764 research outputs found

    Dual Method Headphone Amplifier

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    Many high impedance headphones underperform their full potential when directly connected to the audio source. Amplifiers boost the audio signal and provide the headphones with sufficient power to ensure their maximum performance. The invention of transistors caused vacuum tube implementation to decline, leaving many audiophiles unsatisfied with the transistor’s sound signature. Vacuum tubes and transistors both amplify signals, however the distinct “tube sound” has vanished. We have designed and created a product where the user selectively switches between solid-state transistor and tube amplification to compare the sound signatures of each amplification method. The ability to switch between the solid-state and tube amplifiers creates the ability to achieve a more customized sound for individual songs and improve the user’s listening experience. This requires the design of two separate amplifiers and circuitry to switch back and forth between amplification methods without pausing the music or unplugging any device

    GaN vs. Si for Class D Audio Applications

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    The demands and applications of modern power electronics are quickly moving past the maximum performance capabilities of Silicon devices. As the processing of Wide Bandgap (WBG) materials matures and the commercial availability of WBG devices grows, circuit designers are exploring many applications to exploit the performance benefits over traditional Silicon devices. This work examines the under-explored application of GaN-based Class D audio by providing a side-by-side comparison of enhancement-mode GaN devices with currently available Silicon MOSFETs. It is suggested that GaN in Class D audio will allow for lower heat radiation, smaller circuit footprints, and longer battery life as compared to Si MOSFETs with a negligible trade-off for quality of sound

    Analog Circuits in Ultra-Deep-Submicron CMOS

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    Modern and future ultra-deep-submicron (UDSM) technologies introduce several new problems in analog design. Nonlinear output conductance in combination with reduced voltage gain pose limits in linearity of (feedback) circuits. Gate-leakage mismatch exceeds conventional matching tolerances. Increasing area does not improve matching any more, except if higher power consumption is accepted or if active cancellation techniques are used. Another issue is the drop in supply voltages. Operating critical parts at higher supply voltages by exploiting combinations of thin- and thick-oxide transistors can solve this problem. Composite transistors are presented to solve this problem in a practical way. Practical rules of thumb based on measurements are derived for the above phenomena

    Improving Sound Systems by Electrical Means

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    A Perceptual Comparison of “Black Box” Modeling Algorithms for Nonlinear Audio Systems

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    Nonlinear systems identification is a widespread topic of interest, particularly within the audio industry, as these techniques are employed to synthesize black box models of nonlinear audio effects. Given the myriad approaches to black box modeling, questions arise as to whether an “optimal” approach exists, or one that achieves valid subjective results as a model with minimal computational expense. This thesis uses ABX listening tests to compare black box models of three hardware audio effects using two popular nonlinear implementations, along with two proposed modified implementations. Models were constructed in the Hammerstein form using sine sweeps and a novel measurement technique for the filters and nonlinearities, respectively. Testing revolved around null hypotheses assuming no change in model identification regardless of the device modeled, implementation used, or program material of the model stimulus. Results provide clear evidence of an effect on all of these accounts, and support a full rejection of the null hypotheses. Outcomes demonstrate a preferable implementation out of the algorithms tested, and suggest the removal of certain implementations as valid approaches altogether

    Development of a Micro Recording Probe for Measurements of Neuronal Activity in Freely Moving Animals

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    To discover general principles of biological sensorimotor control, insects have become remarkably successful model systems. In contrast to highly complex mammals, the functional organization of the insect nervous system in combination with a well-defined behavioural repertoire turned out to provide ideal conditions for quantitative studies into the neural control of behaviour. In addition, the search for biologically inspired control algorithms has further accelerated research into the neuronal mechanisms underlying flight and gaze stabilization, especially in blowflies. However, recording the neuronal activity in freely behaving insects, in particular in comparatively small insects such as blowflies, still imposes a major technical challenge. To date, electrophysiological recordings in unrestrained flies have never been achieved. This thesis describes the design and testing of a micro recording probe to be used for monitoring extracellular electrical activity in the nervous system of freely moving blowflies. In principle, this probe could also be used to study the neuronal control of behaviour in any other animal species the size of which is bigger than that of a blowfly. The nature of neuronal signals and the objective to record neuronal activity from behaving blowflies puts massive constraints on the specifications of the probe. I designed a differential amplifier with high gain, high linearity, low noise, and low power consumption. To fit the probe in the blowfly‟s head capsule and in direct contact with the animal‟s brain, the amplifier is on an unpackaged die. The neuronal signals are in the order of a few 100s of μV in amplitude. To be able to digitize such small signals >1000 times amplification is desirable. The small signal amplitudes also necessitate minimization of circuit noise. Linearity is necessary to prevent distortion of signal shape. Since connecting wires would impede movement of the animal, the probe would need to be powered by batteries. Therefore, low power is needed for two reasons: (i) to increase battery life, and therefore recording time, and (ii) because heat caused by power expenditure may damage the blowfly‟s brain or change its behaviour. To reduce power consumption I used CMOS transistors biased in the subthreshold region and a 2.2 V low power supply. The amplifier was characterized after fabrication by means of measuring its frequency response, linearity, and noise. I also recorded signals from a blowfly's brain and compared the performance of my recording probe with the performance of a high specification commercial amplifier in the time and frequency domains
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