29 research outputs found

    Development and flight test of a helicopter compact, portable, precision landing system concept

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    An airborne, radar-based, precision approach concept is being developed and flight tested as a part of NASA's Rotorcraft All-Weather Operations Research Program. A transponder-based beacon landing system (BLS) applying state-of-the-art X-band radar technology and digital processing techniques, was built and is being flight tested to demonstrate the concept feasibility. The BLS airborne hardware consists of an add-on microprocessor, installed in conjunction with the aircraft weather/mapping radar, which analyzes the radar beacon receiver returns and determines range, localizer deviation, and glide-slope deviation. The ground station is an inexpensive, portable unit which can be quickly deployed at a landing site. Results from the flight test program show that the BLS concept has a significant potential for providing rotorcraft with low-cost, precision instrument approach capability in remote areas

    Development and flight test of an X-band precision approach concept for remote-area rotorcraft operations

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    A novel airborne radar-based precision approach concept was developed and flight tested as a part of NASA's Rotorcraft All-Weather Operations Research Program. A demonstration, transponder-based beacon landing system (BLS), incorporating state-of-the-art X-band radar technology and digital processing techniques, was built and flight tested to demonstrate the concept feasibility. The BLS airborne hardware consists of an add-on microprocessor, installed in conjunction with the aircraft weather/mapping radar, which analyzes the radar beacon receiver returns and determines range, localizer deviation, and glide slope deviation. The ground station is an inexpensive, portable unit which can be quickly deployed at a landing site. Results from the flight test program show that the BLS concept has a significant potential for providing rotorcraft with low-cost, precision, instrument approach capability in remote areas

    Simulation of a weather radar display for over-water airborne radar approaches

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    Airborne radar approach (ARA) concepts are being investigated as a part of NASA's Rotorcraft All-Weather Operations Research Program on advanced guidance and navigation methods. This research is being conducted using both piloted simulations and flight test evaluations. For the piloted simulations, a mathematical model of the airborne radar was developed for over-water ARAs to offshore platforms. This simulated flight scenario requires radar simulation of point targets, such as oil rigs and ships, distributed sea clutter, and transponder beacon replies. Radar theory, weather radar characteristics, and empirical data derived from in-flight radar photographs are combined to model a civil weather/mapping radar typical of those used in offshore rotorcraft operations. The resulting radar simulation is realistic and provides the needed simulation capability for ongoing ARA research

    An interstellar precursor mission

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    A mission out of the planetary system, with launch about the year 2000, could provide valuable scientific data as well as test some of the technology for a later mission to another star. Primary scientific objectives for the precursor mission concern characteristics of the heliopause, the interstellar medium, stellar distances (by parallax measurements), low energy cosmic rays, interplanetary gas distribution, and mass of the solar system. Secondary objectives include investigation of Pluto. Candidate science instruments are suggested. Individual spacecraft systems for the mission were considered, technology requirements and problem areas noted, and a number of recommendations made for technology study and advanced development. The most critical technology needs include attainment of 50-yr spacecraft lifetime and development of a long-life NEP system


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    Police officers are exposed to operational stressors while on duty, including child abuse, domestic violence, car crashes, and homicides (Jetelina et al., 2020). Repeated exposure to these stressors is associated with the development of mental illness (Jetelina et al., 2020). Organizational stressors, including lack of support/validation, demand, job pressure, administrative/organizational pressure, and long working hours, may be an even greater source of stress for police officers (Purba & Demou, 2019). Exposure to such organizational stressors can result in psychological distress, burnout, and suicidal ideation (Purba & Demou, 2019). However, there is a dearth of research on invalidation and the role it plays in the development and maintenance of mental health outcomes among law enforcement officers. It is unclear how invalidation from supervisors, colleagues, and the general public, moderates the relation between occupational stressors and the development of mental health outcomes. The current study is the first attempt to evaluate whether perceived emotional invalidation moderates the relationship between mental health outcomes and occupational stress. Results could inform our understanding of the role emotional invalidation from supervisors, colleagues, and the general public has on the mental health outcomes of law enforcement officers after experiencing occupational stress

    Paradoxien subjektivierter Arbeit und die Probleme der Kritik

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    "Auch wenn der Fordismus die sinnhafte Identifikation der Beschäftigten mit ihrer Arbeit und damit die Möglichkeit, Arbeit als Quelle sozialer Anerkennung zu erfahren, weithin verunmöglichte, so bot er ihnen doch mit sozialen Standards und Regulierungen einen Status im Rahmen eines 'industrial citizenship' (T.H. Marshall). Mit der Krise des Fordismus lässt sich nun ein Prozess der 'Subjektivierung von Arbeit' konstatieren, in dem sich gesteigerte Ansprüche auf Selbstverwirklichung und Autonomie in der Arbeit auf widersprüchliche Weise mit Anforderungen der Unternehmen auf Selbstorganisation und Selbstverantwortung der Arbeitenden bei der Erreichung ergebnisbezogener, oft marktorientiert formulierter Zielvorgaben verbinden. Die Beziehung von Anspruch und Anforderung der Selbstverantwortung in dieser doppelt subjektivierten Arbeit kann man dann als paradox beschreiben, wenn Selbstverwirklichung vom Unternehmen gefordert und das Erreichen extern gesetzter Ziele als Erfolg selbstbestimmten Arbeitens verstanden wird. Eine zweite Paradoxie kann man mit Boltanski/ Chiapello darin sehen, dass dieser Prozess als Reaktion auf die 'Artisten'-Kritik an entfremdeter Arbeit begriffen werden kann, in der Ansprüche auf Autonomie auf Kosten sozialer Ansprüche realisiert werden und damit den diese Autonomieansprüche sichernden sozialen Standards die Legitimation entzogen wird. Hiermit wird das soziale Fundament der Freiheit zur Selbstverwirklichung in Frage gestellt. In der projektorientierten Polis Boltanski/ Chiapellos muss die 'employability' der Netzakteure immer wieder neu hergestellt und durch den erfolgreichen Übergang von Projekt zu Projekt nachgewiesen werden. Die Re-Inklusion ist begründungspflichtig, nicht mehr die Entlassung als Exklusion. Inklusion und Exklusion werden entnormativiert und zugleich neben dem Problem des 'Netzopportunisten' zum zentralen Thema der 'Netzgerechtigkeit'. Leistungsorientierung und Selbstverwirklichung stützen sich auf Kontingenz und Erfolgszwang - eine dritte Paradoxie. Wenn Paradoxien im Kern deutlich machen, dass normative Fortschritte ohne ihre Schattenseiten nicht zu erzielen sind, dann scheint dies jeder Kritik notwendig eine melancholische Färbung zu verleihen. Wenn Kritik letztlich die Erneuerung des Kapitalismus initiiert, stellt sich die Frage nach der sozialen Bedeutung der Kritik neu. Bleibt nach der dämonisierenden Kritik des 'universellen Verblendungszusammenhangs' nurmehr eine funktionalistische 'Soziologie der Kritik'?" (Autorenreferat

    The Impact of State Law on Federal Income Taxation

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    The Impact of State Law on Federal Income Taxation

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