1,454 research outputs found

    Endpoint-transparent Multipath Transport with Software-defined Networks

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    Multipath forwarding consists of using multiple paths simultaneously to transport data over the network. While most such techniques require endpoint modifications, we investigate how multipath forwarding can be done inside the network, transparently to endpoint hosts. With such a network-centric approach, packet reordering becomes a critical issue as it may cause critical performance degradation. We present a Software Defined Network architecture which automatically sets up multipath forwarding, including solutions for reordering and performance improvement, both at the sending side through multipath scheduling algorithms, and the receiver side, by resequencing out-of-order packets in a dedicated in-network buffer. We implemented a prototype with commonly available technology and evaluated it in both emulated and real networks. Our results show consistent throughput improvements, thanks to the use of aggregated path capacity. We give comparisons to Multipath TCP, where we show our approach can achieve a similar performance while offering the advantage of endpoint transparency

    TCP in 5G mmWave Networks: Link Level Retransmissions and MP-TCP

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    MmWave communications, one of the cornerstones of future 5G mobile networks, are characterized at the same time by a potential multi-gigabit capacity and by a very dynamic channel, sensitive to blockage, wide fluctuations in the received signal quality, and possibly also sudden link disruption. While the performance of physical and MAC layer schemes that address these issues has been thoroughly investigated in the literature, the complex interactions between mmWave links and transport layer protocols such as TCP are still relatively unexplored. This paper uses the ns-3 mmWave module, with its channel model based on real measurements in New York City, to analyze the performance of the Linux TCP/IP stack (i) with and without link-layer retransmissions, showing that they are fundamental to reach a high TCP throughput on mmWave links and (ii) with Multipath TCP (MP-TCP) over multiple LTE and mmWave links, illustrating which are the throughput-optimal combinations of secondary paths and congestion control algorithms in different conditions.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, accepted for presentation at the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS

    A Longitudinal View at the Adoption of Multipath TCP

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    Multipath TCP (MPTCP) extends traditional TCP to enable simultaneous use ofmultiple connection endpoints at the source and destination. MPTCP has beenunder active development since its standardization in 2013, and more recentlyin February 2020, MPTCP was upstreamed to the Linux kernel. In this paper, weprovide an in-depth analysis of MPTCPv0 in the Internet and the first analysisof MPTCPv1 to date. We probe the entire IPv4 address space and an IPv6 hitlistto detect MPTCP-enabled systems operational on port 80 and 443. Our scansreveal a steady increase in MPTCPv0-capable IPs, reaching 13k+ on IPv4(2×\times increase in one year) and 1k on IPv6 (40×\times increase). MPTCPv1deployment is comparatively low with ≈\approx100 supporting hosts in IPv4 andIPv6, most of which belong to Apple. We also discover a substantial share ofseemingly MPTCP-capable hosts, an artifact of middleboxes mirroring TCPoptions. We conduct targeted HTTP(S) measurements towards select hosts and findthat middleboxes can aggressively impact the perceived quality of applicationsutilizing MPTCP. Finally, we analyze two complementary traffic traces fromCAIDA and MAWI to shed light on the real-world usage of MPTCP. We find thatwhile MPTCP usage has increased by a factor of 20 over the past few years, itstraffic share is still quite low.<br
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