6 research outputs found

    The Power of Proofs: New Algorithms for Timed Automata Model Checking (with Appendix)

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    This paper presents the first model-checking algorithm for an expressive modal mu-calculus over timed automata, Lν,μrel,afL^{\mathit{rel}, \mathit{af}}_{\nu,\mu}, and reports performance results for an implementation. This mu-calculus contains extended time-modality operators and can express all of TCTL. Our algorithmic approach uses an "on-the-fly" strategy based on proof search as a means of ensuring high performance for both positive and negative answers to model-checking questions. In particular, a set of proof rules for solving model-checking problems are given and proved sound and complete; we encode our algorithm in these proof rules and model-check a property by constructing a proof (or showing none exists) using these rules. One noteworthy aspect of our technique is that we show that verification performance can be improved with \emph{derived rules}, whose correctness can be inferred from the more primitive rules on which they are based. In this paper, we give the basic proof rules underlying our method, describe derived proof rules to improve performance, and compare our implementation of this model checker to the UPPAAL tool.Comment: This is the preprint of the FORMATS 2014 paper, but this is the full version, containing the Appendix. The final publication is published from Springer, and is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-10512-3_9 on the Springer webpag

    TCTL Inevitability Analysis of Dense-Time Systems: From Theory to Engineering

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    Inevitability properties in branching temporal logics are of the syntax 8} , where is an arbitrary (timed) CTL (Computation Tree Logic) formula. Such inevitability properties in dense-time logics can be analyzed with the greatest fixpoint calculation. We present algorithms to model-check inevitability properties. We discuss a technique for early decision on greatest fixpoint calculation which has shown promising performance against several benchmarks. We have experimented with various issues which may affect the performance of TCTL inevitability analysis. Specifically, our algorithms come with a parameter for the measurement of time-progress. We report the performance of our implementation with regard to various parameter values and with or without the non-Zeno computation requirement in the evaluation of greatest fixpoints. We have also experimented with safe abstraction techniques for model-checking TCTL inevitability properties. The experiment results help us in deducing rules for setting the parameter for verification performance. Finally, we summarize suggestions for configurations of efficient TCTL inevitability evaluation procedure

    TCTL Inevitability Analysis of Dense-Time Systems: From Theory to Engineering

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    Inevitability properties in branching temporal logics are of the syntax 8} , where is an arbitrary (timed) CTL (Computation Tree Logic) formula. Such inevitability properties in dense-time logics can be analyzed with the greatest fixpoint calculation. We present algorithms to model-check inevitability properties. We discuss a technique for early decision on greatest fixpoint calculation which has shown promising performance against several benchmarks. We have experimented with various issues which may affect the performance of TCTL inevitability analysis. Specifically, our algorithms come with a parameter for the measurement of timeprogress. We report the performance of our implementation with regard to various parameter values and with or without the non-Zeno computation requirement in the evaluation of greatest fixpoints. We have also experimented with safe abstraction techniques for model-checking TCTL inevitability properties. The experiment results help us in deducing rules for setting the parameter for verification performance. Finally, we summarize suggestions for configurations of efficient TCTL inevitability evaluation procedure

    TCTL Inevitability Analysis of Dense-Time Systems: From Theory to Engineering

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    Inevitability properties in branching temporal logics are of the syntax ∀♦φ, where φ is an arbitrary (timed) CTL (Computation Tree Logic) formula. Such inevitability properties in dense-time logics can be analyzed with greatest fixpoint calculation. We present algorithms to model-check inevitability properties. We discuss a technique for early decision on greatest fixpoint calculation, which has shown promising performance against several benchmarks. We have experimented with various issues, which may affect the performance of TCTL inevitability analysis. Specifically, our algorithms come with a parameter for the measurement of time-progress. We report the performance of our implementation w.r.t. various parameter values and with or without the non-Zeno computation requirement in the evaluation of greatest fixpoints. We have also experimented with safe abstraction techniques for model-checking TCTL inevitability properties. The experiment results help us deducing rules for setting the parameter for verification performance. Finally, we summarize suggestions for configurations of efficient TCTL inevitability evaluation procedure