17 research outputs found

    Gene network exploration of crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy in chronic myelogenous leukemia

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    Copyright © 2015 Fengfeng Wang et al. Background. Gene expression levels change to adapt the stress, such as starvation, toxin, and radiation. The changes are signals transmitted through molecular interactions, eventually leading to two cellular fates, apoptosis and autophagy. Due to genetic variations, the signals may not be effectively transmitted to modulate apoptotic and autophagic responses. Such aberrant modulation may lead to carcinogenesis and drug resistance. The balance between apoptosis and autophagy becomes very crucial in coping with the stress. Though there have been evidences illustrating the apoptosis-autophagy interplay, the underlying mechanism and the participation of the regulators including transcription factors (TFs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) remain unclear. Results. Gene network is a graphical illustration for exploring the functional linkages and the potential coordinate regulations of genes. Microarray dataset for the study of chronic myeloid leukemia was obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus. The expression profiles of those genes related to apoptosis and autophagy, including MCL1, BCL2, ATG, beclin-1, BAX, BAK, E2F, cMYC, PI3K, AKT, BAD, and LC3, were extracted from the dataset to construct the gene networks. Conclusion. The network analysis of these genes explored the underlying mechanisms and the roles of TFs and miRNAs for the crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Genome-wide discovery of missing genes in biological pathways of prokaryotes

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    <p> Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reconstruction of biological pathways is typically done through mapping well-characterized pathways of model organisms to a target genome, through orthologous gene mapping. A limitation of such pathway-mapping approaches is that the mapped pathway models are constrained by the composition of the template pathways, e.g., some genes in a target pathway may not have corresponding genes in the template pathways, the so-called “missing gene” problem.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We present a novel pathway-expansion method for identifying additional genes that are possibly involved in a target pathway after pathway mapping, to fill holes caused by missing genes as well as to expand the mapped pathway model. The basic idea of the algorithm is to identify genes in the target genome whose homologous genes share common operons with homologs of any mapped pathway genes in some reference genome, and to add such genes to the target pathway if their functions are consistent with the cellular function of the target pathway.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have implemented this idea using a graph-theoretic approach and demonstrated the effectiveness of the algorithm on known pathways of <it>E. coli</it> in the KEGG database. On all KEGG pathways containing at least 5 genes, our method achieves an average of 60% positive predictive value (PPV) and the performance is increased with more seed genes added. Analysis shows that our method is highly robust.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An effective method is presented to find missing genes in biological pathways of prokaryotes, which achieves high prediction reliability on <it>E. coli</it> at a genome level. Numerous missing genes are found to be related to knwon <it>E. coli</it> pathways, which can be further validated through biological experiments. Overall this method is robust and can be used for functional inference.</p

    An integrative modular approach to systematically predict gene-phenotype associations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complex human diseases are often caused by multiple mutations, each of which contributes only a minor effect to the disease phenotype. To study the basis for these complex phenotypes, we developed a network-based approach to identify coexpression modules specifically activated in particular phenotypes. We integrated these modules, protein-protein interaction data, Gene Ontology annotations, and our database of gene-phenotype associations derived from literature to predict novel human gene-phenotype associations. Our systematic predictions provide us with the opportunity to perform a global analysis of human gene pleiotropy and its underlying regulatory mechanisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We applied this method to 338 microarray datasets, covering 178 phenotype classes, and identified 193,145 phenotype-specific coexpression modules. We trained random forest classifiers for each phenotype and predicted a total of 6,558 gene-phenotype associations. We showed that 40.9% genes are pleiotropic, highlighting that pleiotropy is more prevalent than previously expected. We collected 77 ChIP-chip datasets studying 69 transcription factors binding over 16,000 targets under various phenotypic conditions. Utilizing this unique data source, we confirmed that dynamic transcriptional regulation is an important force driving the formation of phenotype specific gene modules.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We created a genome-wide gene to phenotype mapping that has many potential implications, including providing potential new drug targets and uncovering the basis for human disease phenotypes. Our analysis of these phenotype-specific coexpression modules reveals a high prevalence of gene pleiotropy, and suggests that phenotype-specific transcription factor binding may contribute to phenotypic diversity. All resources from our study are made freely available on our online Phenotype Prediction Database <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p

    Link-based quantitative methods to identify differentially coexpressed genes and gene Pairs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Differential coexpression analysis (DCEA) is increasingly used for investigating the global transcriptional mechanisms underlying phenotypic changes. Current DCEA methods mostly adopt a gene connectivity-based strategy to estimate differential coexpression, which is characterized by comparing the numbers of gene neighbors in different coexpression networks. Although it simplifies the calculation, this strategy mixes up the identities of different coexpression neighbors of a gene, and fails to differentiate significant differential coexpression changes from those trivial ones. Especially, the correlation-reversal is easily missed although it probably indicates remarkable biological significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed two link-based quantitative methods, DCp and DCe, to identify differentially coexpressed genes and gene pairs (links). Bearing the uniqueness of exploiting the quantitative coexpression change of each gene pair in the coexpression networks, both methods proved to be superior to currently popular methods in simulation studies. Re-mining of a publicly available type 2 diabetes (T2D) expression dataset from the perspective of differential coexpression analysis led to additional discoveries than those from differential expression analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work pointed out the critical weakness of current popular DCEA methods, and proposed two link-based DCEA algorithms that will make contribution to the development of DCEA and help extend it to a broader spectrum.</p

    Integrative Analysis of Many Weighted Co-Expression Networks Using Tensor Computation

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    The rapid accumulation of biological networks poses new challenges and calls for powerful integrative analysis tools. Most existing methods capable of simultaneously analyzing a large number of networks were primarily designed for unweighted networks, and cannot easily be extended to weighted networks. However, it is known that transforming weighted into unweighted networks by dichotomizing the edges of weighted networks with a threshold generally leads to information loss. We have developed a novel, tensor-based computational framework for mining recurrent heavy subgraphs in a large set of massive weighted networks. Specifically, we formulate the recurrent heavy subgraph identification problem as a heavy 3D subtensor discovery problem with sparse constraints. We describe an effective approach to solving this problem by designing a multi-stage, convex relaxation protocol, and a non-uniform edge sampling technique. We applied our method to 130 co-expression networks, and identified 11,394 recurrent heavy subgraphs, grouped into 2,810 families. We demonstrated that the identified subgraphs represent meaningful biological modules by validating against a large set of compiled biological knowledge bases. We also showed that the likelihood for a heavy subgraph to be meaningful increases significantly with its recurrence in multiple networks, highlighting the importance of the integrative approach to biological network analysis. Moreover, our approach based on weighted graphs detects many patterns that would be overlooked using unweighted graphs. In addition, we identified a large number of modules that occur predominately under specific phenotypes. This analysis resulted in a genome-wide mapping of gene network modules onto the phenome. Finally, by comparing module activities across many datasets, we discovered high-order dynamic cooperativeness in protein complex networks and transcriptional regulatory networks

    Gene Network Exploration of Crosstalk between Apoptosis and Autophagy in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

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    Geometric Interpretation of Gene Coexpression Network Analysis

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    The merging of network theory and microarray data analysis techniques has spawned a new field: gene coexpression network analysis. While network methods are increasingly used in biology, the network vocabulary of computational biologists tends to be far more limited than that of, say, social network theorists. Here we review and propose several potentially useful network concepts. We take advantage of the relationship between network theory and the field of microarray data analysis to clarify the meaning of and the relationship among network concepts in gene coexpression networks. Network theory offers a wealth of intuitive concepts for describing the pairwise relationships among genes, which are depicted in cluster trees and heat maps. Conversely, microarray data analysis techniques (singular value decomposition, tests of differential expression) can also be used to address difficult problems in network theory. We describe conditions when a close relationship exists between network analysis and microarray data analysis techniques, and provide a rough dictionary for translating between the two fields. Using the angular interpretation of correlations, we provide a geometric interpretation of network theoretic concepts and derive unexpected relationships among them. We use the singular value decomposition of module expression data to characterize approximately factorizable gene coexpression networks, i.e., adjacency matrices that factor into node specific contributions. High and low level views of coexpression networks allow us to study the relationships among modules and among module genes, respectively. We characterize coexpression networks where hub genes are significant with respect to a microarray sample trait and show that the network concept of intramodular connectivity can be interpreted as a fuzzy measure of module membership. We illustrate our results using human, mouse, and yeast microarray gene expression data. The unification of coexpression network methods with traditional data mining methods can inform the application and development of systems biologic methods

    Is My Network Module Preserved and Reproducible?

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    In many applications, one is interested in determining which of the properties of a network module change across conditions. For example, to validate the existence of a module, it is desirable to show that it is reproducible (or preserved) in an independent test network. Here we study several types of network preservation statistics that do not require a module assignment in the test network. We distinguish network preservation statistics by the type of the underlying network. Some preservation statistics are defined for a general network (defined by an adjacency matrix) while others are only defined for a correlation network (constructed on the basis of pairwise correlations between numeric variables). Our applications show that the correlation structure facilitates the definition of particularly powerful module preservation statistics. We illustrate that evaluating module preservation is in general different from evaluating cluster preservation. We find that it is advantageous to aggregate multiple preservation statistics into summary preservation statistics. We illustrate the use of these methods in six gene co-expression network applications including 1) preservation of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway in mouse tissues, 2) comparison of human and chimpanzee brain networks, 3) preservation of selected KEGG pathways between human and chimpanzee brain networks, 4) sex differences in human cortical networks, 5) sex differences in mouse liver networks. While we find no evidence for sex specific modules in human cortical networks, we find that several human cortical modules are less preserved in chimpanzees. In particular, apoptosis genes are differentially co-expressed between humans and chimpanzees. Our simulation studies and applications show that module preservation statistics are useful for studying differences between the modular structure of networks. Data, R software and accompanying tutorials can be downloaded from the following webpage: http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath/CoexpressionNetwork/ModulePreservation