14,162 research outputs found

    A framework for smart production-logistics systems based on CPS and industrial IoT

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    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has received increasing attention from both academia and industry. However, several challenges including excessively long waiting time and a serious waste of energy still exist in the IIoT-based integration between production and logistics in job shops. To address these challenges, a framework depicting the mechanism and methodology of smart production-logistics systems is proposed to implement intelligent modeling of key manufacturing resources and investigate self-organizing configuration mechanisms. A data-driven model based on analytical target cascading is developed to implement the self-organizing configuration. A case study based on a Chinese engine manufacturer is presented to validate the feasibility and evaluate the performance of the proposed framework and the developed method. The results show that the manufacturing time and the energy consumption are reduced and the computing time is reasonable. This paper potentially enables manufacturers to deploy IIoT-based applications and improve the efficiency of production-logistics systems

    Sustainable engineering challenges towards Industry 4.0: A comprehensive review

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    This article reviews Industry 4.0, its emerging phase, implementation, challenges, benefits, etc. It combines various fields where it has any influence and leaves some changes and where it requires some adaptation. Papers from the last 4 years are taken and analyzed, what is written about this topic in various countries with different backgrounds and economic development. Industry 4.0 affects the production environment by introducing new technologies which require a better-educated workforce so it affects education and requires some changes in curricula and ways of teaching. It brings new challenges and asks for a new approach from management to be able to handle fast and big changes in the business environment and to implement such innovation in production effectively

    Do technologies really affect that much? exploring the potential of several industry 4.0 technologies in today’s lean manufacturing shop floors

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    We investigated the synergies and trade-offs between lean management practices and digital transformation promoted via Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies in current manufacturing shop floors. We used a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to examine possible interactions in a sample of 568 European manufacturing plants from the European Manufacturing Survey. Our results show that various causal pathways exist between lean practices and I4.0 technologies that contribute to improving industrial performance, highlighting the influence of vertical and horizontal data integration (VHDI) even ahead of other more extended applications, such as robotics. Furthermore, our results reveal that the combination of I4.0 technologies analyzed (VHDI, advanced robotics, and additive manufacturing) can lead to sufficient conditions for improving plant performance. From a management point of view, our findings underline the need to avoid myopic attitudes toward I4.0 opportunities. Lean programs should be designed with technological issues in mind, as digital features can establish powerful mechanisms that develop and reinforce the contributions of operational routines to manufacturing strengths in the face of new market requirements. In addition, managers must take into account the implications of the new situation: continuous learning and workforce training will be essential for workers to adapt to the requirements that digital transformation of shop floors has brought about.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019- 106677GB-I0

    An investigation upon Industry 4.0 implementation: the case of small and medium enterprises and Lean organizations

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    In recent years, industries have undergone several shifts in their operating and management systems. Alongside to the technological innovation, rapid market changes and high competitiveness; growing customer needs are driving industries to focus on producing highly customized products with even less time to market. In this context, Industry 4.0 is a manufacturing paradigm that promises to have a great impact not only on improving productivity but also on developing new products, services and business models. However, the literature review has shown that research on Industry 4.0 implementation is still characterized by some weaknesses and gaps (e.g., topics such as the implementation of Industry 4.0 in SMEs and its integration with Lean Management approach). Motivated by so, this thesis sought to answer four key questions: (RQ1) What are the challenges and opportunities for SMEs in the Industry 4.0 field? (RQ2) What are the resources and capabilities for Industry 4.0 implementation in SMEs? (RQ3) How can these resources and capabilities be acquired and/or developed and (RQ4) How to integrate Industry 4.0 and Lean Management? To deal with the first research question, a semi-systematic literature review in the Industry 4.0 field was conducted. The main goal is to explore the implementation of Industry 4.0 in SMEs in order to identify common challenges and opportunities for SMEs in the Industry 4.0 era. To face with the second and third research questions, a multiple case study research was conducted to pursue two main aims: (1) to identify the resources and capabilities required to implement Industry 4.0 in Portuguese SMEs. Furthermore, based on mainstream theories such as resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capability theory, it sought empirical evidence on how SMEs use resources and capabilities to gain sustainable competitive advantage; (2) to shed light on how those SMEs acquire and/or develop the Industry 4.0 resources and capabilities. Finally, this thesis employed a semi-systematic literature review methodology to deal with the fourth research question. As such, it explored the synergistic relationship between Industry 4.0 and Lean Management to identify the main trends in this field of research and, ultimately, the best practices. The analysis and discussion of the best practices revealed a set of potential relationships which provided a more clear understanding of the outcomes of an Industry 4.0-LM integration.Nos últimos anos, as indústrias têm passado por várias mudanças tanto nos seus sistemas operacionais, como de gestão. Juntamente com a inovação tecnológica e alta competitividade; as mudanças nas necessidades dos clientes levaram as indústrias a se concentrarem na produção de produtos altamente personalizados e com tempo de lançamento no mercado cade vez menores. Nesse contexto, a Indústria 4.0 é um paradigma de manufatura que promete ter um grande impacto não só na melhoria da produtividade, mas também no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, serviços e modelos de negócios. No entanto, a revisão da literatura mostrou que a investigação sobre a implementação da Indústria 4.0 ainda é caracterizada por algumas lacunas (por exemplo em tópicos como a implementação da Indústria 4.0 em pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) e sua integração com a filosofia de gestão Lean Management). Diante disso, esta tese procura responder à quatro questões-chave: (RQ1) Quais são os desafios e oportunidades para as PMEs no campo da Indústria 4.0? (RQ2) Quais são os recursos e capacidades necessários para a implementação da Indústria 4.0 nas PMEs? (RQ3) Como esses recursos e capacidades podem ser adquiridos e/ou desenvolvidos e (RQ4) Como integrar os paradigmas de manufatura, Indústria 4.0 e Lean Management? Para responder à primeira questão de investigação, este trabalho empregou uma revisão semi-sistemática da literatura. O objetivo principal foi explorar a implementação da Indústria 4.0 nas PMEs, a fim de identificar quais são os desafios e oportunidades para as PMEs na era da Indústria 4.0. Para fazer face à segunda e terceira questões de investigação, foi realizado um estudo de caso em 5 PMEs localizadas em Portugal a fim de atingir os seguintes objetivos: (1) identificar os recursos e capacidades necessários para implementar a Indústria 4.0 nas PME portuguesas; (2) esclarecer como essas PMEs adquirem e/ou desenvolvem esses recursos e capacidades. Além disso, com base nas teorias resourcebased view (RBV) e dynamic capabilities, buscar evidências empíricas sobre como as PMEs usam recursos e capacidades para obter vantagem competitiva sustentável. Finalmente, para lidar com a quarta questão de investigação, este estudo explorou a relação sinérgica entre a Indústria 4.0 e a filosofia de gestão Lean Management (LM) para identificar as principais tendências neste campo de investigação e promover as melhores práticas. A análise e discussão das melhores práticas revelaram um conjunto de potenciais relações, o que contribuiu para um entendimento mais claro sobre a integração da Indústria 4.0 com LM

    Analysis of factors influencing Circular-Lean-Six Sigma 4.0 implementation considering sustainability implications: An exploratory study

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    In this study, we develop a new paradigm, Circular Lean Six Sigma 4.0 (CLSS4.0) to promote manufacturing sustainability. This paper aims to provide a practical and holistic view of the drivers and barriers that can help companies design an integrated CLSS4.0 model. The paper is based on a qualitative exploratory study using multiple case studies within 12 Moroccan manufacturing firms conducted through semi-structured interviews with top executive managers. The results show that the drivers are related to expected operational and environmental performance, increasing customer requirements, gaining competitive advantage and market growth while barriers are related to insufficient tangible (finance, human and equipment) and intangible (skills and techniques) resources, data privacy, technical issues and management support. The proposed framework identifies the assessment of drivers and barriers and their attributes as a starting point for managers to lead the CLSS4.0 transformation, thereby contributing to its successful implementation. To the best of our knowledge, this study is among the very first studies to discuss the CLSS4.0 drivers and barriers. It could be useful to managers as a diagnostic tool to assess their ability to implement CLSS4.0 before investing in the initiative

    Measuring the Firm Competitiveness by the Capacity of Operational Flexibility Using Industry 4.0

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    openL'integrazione delle tecnologie dell'Industria 4.0 nei moderni processi produttivi ha innescato una profonda trasformazione nelle pratiche industriali globali. Questa tesi si concentra su queste trasformazioni nell'illustre panorama tedesco, pioniere nell'innovazione manifatturiera e nell'adozione di Industria 4.0. La tesi esplora il modo in cui la gestione dei dati e la personalizzazione influiscono sulla competitività dell'impresa grazie alla flessibilità operativa che comportano. L'obiettivo fondamentale di questa ricerca è duplice: esplorare l'importanza delle capacità di gestione dei dati nella produzione intelligente e il loro legame con le strategie di personalizzazione e la flessibilità operativa, e mostrare la loro influenza combinata sulla competitività delle aziende manifatturiere tedesche. Analizzando il ruolo della gestione strategica dei dati insieme a un'efficace personalizzazione, questo studio cerca di scoprire i meccanismi che alimentano una migliore competitività nel paradigma dell'industria 4.0. Con la rivoluzione dello stile manifatturiero dalla produzione di massa a quella personalizzata, la determinazione delle richieste e delle preferenze dei clienti è diventata progressivamente importante per i produttori. Verrà discusso l'effetto delle prestazioni della rete di dati di produzione per la personalizzazione di massa e le strategie di adattamento per diventare più flessibili e competitivi.The integration of Industry 4.0 technologies into modern manufacturing processes has ignited a profound transformation in global industrial practices. This thesis focuses on these transformations in Germany's distinguished landscape—an eminent pioneer in manufacturing innovation and Industry 4.0 adoption. It explores how data management and customization affect firm competitiveness by operational flexibility they bring with. The fundamental objective of this research is twofold: to explore the significance of data management capabilities in smart manufacturing and its link to customization strategies and operational flexibility, and to show their combined influence on firm competitiveness among German manufacturing firms. By dissecting the role of strategic data management in tandem with effective customization, this study endeavors to uncover the mechanisms that fuel improved competitiveness in the industry 4.0 paradigm. With the revolution in manufacturing style from mass to customized production, determining customer demands and preferences have grown gradually significant for the manufacturers. The effect of manufacturing data network performance for mass customization and adaptive strategies to become more flexible and competitive will be discussed

    Industry 4.0 implications in logistics: an overview

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    During the last decade, the use and evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in industry have become unavoidable. The emergence of the Industry Internet of Things (IIoT) promoted new challenges in logistic domain, which might require technological changes such as: high need for transparency (supply chain visibility); integrity control (right products, at the right time, place, quantity condition and at the right cost) in the supply chains. These evolvements introduce the concept of Logistics 4.0. In this paper, it is presented some reflections regarding the adequate requirements and issues enabling organizations to be efficient, and fully operational in Logistics 4.0 context.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Conceptual Framework to Support Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Using an Integrated Business Process Management Approach

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    Digital transformation is no longer a future trend, as it has become a necessity for businesses to grow and remain competitive in the market. The fourth industrial revolution, called Industry 4.0, is at the heart of this transformation, and is supporting organizations in achieving benefits that were unthinkable a few years ago. The impact of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in the manufacturing sector is undeniable, and their correct use offers benefits such as improved productivity and asset performance, reduced inefficiencies, lower production and maintenance costs, while enhancing system agility and flexibility. However, organizations have found the move towards digital transformation extremely challenging for several reasons, including a lack of standardized implementation protocols, emphasis on the introduction of new technologies without assessing their role within the business, the compartmentalization of digital initiatives from the rest of the business, and the large-scale implementation of digitalization without a realistic view of return on investment. To instill confidence and reduce the anxiety surrounding Industry 4.0 implementation in the manufacturing sector, this paper presents a conceptual framework based on business process management (BPM). The framework is informed by a content-centric literature review of Industry 4.0 technologies, its design principles, and BPM method. This integrated framework incorporates the factors that are often overlooked during digital transformation and presents a structured methodology that can be employed by manufacturing organizations to facilitate their transition towards Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0: current trend and future scope for further research in High Performance Manufacturing

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    The fourth industrial revolution requires that personalization processes of mass productions evolve towards flexible, interconnected, cloud production with greater automation in its machines and operations, called Industry 4.0 (I4.0). However, a homogeneous I4.0 concept, infrastructure state, and other issues are still scarce, making difficult to determinate in the specialized literature, the threshold between recent manufacturing and challenges that companies had to reach competitive advantage through I4.0 inclusion. Despite becoming one of the most popular strategies for continuous improvement, many plants are struggling to turn I4.0 into a success. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current trends of Industry 4.0 in High Performance Manufacturing (HPM), aiming to consolidate the existing knowledge on both subjects, providing a starting point for academics and practitioners seeking to implement I4.0 in plants and offering suggestions for future examination. This systematic literature review aims to synthesize, organize, and structure the stock of knowledge relating to I4.0 and HPM. The results show that HPM papers do not evidence a holistic evaluation of I.40 principles and foundations. There exists in HPM literature manufacturing practices that permit evaluate technology inclusion and their performance but not their autonomy, cloud computing and network between machines, supplier, and processes. The HPM papers trends are related with issues such as adaptability, flexibility, reconfigurability, new information technologies, modularity, automation, etc. Regarding study limitations, it is necessary to study current I4.0 adoption level, technological infrastructure, and cultural factors. The practical implications are focused in the identification of manufacturing practices used in specialized literature to measure how technology inclusion increase companies’ performance, proving the technological infrastructure and I4.0 maturity level. The originality of this paper converges on the presentation of some manufacturing practices applied on HPM studies which are associated with I4.0
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