5,957 research outputs found

    Getting from crisis to systems change: Advice for leaders in the time of COVID

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    The report recognises that we are in a crisis so deep that only far-reaching systems change can get us out of it and on a path towards a just, inclusive and sustainably prosperous world. It contains dozens of ideas across 14 key issues that are continually being fine-tuned. The report also mentions cross-cutting proposals for giving social entrepreneurs a seat at the table when world leaders meet to make decisions that will impact billions of people. This will help to break down silos impeding holistic approaches and to make it easier for social entrepreneurs to contact and collaborate with other key institutions in the ecosystem for delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals, from multilateral institutions and national governments to businesses and philanthropies.

    Designing innovative research pathways for the advancement of design research: IASDR 2023 Doctoral and Postgraduate Consortium

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    The paper explores relevant themes for design research that arose from research works proposed for IASDR2023 and developed by doctoral candidates and recent master's degree graduates. Particular attention has been paid to research investigations that reflect on the theme of Life-Changing Design, specifically examining how design is responding to the transformations occurring in the contemporary period. Reflections on the soft impact of technologies, in particular digital technologies, on daily life are accompanied by an analysis of innovations and challenges faced by healthcare systems, products, and services. This is followed by an examination of social innovation themes and practices, and the development of new principles of inclusity. A concluding contribution highlights the requirement to identify innovative approaches to design education extending beyond recognized methodologies to implement personal and technical skills of new generations of designers

    The Missing Entrepreneurs

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    The manifesto of the government of the Slovak Republic

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    Rethinking Consumerism, Innovation and Tourism Sustainability in a Post-Viral World: An Exploratory Study of PIRT Usage in Niagara's Geoparks

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    Tourism resilience in the face of a prevailing pandemic and accompanying global uncertainties remains a concern to many stakeholders. A key area of interest for the industry regards the pandemic's potential to influence change in people's consumption patterns, possibly toward more sustainable, ethical, safe and technologically mediated forms of tourism. Such pandemic-induced attitudinal changes can, in turn, affect how tourism will be consumed in future. These changes may further translate into the need for new exchange relationships, tourism experiences, resources, and innovations to aid interactions between service providers (tour guides), tourists and destinations. With the advent of technology-driven solutions for normalization during the pandemic, some studies have predicted shifts from traditional long-haul travels to virtual tourism as they are considered to be a safer, accessible, and ecologically friendly form of tourism. This exploratory research, therefore, sought to unearth the influence of Covid-19 on Millennial students' preferences for virtual tours in the aftermath of the pandemic. The objectives were to identify factors that can influence intentions for change in people's tourism preferences based on their experience of the pandemic, to explore tourist perceptions about the potential of virtual tour innovations like PIRTs to meet their future preferences, and to investigate how this connection can translate into prospective models in Niagara's geopark tourism sector. Quantitative data was collected from 117 sampled students in the Brock University community through an online questionnaire. The findings revealed that financial, experiential, and ecological concerns are significant factors which will possibly influence Millennials' travel patterns and their inclination to use PIRTS in the post-Covid era. Based on these findings, suggestions are made on how smart tourism innovations such as PIRTs can be harnessed as resilient alternatives to conventional tourism in Niagara Peninsula Aspiring Global Geopark (NPAGG) destinations to promote socio-ecological wellbeing in the region

    Atlas of Social Innovation. 2nd Volume: A World of New Practices

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    The Atlas of Social Innovation series provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted manifestations and practices of social innovation from a global perspective. This second volume brings together leading experts of the field. In 43 articles, the atlas gives new insights into current trends of social innovation research and its connection to other schools of thought and research traditions. The conceptual underpinnings of the contributions draw upon the experiences of a variety of disciplines contributing to the rich, multi-layered nature of the phenomenon. By building up a knowledge repository for a growing community of practitioners, policy makers and researchers, the book opens up new avenues to unfold the potential of social innovation

    Accessible tourism and its benefits for coping with stress

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    The present study had two main objectives: (i) to understand the relationship between tourism and stress-coping for individuals with disabilities, and (ii) to develop an empirical basis for therapeutic purposes and for improving new tourism products and policies, in a biopsychosocial framework. An empirical study was conducted using participants with disabilities (N = 306) who were assessed with the Leisure Coping Scale adapted to the Accessible Tourism context. The positive influence of tourism on these individuals’ biopsychosocial dimensions of stress-coping is identified and discussed. Results suggest that accessible tourism should be recognized as a new stress-coping resource for disabled people, supporting the rebalancing of their personal and social resources, positively contributing to their health and well-being. These findings provide further evidence for the development of new tourism products targeted to a population with special needs, and for accurate policies of alternative therapeutic interventions in the context of their rehabilitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non‐hierarchical learning: sharing knowledge, power and outcomes

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    Arguing that every student has the capacity to succeed and that every student must be provided with the opportunity to reach their full potential, this article introduces a new pedagogic approach that draws on a wide range of influences. Linking theoretical practices from sociology, pedagogy, social and educational psychology, and cultural studies, the approach posits that teaching and learning should be conducted in non‐hierarchical classrooms where all members are equal and working towards shared objectives. A theoretical frame is outlined and the factors that helped shape it are reflected on. A conceptual framework which covers the goals of instruction, instructional materials, classroom management, instructional methods, and assessment is also presented. It is hoped that educators will consider the concepts included in this article and, if possible, incorporate them into their teaching practices

    Linking Higher Education and Social Change

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    More than four thousand stories could be told about the remarkable individuals who received fellowships under the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) between 2001 and 2010. Over the decade, the program enabled 4,314 emerging social justice leaders from Asia, Russia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America to pursue advanced degrees at more than 600 universities in almost 50 countries. By April 2013, nearly 4,000 Fellows had completed their fellowships, receiving degrees in development-related fields ranging from social and environmental science to the arts. A survey done in early 2012 showed that 82 percent of more than 3,300 former Fellows were working in their home countries to improve the lives and livelihoods of those around them, while many of the rest were studying for additional advanced degrees or working in international organizations. The final group of Fellows enrolled in universities around the world will complete their fellowships by the end of 2013.In 2001, the Ford Foundation funded IFP with a 280milliongrant,thelargestsingledonationintheFoundationshistory.TheprogramwasintendedtoprovidegraduatefellowshipstoindividualsincountriesoutsidetheUnitedStateswheretheFoundationhadgrantmakingprograms.In2006,theFoundationpledgedupto280 million grant, the largest single donation in the Foundation's history. The program was intended to provide graduate fellowships to individuals in countries outside the United States where the Foundation had grant-making programs. In 2006, the Foundation pledged up to 75 million in additional funds, allowing IFP to award more than 800 fellowships beyond its original projections. As extraordinary as the level and duration of funding, though, was IFP's singular premise: that extending higher education opportunities to leaders from marginalized communities would help further social justice in some of the world's poorest and most unequal countries. If successful, IFP would advance the Ford Foundation's mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation and advance human achievement. It would decisively demonstrate that an international scholarship program could help build leadership for social justice and thus contribute to broader social change.In striving toward its ambitious goals, the program would transform a traditional mechanism -- an individual fellowship program for graduate degree study -- into a powerful tool for reversing discrimination and reducing long-standing inequalities in higher education and in societies at large. This report is the story of that transformation