392,512 research outputs found

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Analisis Manfaat dan Pentingnya Microsoft Word bagi Semua Kalangan

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    This study aims to explain how important Microsoft Word is for everyone.  This research was compiled after collecting some Microsoft Word information and theories, in other words, this research is classified as an information-based qualitative method.With the results obtained, namely, understanding and history of Microsoft Word and its development, functions and benefits for the field of work or education.  Ms.  Office Word is a fairly professional word processing software, introduced and created by Microsoft Corporation aimed at various Operating Systems, such as DOS, Apple Macintosh, SCO Unix, OS/2, and Microsoft Window.  In history (history), Ms.  Word was first introduced to the public on the twenty-fifth of October 1983, but did not use the name Ms.  Word as we know it today but with the name Multi-Tool Word, since then,, Ms.  Word is constantly evolving.  Until now, the word processing software application has been ranked number one in the world of word processing.  Causing the necessity to understand this simple application.  from the field of education to work or office, Microsoft Office Word plays an important role in making it easier for someone to do their work.  So, among the pace of technology that is believed to continue to grow, we are expected to be able to master Microsoft Word and realize how important this application is to implement

    High speed adaptive rack-scale fabrics

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    Rack-scale systems contain thousands of densely packed con- nected components. While a data center may accommodate a fully provisioned network, rack-scale systems demand a more compact and versatile network that would even up within a heavily populated system. Unless the critical path between communicating hosts is made faster, distributed rack-scale applications cannot scale. We present adaptive rack-scale fabrics, an architecture that uses Physical Layer Primitives, coupled with a Closed Ring Control. The resulting fabric uses pre-fetching techniques, but at the physical layer of the interconnect, to optimize performance within strict power-budget limitations.This work was partly funded by Microsoft Research through its PhD Scholarship Programme, the Leverhulme Trust (ECF- 2016-289) and the the Isaac Newton Trus

    The CLIF Project : the repository as part of a content lifecycle

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    At the heart of meeting institutional needs for managing digital content is the need to understand the different activities that the content goes through, from planning and creation through to disposal or preservation. Digital content is created using a variety of authoring tools. Once created the content is often stored somewhere different, made accessible in possibly more than one way, altered as required, and then moved for deletion or preservation at an appropriate point. Different systems can be involved at different points: one of these may be a repository. To embed repositories in the content lifecycle, and prevent them becoming yet another content silo within the institution, they thus need to be integrated with other systems that support other parts of this lifecycle. In this way the content can be moved between systems as required, minimising the constraints of any one system. The JISC-funded CLIF (Content Lifecycle Integration Framework) project, which concluded in March 2011, was a joint venture between Library and Learning Innovation (LLI) at the University of Hull and the Centre for e-Research (CeRch) at King’s College London. It undertook an extensive literature review and worked with creators of digital content at the two host institutions to understand how they would like to deal with the interaction of the authoring, collaboration and delivery of materials using three systems used within Higher Education institutions that are targeted at the management of digital content from different perspectives and for different purposes: the Fedora Commons repository software, Microsoft SharePoint, and the virtual learning environment, Sakai. Each of these systems addresses a range of lifecycle stages in the functionality provided; yet they were not designed to encompass the whole lifecycle. Armed with this background information, the project team went on to design and produce software that would allow the transfer of digital content between the systems to meet lifecycle requirements: Fedora and SharePoint, on the one hand, Fedora and Sakai on the other. The CLIF software has been designed to try and allow the maximum flexibility in how and when users can transfer material from one system to another, integrating the tools in such a way that they seem to be natural extensions of the basic systems. This open source software is available for others to investigate and work with. This article draws on several of the pieces of documentation produced by the project

    Aplikasi Absensi Mahasiswa Kerja Praktik Menggunakan QR Code Berbasis Android

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    Practical Work Activities carried out in the Information Systems Study Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University of North Sumatra still carry out the semi-manual attendance recording process. This process is done semi-manually using paper and then entered into Microsoft Excel. This makes the process of processing student attendance data considered less effective and efficient. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to send student attendance data to those who need it and that the data is only stored on a particular computer device. The purpose of this research is to create an android-based application that can be used by the Information Systems study program to process student attendance data and facilitate the distribution of attendance data. This research uses waterfall approach for system development. Includes the stages of Communication, Planning, Modeling, Construction, and Deployment. On the other hand, the system testing method uses the black box testing method. This application is created with a codular framework and spreadsheet database, and can be accessed through android devices and accessed online. The result of this research is in the form of an application that can conduct student practical work attendance and provide report recaps to the study program. This application helps information system study program operators process student attendance data by adding data and facilitating the distribution of attendance data

    Інтеграція інституційного репозитарію в інформаційно-освітнє середовище ВНЗ

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    У статті проаналізовано поняття, пов’язані з процесами інтеграції програмних засобів навчального призначення. Запропоновано шляхи інтеграції інституційного репозитарію, організованого на основі системи DSpace, з популярними системами навчального призначення (LMS MOODLE, CMS Joomla!, УФД бібліотека) і системами підтримки наукових досліджень (на основі Microsoft Sharepoint). Інтеграція зазначених засобів можлива на рівні контенту й уніфікації доступу. Реалізація інтеграційних зв’язків забезпечує ефективне використання системи DSpace у науково-дослідній роботі й навчальній діяльності майбутніх учителів інформатики.В статье проанализированы понятия, связанные с процессами интеграции программных средств учебного назначения. Предложены пути интеграции институционного репозитория, организованного на основе системы Dspace, с популярными системами учебного назначения (LMS MOODLE, CMS Joomla!, УФД библиотека) и системами поддержки научных исследований (на основе Microsoft Sharepoint). Интеграция указанных средств возможна на уровне контента и унификации доступа пользователей. Реализация интеграционных связей обеспечивает эффективное использование системы Dspace в научно-исследовательской работе и учебной деятельности будущих учителей информатикиThe authors of article analyze the concepts associated with the processes of integration of software for the learning. The article contains ways of the integration institutional repository into educational environment of the universities. Authors are describing the experience of integration of DSpace system with the popular learning tools such as CMS Joomla!, LMS Moodle, UFD «Library». Integration of the specified tools is possible at the level of content and unification of access for users. The article contains opportunities of the integration DSpace and documents flow systems (based on Microsoft SharePoint). It is provided effective use of DSpace system at scientific and research work of students

    Support for decision making on the World Wide Web : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Information Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Turitea Campus, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    This research explores tool support for information retrieval and comparison of multiple pieces of information on the web. The study identifies the main goals users may have in mind when using the Internet in this way, and the necessary activities users complete to fulfill their goals. The main goals web users have are information search, entertainment and consumer to business transactions. The tasks users perform on the web to fulfill their goals include collecting, comparing, filtering and processing web information. These tasks form a decision-making cycle on the web and depending on the goal at hand, users may or may not necessarily undertake all the tasks or sub-steps in any sequential order. Industry web support tools have been analyzed to find out how effective they are in supporting a common user's activities. These tools include web browsers (Netcaptor Browser and Internet Explorer), editing tools (Notes Pilot and Edit Pad), plug-ins, research tools and window management systems. Both browsers are poor at arranging multiple windows and excellent at opening web sites. The Internet Explorer browser proved to be better than the Netcaptor browser at a number of activities including, selecting web content, copying web text and images and pasting web content into editing documents. When used with either browser. Microsoft Windows is good for arranging windows but poor in switching windows views, scrolling windows and resizing and re-positioning windows. Both editing tools are poor at re-positioning and formatting web content from an HTML environment to a text-based environment. The Notes Pilot tool is also poor in making calculations and returning to the browser. It is excellent at saving work and retrieving old files. The Edit Pad tool is successful at all other activities except re-positioning and formatting web content. It can be seen that tool support is lacking or current web-based tools support the user poorly in a number of areas. The need for an integrated web support tool has been identified. The functional and non-functional requirements have been specified, the tool designed, implemented and evaluated by users. The users were requested to complete a questionnaire and conduct a think-aloud walk-through session while completing three tasks using the integrated web support tool. The sessions were observed and results recorded. Most of the users strongly agreed with the proposition that the tool would be useful for personal or academic activities. The users recognized the tool's novelty, its efficiency, and also indicated an overall level of satisfaction. The users were less satisfied about referring back to web sites, getting the software to do exactly what they wanted and arranging the work space to meet their needs. Changes were made to the tool