3 research outputs found

    Szego asymptotics for matrix-valued measures with countably many bound states

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    Let μ\mu be a matrix-valued measure with the essential spectrum a single interval and countably many point masses outside of it. Under the assumption that the absolutely continuous part of μ\mu satisfies Szego's condition and the point masses satisfy a Blaschke-type condition, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of the orthonormal polynomials on and off the support of the measure. The result generalizes the scalar analogue of Peherstorfer-Yuditskii and the matrix-valued result of Aptekarev-Nikishin, which handles only a finite number of mass points

    Jost asymptotics for matrix orthogonal polynomials on the real line

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    We obtain matrix-valued Jost asymptotics for block Jacobi matrices under an L1-type condition on Jacobi parameters, and give a necessary and sufficient condition for an analytic matrix-valued function to be the Jost function of a block Jacobi matrix with exponentially converging parameters. This establishes the matrix-valued analogue of Damanik-Simon-II paper [6]. The above results allow us to fully characterize the matrix-valued Weyl-Titchmarsh m-functions of block Jacobi matrices with exponentially converging parameters