Simu5G and Wowza

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    Telematic services that require low latency for real-time applications and that make use of wireless mobile networks are increasingly popular. In the case of Tele-Surgery services that employ Live Video Streaming (LVS), latency times of the order of 1ms are needed. Given the difficulty of implementing real 5G test scenarios that enable this type of service to be characterized, this paper presents an emulation scenario that uses Simu5G to simulate the network, Wowza as a real video server, OBS Studio for transmission and VLC media player for content playback. This emulation scenario makes it possible to modify such parameters as bitrate, bandwidth, frequency and numerology index in order to evaluate different network configurations. By varying these parameters in a controlled way, packet losses are obtained for different bitrate values. The best quality video was obtained with a bitrate of 3000 Kbps.Los servicios telemáticos que requieren baja latencia para aplicaciones en tiempo real y que utilizan las redes móviles inalámbricas son cada vez más populares. El caso del servicio de Tele-Cirugía que emplea la técnica de Live Video Streaming –LVS requiere tiempos de latencia del orden de 1ms. Ante la dificultad de implementar escenarios de prueba reales de 5G que permitan caracterizar este tipo de servicios, se presenta en este trabajo un escenario de emulación que emplea Simu5G para simular la red, Wowza como servidor real de video, OBS Studio para la transmisión y VLC media player para la reproducción del contenido. Este escenario de emulación permite modificar parámetros como bitrate, ancho de banda, frecuencia e índice de numerología; con el objetivo de evaluar diferentes configuraciones de red. Variando de forma controlada los parámetros mencionados, se obtienen las pérdidas de paquetes para diferentes valores de bitrate. De acuerdo a los resultados, y para el escenario de prueba particular, el vídeo con una mejor calidad se obtuvo con un bitrate de 3000 Kbps.

    Proposed Fuzzy Real-Time HaPticS Protocol Carrying Haptic Data and Multisensory Streams

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    Sensory and haptic data transfers to critical real-time applications over the Internet require better than best effort transport, strict timely and reliable ordered deliveries. Multi-sensory applications usually include video and audio streams with real-time control and sensory data, which aggravate and compress within real-time flows. Such real-time are vulnerable to synchronization to synchronization problems, if combined with poor Internet links. Apart from the use of differentiated QoS and MPLS services, several haptic transport protocols have been proposed to confront such issues, focusing on minimizing flows rate disruption while maintaining a steady transmission rate at the sender. Nevertheless, these protocols fail to cope with network variations and queuing delays posed by the Internet routers. This paper proposes a new haptic protocol that tries to alleviate such inadequacies using three different metrics: mean frame delay, jitter and frame loss calculated at the receiver end and propagated to the sender. In order to dynamically adjust flow rate in a fuzzy controlled manners, the proposed protocol includes a fuzzy controller to its protocol structure. The proposed FRTPS protocol (Fuzzy Real-Time haPticS protocol), utilizes crisp inputs into a fuzzification process followed by fuzzy control rules in order to calculate a crisp level output service class, denoted as Service Rate Level (SRL). The experimental results of FRTPS over RTP show that FRTPS outperforms RTP in cases of congestion incidents, out of order deliveries and goodput

    Viabilidade do serviço telecirurgia na Região Autónoma dos Açores suportado pela rede 5G

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    Os avanços tecnológicos na medicina são permanentes e apresentam um cenário de desenvolvimento muito encorajador a vários níveis, tais como tratamentos, equipamentos, medicamentos, vacinas ou segurança hospitalar. As telecomunicações e, em particular, as redes 5G acompanham esta evolução e têm permitido avanços consideráveis ao nível da velocidade, latência e cobertura. A tecnologia da rede 5G é considerada como uma das tecnologias impulsionadoras de diversas mudanças na sociedade. Entre os múltiplos usos que esta oferece, está a Telecirurgia. Em situações em que o paciente precisa de uma cirurgia especializada, mas não existem condições para que este seja transportado até ao local onde possa ser efetuada a intervenção cirúrgica, a Telecirurgia possibilita-lhe o acesso ao procedimento, com a velocidade e a segurança que a tecnologia da rede 5G disponibiliza. Devido à condição geográfica insular da Região Autónoma dos Açores, este estudo poderá ser de enorme importância para quebrar esta condição que se apresenta como uma barreira no campo da saúde. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo estudar a viabilidade da implementação de um serviço de Telecirurgia na Região Autónoma dos Açores suportada pela rede 5G. Para o efeito, será utilizada a metodologia Survey, com recurso a um inquérito por entrevista, focado nas áreas científicas de medicina e de engenharia, para apoiar as questões de investigação. Após realizar as entrevistas, foi feita uma análise qualitativa de dados com recurso ao software "QSR NVivo" e apresentado um conjunto de conclusões, limitações e considerações futuras.Technological advances in medicine are permanent and present a very encouraging development scenario at various levels, such as treatments, equipment, medicines, vaccines or hospital safety. Telecommunications and, in particular, 5G networks follow this development and have made considerable strides in speed, latency and coverage. 5G network technology is considered one of the driving forces behind various societal changes. Among the multiple uses, it offers is Telesurgery. In situations where the patient needs specialized surgery, but there are no conditions for it to be transported to where surgical intervention can be performed, Telesurgery allows him access to the procedure with the speed and safety that 5G network technology provides. Due to the insular geographical condition of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, this study may be of great importance in breaking this condition, which presents itself as a barrier in health. In this context, this work has as its main objective to present a proposal for guidance for implementing a Telesurgery service in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, supported by the 5G network. In this context, the main objective of this work is to study the feasibility of implementing a Tele-Surgery service in the Autonomous Region of the Azores supported by the 5G network. For this purpose, the Survey methodology will be used, using a survey, with an interview focused on the scientific areas of medicine and engineering to support the research questions. After conducting the interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed using the "QSR NVivo" software and a set of conclusions, limitations and future considerations were presented

    Behavioral authentication for security and safety

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    The issues of both system security and safety can be dissected integrally from the perspective of behavioral appropriateness. That is, a system that is secure or safe can be judged by whether the behavior of certain agent(s) is appropriate or not. Specifically, a so-called appropriate behavior involves the right agent performing the right actions at the right time under certain conditions. Then, according to different levels of appropriateness and degrees of custodies, behavioral authentication can be graded into three levels, i.e., the authentication of behavioral Identity, Conformity, and Benignity. In a broad sense, for the security and safety issue, behavioral authentication is not only an innovative and promising method due to its inherent advantages but also a critical and fundamental problem due to the ubiquity of behavior generation and the necessity of behavior regulation in any system. By this classification, this review provides a comprehensive examination of the background and preliminaries of behavioral authentication. It further summarizes existing research based on their respective focus areas and characteristics. The challenges confronted by current behavioral authentication methods are analyzed, and potential research directions are discussed to promote the diversified and integrated development of behavioral authentication

    A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet: State of the art and Research Directions

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    The Internet has made several giant leaps over the years, from a fixed to a mobile Internet, then to the Internet of Things, and now to a Tactile Internet. The Tactile Internet goes far beyond data, audio and video delivery over fixed and mobile networks, and even beyond allowing communication and collaboration among things. It is expected to enable haptic communication and allow skill set delivery over networks. Some examples of potential applications are tele-surgery, vehicle fleets, augmented reality and industrial process automation. Several papers already cover many of the Tactile Internet-related concepts and technologies, such as haptic codecs, applications, and supporting technologies. However, none of them offers a comprehensive survey of the Tactile Internet, including its architectures and algorithms. Furthermore, none of them provides a systematic and critical review of the existing solutions. To address these lacunae, we provide a comprehensive survey of the architectures and algorithms proposed to date for the Tactile Internet. In addition, we critically review them using a well-defined set of requirements and discuss some of the lessons learned as well as the most promising research directions