23 research outputs found

    PatDNN: Achieving Real-Time DNN Execution on Mobile Devices with Pattern-based Weight Pruning

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    With the emergence of a spectrum of high-end mobile devices, many applications that formerly required desktop-level computation capability are being transferred to these devices. However, executing the inference of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is still challenging considering high computation and storage demands, specifically, if real-time performance with high accuracy is needed. Weight pruning of DNNs is proposed, but existing schemes represent two extremes in the design space: non-structured pruning is fine-grained, accurate, but not hardware friendly; structured pruning is coarse-grained, hardware-efficient, but with higher accuracy loss. In this paper, we introduce a new dimension, fine-grained pruning patterns inside the coarse-grained structures, revealing a previously unknown point in design space. With the higher accuracy enabled by fine-grained pruning patterns, the unique insight is to use the compiler to re-gain and guarantee high hardware efficiency. In other words, our method achieves the best of both worlds, and is desirable across theory/algorithm, compiler, and hardware levels. The proposed PatDNN is an end-to-end framework to efficiently execute DNN on mobile devices with the help of a novel model compression technique (pattern-based pruning based on extended ADMM solution framework) and a set of thorough architecture-aware compiler- and code generation-based optimizations (filter kernel reordering, compressed weight storage, register load redundancy elimination, and parameter auto-tuning). Evaluation results demonstrate that PatDNN outperforms three state-of-the-art end-to-end DNN frameworks, TensorFlow Lite, TVM, and Alibaba Mobile Neural Network with speedup up to 44.5x, 11.4x, and 7.1x, respectively, with no accuracy compromise. Real-time inference of representative large-scale DNNs (e.g., VGG-16, ResNet-50) can be achieved using mobile devices.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 20

    SoC-Cluster as an Edge Server: an Application-driven Measurement Study

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    Huge electricity consumption is a severe issue for edge data centers. To this end, we propose a new form of edge server, namely SoC-Cluster, that orchestrates many low-power mobile system-on-chips (SoCs) through an on-chip network. For the first time, we have developed a concrete SoC-Cluster server that consists of 60 Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoCs in a 2U rack. Such a server has been commercialized successfully and deployed in large scale on edge clouds. The current dominant workload on those deployed SoC-Clusters is cloud gaming, as mobile SoCs can seamlessly run native mobile games. The primary goal of this work is to demystify whether SoC-Cluster can efficiently serve more general-purpose, edge-typical workloads. Therefore, we built a benchmark suite that leverages state-of-the-art libraries for two killer edge workloads, i.e., video transcoding and deep learning inference. The benchmark comprehensively reports the performance, power consumption, and other application-specific metrics. We then performed a thorough measurement study and directly compared SoC-Cluster with traditional edge servers (with Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU) with respect to physical size, electricity, and billing. The results reveal the advantages of SoC-Cluster, especially its high energy efficiency and the ability to proportionally scale energy consumption with various incoming loads, as well as its limitations. The results also provide insightful implications and valuable guidance to further improve SoC-Cluster and land it in broader edge scenarios

    RT3D: Achieving Real-Time Execution of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks on Mobile Devices

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    Mobile devices are becoming an important carrier for deep learning tasks, as they are being equipped with powerful, high-end mobile CPUs and GPUs. However, it is still a challenging task to execute 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) targeting for real-time performance, besides high inference accuracy. The reason is more complex model structure and higher model dimensionality overwhelm the available computation/storage resources on mobile devices. A natural way may be turning to deep learning weight pruning techniques. However, the direct generalization of existing 2D CNN weight pruning methods to 3D CNNs is not ideal for fully exploiting mobile parallelism while achieving high inference accuracy. This paper proposes RT3D, a model compression and mobile acceleration framework for 3D CNNs, seamlessly integrating neural network weight pruning and compiler code generation techniques. We propose and investigate two structured sparsity schemes i.e., the vanilla structured sparsity and kernel group structured (KGS) sparsity that are mobile acceleration friendly. The vanilla sparsity removes whole kernel groups, while KGS sparsity is a more fine-grained structured sparsity that enjoys higher flexibility while exploiting full on-device parallelism. We propose a reweighted regularization pruning algorithm to achieve the proposed sparsity schemes. The inference time speedup due to sparsity is approaching the pruning rate of the whole model FLOPs (floating point operations). RT3D demonstrates up to 29.1×\times speedup in end-to-end inference time comparing with current mobile frameworks supporting 3D CNNs, with moderate 1%-1.5% accuracy loss. The end-to-end inference time for 16 video frames could be within 150 ms, when executing representative C3D and R(2+1)D models on a cellphone. For the first time, real-time execution of 3D CNNs is achieved on off-the-shelf mobiles.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21

    SoD2^2: Statically Optimizing Dynamic Deep Neural Network

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    Though many compilation and runtime systems have been developed for DNNs in recent years, the focus has largely been on static DNNs. Dynamic DNNs, where tensor shapes and sizes and even the set of operators used are dependent upon the input and/or execution, are becoming common. This paper presents SoD2^2, a comprehensive framework for optimizing Dynamic DNNs. The basis of our approach is a classification of common operators that form DNNs, and the use of this classification towards a Rank and Dimension Propagation (RDP) method. This framework statically determines the shapes of operators as known constants, symbolic constants, or operations on these. Next, using RDP we enable a series of optimizations, like fused code generation, execution (order) planning, and even runtime memory allocation plan generation. By evaluating the framework on 10 emerging Dynamic DNNs and comparing it against several existing systems, we demonstrate both reductions in execution latency and memory requirements, with RDP-enabled key optimizations responsible for much of the gains. Our evaluation results show that SoD2^2 runs up to 3.9×3.9\times faster than these systems while saving up to 88%88\% peak memory consumption

    PockEngine: Sparse and Efficient Fine-tuning in a Pocket

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    On-device learning and efficient fine-tuning enable continuous and privacy-preserving customization (e.g., locally fine-tuning large language models on personalized data). However, existing training frameworks are designed for cloud servers with powerful accelerators (e.g., GPUs, TPUs) and lack the optimizations for learning on the edge, which faces challenges of resource limitations and edge hardware diversity. We introduce PockEngine: a tiny, sparse and efficient engine to enable fine-tuning on various edge devices. PockEngine supports sparse backpropagation: it prunes the backward graph and sparsely updates the model with measured memory saving and latency reduction while maintaining the model quality. Secondly, PockEngine is compilation first: the entire training graph (including forward, backward and optimization steps) is derived at compile-time, which reduces the runtime overhead and brings opportunities for graph transformations. PockEngine also integrates a rich set of training graph optimizations, thus can further accelerate the training cost, including operator reordering and backend switching. PockEngine supports diverse applications, frontends and hardware backends: it flexibly compiles and tunes models defined in PyTorch/TensorFlow/Jax and deploys binaries to mobile CPU/GPU/DSPs. We evaluated PockEngine on both vision models and large language models. PockEngine achieves up to 15 ×\times speedup over off-the-shelf TensorFlow (Raspberry Pi), 5.6 ×\times memory saving back-propagation (Jetson AGX Orin). Remarkably, PockEngine enables fine-tuning LLaMav2-7B on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin at 550 tokens/s, 7.9×\times faster than the PyTorch