10 research outputs found

    Universal Composability is Secure Compilation

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    Universal composability is a framework for the specification and analysis of cryptographic protocols with a strong compositionality guarantee: UC protocols are secure even when composed with other protocols. Secure compilation tells whether compiled programs are as secure as their source-level counterparts, no matter what target-level code they interact with. These two disciplines are studied in isolation, but we believe there is a deeper connection between them with benefits from both worlds to reap. This paper outlines the connection between universal composability and robust compilation, the latest of secure compilation theories. We show how to read the universal composability theorem in terms of a robust compilation theorem and vice-versa. This, in turn, shows which elements of one theory corresponds to which element in the other theory. We believe this is the first step towards understanding how can secure compilation theories be used in universal composability settings and vice-versa

    Toward an Algebraic Theory of Systems

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    We propose the concept of a system algebra with a parallel composition operation and an interface connection operation, and formalize composition-order invariance, which postulates that the order of composing and connecting systems is irrelevant, a generalized form of associativity. Composition-order invariance explicitly captures a common property that is implicit in any context where one can draw a figure (hiding the drawing order) of several connected systems, which appears in many scientific contexts. This abstract algebra captures settings where one is interested in the behavior of a composed system in an environment and wants to abstract away anything internal not relevant for the behavior. This may include physical systems, electronic circuits, or interacting distributed systems. One specific such setting, of special interest in computer science, are functional system algebras, which capture, in the most general sense, any type of system that takes inputs and produces outputs depending on the inputs, and where the output of a system can be the input to another system. The behavior of such a system is uniquely determined by the function mapping inputs to outputs. We consider several instantiations of this very general concept. In particular, we show that Kahn networks form a functional system algebra and prove their composition-order invariance. Moreover, we define a functional system algebra of causal systems, characterized by the property that inputs can only influence future outputs, where an abstract partial order relation captures the notion of "later". This system algebra is also shown to be composition-order invariant and appropriate instantiations thereof allow to model and analyze systems that depend on time

    Combined Private Circuits - Combined Security Refurbished

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    Physical attacks are well-known threats to cryptographic implementations. While countermeasures against passive Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) and active Fault Injection Analysis (FIA) exist individually, protecting against their combination remains a significant challenge. A recent attempt at achieving joint security has been published at CCS 2022 under the name CINI-MINIS. The authors introduce relevant security notions and aim to construct arbitrary-order gadgets that remain trivially composable in the presence of a combined adversary. Yet, we show that all CINI-MINIS gadgets at any order are susceptible to a devastating attack with only a single fault and probe due to a lack of error correction modules in the compression. We explain the details of the attack, pinpoint the underlying problem in the constructions, propose an additional design principle, and provide new (fixed) provably secure and composable gadgets for arbitrary order. Luckily, the changes in the compression stage help us to save correction modules and registers elsewhere, making the resulting Combined Private Circuits (CPC) more secure and more efficient than the original ones. We also explain why the discovered flaws have been missed by the associated formal verification tool VERICA (TCHES 2022) and propose fixes to remove its blind spot. Finally, we explore alternative avenues to repair the compression stage without additional corrections based on non-completeness, i.e., constructing a compression that never recombines any secret. Yet, while this approach could have merit for low-order gadgets, it is, for now, hard to generalize and scales poorly to higher orders. We conclude that our refurbished arbitrary order CINI gadgets provide a solid foundation for further research

    Privacy Preserving Opinion Aggregation

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    There are numerous settings in which people\u27s preferences are aggregated outside of formal elections, and where privacy and verification are important but the stringent authentication and coercion-resistant properties of government elections do not apply, a prime example being social media platforms. These systems are often iterative and have no trusted authority, in contrast to the centrally organised, single-shot elections on which most of the literature is focused. Moreover, they require a continuous flow of aggregation to take place and become available even as input is still collected from the participants which is in contrast to fairness in classical elections where partial results should never be revealed. In this work, we explore opinion aggregation in a decentralised, iterative setting by proposing a novel protocol in which randomly-chosen participants take turns to act in an incentive-driven manner as decryption authorities. Our construction provides public verifiability, robust vote privacy and liveness guarantees, while striving to minimise the resources each participant needs to contribute

    Post-quantum security of hash functions

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    Post-quantum security of hash functions

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    The research covered in this thesis is dedicated to provable post-quantum security of hash functions. Post-quantum security provides security guarantees against quantum attackers. We focus on analyzing the sponge construction, a cryptographic construction used in the standardized hash function SHA3. Our main results are proving a number of quantum security statements. These include standard-model security: collision-resistance and collapsingness, and more idealized notions such as indistinguishability and indifferentiability from a random oracle. All these results concern quantum security of the classical cryptosystems. From a more high-level perspective we find new applications and generalize several important proof techniques in post-quantum cryptography. We use the polynomial method to prove quantum indistinguishability of the sponge construction. We also develop a framework for quantum game-playing proofs, using the recently introduced techniques of compressed random oracles and the One-way-To-Hiding lemma. To establish the usefulness of the new framework we also prove a number of quantum indifferentiability results for other cryptographic constructions. On the way to these results, though, we address an open problem concerning quantum indifferentiability. Namely, we disprove a conjecture that forms the basis of a no-go theorem for a version of quantum indifferentiability

    The IITM Model: a Simple and Expressive Model for Universal Composability

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    The universal composability paradigm allows for the modular design and analysis of cryptographic protocols. It has been widely and successfully used in cryptography. However, devising a coherent yet simple and expressive model for universal composability is, as the history of such models shows, highly non-trivial. For example, several partly severe problems have been pointed out in the literature for the UC model. In this work, we propose a coherent model for universal composability, called the IITM model (``Inexhaustible Interactive Turing Machine\u27\u27). A main feature of the model is that it is stated without a priori fixing irrelevant details, such as a specific way of addressing of machines by session and party identifiers, a specific modeling of corruption, or a specific protocol hierarchy. In addition, we employ a very general notion of runtime. All reasonable protocols and ideal functionalities should be expressible based on this notion in a direct and natural way, and without tweaks, such as (artificial) padding of messages or (artificially) adding extra messages. Not least because of these features, the model is simple and expressive. Also the general results that we prove, such as composition theorems, hold independently of how such details are fixed for concrete applications. Being inspired by other models for universal composability, in particular the UC model and because of the flexibility and expressivity of the IITM model, conceptually, results formulated in these models directly carry over to the IITM model

    Reclaiming scalability and privacy in the decentralized setting

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    The advent of blockchains has expanded the horizon of possibilities to novel decentralised applications and protocols that were not possible before. Designing and building such applications, be it for offering new ways for humans to interact or for circumventing the shortcomings of existing blockchains, requires analysing their security with a rigorous and multi-faceted approach. Indeed, the attack surface of decentralised, trustless applications is vastly more expansive than that of classical, server-client-based ones. Desirable properties such as security, privacy and scalability are attainable via established and widely applied approaches in the centralised case, where clients can afford to trust third party servers. Is it possible though for clients to self organize and attain these properties in use cases of interest without reliance on central authorities? We examine this question in the setting of a variety of blockchain-based applications. With an explicit aim of improving the state of the art and extending the limits of possible decentralised operations with precision and robustness, the present thesis explores, builds, analyses, and improves upon payments, content curation and decision making