3,093 research outputs found

    Impact of lens distrortions on strain measurements obtained with digital image correlation

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    The determination of strain fields based on displacements obtained via DIC at the micro-strain level is still a cumbersome task. In particular when high-strain gradients are involved, e.g. in composite materials with multidirectional fibre reinforcement, uncertainties in the experimental setup and errors in the derivation of the displacement fields can substantially hamper the strain identification process. In this contribution, the aim is to investigate the impact of lens distortions on strain measurements. To this purpose, we first perform pure rigid body motion experiments, revealing the importance of precise correction of lens distortions. Next, a uni-axial tensile test on a textile composite with spatially varying high strain gradients is performed, resulting in very accurate determined strains along the fibers of the materia

    Local Alignment of the BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracking Detector

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    The BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) is a five-layer double-sided silicon detector designed to provide precise measurements of the position and direction of primary tracks, and to fully reconstruct low-momentum tracks produced in e+e- collisions at the PEP-II asymmetric collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. This paper describes the design, implementation, performance, and validation of the local alignment procedure used to determine the relative positions and orientations of the 340 SVT wafers. This procedure uses a tuned mix of in-situ experimental data and complementary lab-bench measurements to control systematic distortions. Wafer positions and orientations are determined by minimizing a chisquared computed using these data for each wafer individually, iterating to account for between-wafer correlations. A correction for aplanar distortions of the silicon wafers is measured and applied. The net effect of residual mis-alignments on relevant physical variables is evaluated in special control samples. The BABAR data-sample collected between November 1999 and April 2008 is used in the study of the SVT stability.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Meth.

    Deep shower interpretation of the cosmic ray events observed in excess of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin energy

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    We consider the possibility that the ultra-high-energy cosmic ray flux has a small component of exotic particles which create showers much deeper in the atmosphere than ordinary hadronic primaries. It is shown that applying the conventional AGASA/HiRes/Auger data analysis procedures to such exotic events results in large systematic biases in the energy spectrum measurement. SubGZK exotic showers may be mis-reconstructed with much higher energies and mimick superGZK events. Alternatively, superGZK exotic showers may elude detection by conventional fluorescence analysis techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Heterodyne range imaging as an alternative to photogrammetry

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    Solid-state full-field range imaging technology, capable of determining the distance to objects in a scene simultaneously for every pixel in an image, has recently achieved sub-millimeter distance measurement precision. With this level of precision, it is becoming practical to use this technology for high precision three-dimensional metrology applications. Compared to photogrammetry, range imaging has the advantages of requiring only one viewing angle, a relatively short measurement time, and simplistic fast data processing. In this paper we fist review the range imaging technology, then describe an experiment comparing both photogrammetric and range imaging measurements of a calibration block with attached retro-reflective targets. The results show that the range imaging approach exhibits errors of approximately 0.5 mm in-plane and almost 5 mm out-of-plane; however, these errors appear to be mostly systematic. We then proceed to examine the physical nature and characteristics of the image ranging technology and discuss the possible causes of these systematic errors. Also discussed is the potential for further system characterization and calibration to compensate for the range determination and other errors, which could possibly lead to three-dimensional measurement precision approaching that of photogrammetry

    Key characteristics of specular stereo.

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    Because specular reflection is view-dependent, shiny surfaces behave radically differently from matte, textured surfaces when viewed with two eyes. As a result, specular reflections pose substantial problems for binocular stereopsis. Here we use a combination of computer graphics and geometrical analysis to characterize the key respects in which specular stereo differs from standard stereo, to identify how and why the human visual system fails to reconstruct depths correctly from specular reflections. We describe rendering of stereoscopic images of specular surfaces in which the disparity information can be varied parametrically and independently of monocular appearance. Using the generated surfaces and images, we explain how stereo correspondence can be established with known and unknown surface geometry. We show that even with known geometry, stereo matching for specular surfaces is nontrivial because points in one eye may have zero, one, or multiple matches in the other eye. Matching features typically yield skew (nonintersecting) rays, leading to substantial ortho-epipolar components to the disparities, which makes deriving depth values from matches nontrivial. We suggest that the human visual system may base its depth estimates solely on the epipolar components of disparities while treating the ortho-epipolar components as a measure of the underlying reliability of the disparity signals. Reconstructing virtual surfaces according to these principles reveals that they are piece-wise smooth with very large discontinuities close to inflection points on the physical surface. Together, these distinctive characteristics lead to cues that the visual system could use to diagnose specular reflections from binocular information.The work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (grants 08459/Z/07/Z & 095183/Z/10/Z) and the EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network “PRISM” (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN, Agreement: 316746).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ARVO via http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/14.14.1

    Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Scoliosis

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    Semi-automated geomorphological mapping applied to landslide hazard analysis

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    Computer-assisted three-dimensional (3D) mapping using stereo and multi-image (“softcopy”) photogrammetry is shown to enhance the visual interpretation of geomorphology in steep terrain with the direct benefit of greater locational accuracy than traditional manual mapping. This would benefit multi-parameter correlations between terrain attributes and landslide distribution in both direct and indirect forms of landslide hazard assessment. Case studies involve synthetic models of a landslide, and field studies of a rock slope and steep undeveloped hillsides with both recently formed and partly degraded, old landslide scars. Diagnostic 3D morphology was generated semi-automatically both using a terrain-following cursor under stereo-viewing and from high resolution digital elevation models created using area-based image correlation, further processed with curvature algorithms. Laboratory-based studies quantify limitations of area-based image correlation for measurement of 3D points on planar surfaces with varying camera orientations. The accuracy of point measurement is shown to be non-linear with limiting conditions created by both narrow and wide camera angles and moderate obliquity of the target plane. Analysis of the results with the planar surface highlighted problems with the controlling parameters of the area-based image correlation process when used for generating DEMs from images obtained with a low-cost digital camera. Although the specific cause of the phase-wrapped image artefacts identified was not found, the procedure would form a suitable method for testing image correlation software, as these artefacts may not be obvious in DEMs of non-planar surfaces.Modelling of synthetic landslides shows that Fast Fourier Transforms are an efficient method for removing noise, as produced by errors in measurement of individual DEM points, enabling diagnostic morphological terrain elements to be extracted. Component landforms within landslides are complex entities and conversion of the automatically-defined morphology into geomorphology was only achieved with manual interpretation; however, this interpretation was facilitated by softcopy-driven stereo viewing of the morphological entities across the hillsides.In the final case study of a large landslide within a man-made slope, landslide displacements were measured using a photogrammetric model consisting of 79 images captured with a helicopter-borne, hand-held, small format digital camera. Displacement vectors and a thematic geomorphological map were superimposed over an animated, 3D photo-textured model to aid non-stereo visualisation and communication of results

    Imaging at the Nano-scale: State of the Art and Advanced Techniques

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    Surface characteristics such as topography and critical dimensions serve as important indicators of product quality and manufacturing process performance especially at the micrometer and the nanometer scales. This paper first reviews different technologies used for obtaining high precision 3-D images of surfaces, along with some selected applications. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is one of such methods. These images are commonly distorted by convolution effects, which become more prominent when the sample surface contains high aspect ratio features. In addition, data artifacts can result from poor dynamic response of the instrument used. In order to achieve reliable data at high throughput, dynamic interactions between the instrument's components need to be well understood and controlled, and novel image deconvolution schemes need to be developed. Our work aims at mitigating these distortions and achieving reliable data to recover metrology soundness. A summary of our findings will be presented.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA