9,818 research outputs found

    Fog computing, applications , security and challenges, review

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    The internet of things originates a world where on daily basis objects can join the internet and interchange information and in addition process, store, gather them from the nearby environment, and effectively mediate on it. A remarkable number of services might be imagined by abusing the internet of things. Fog computing which is otherwise called edge computing was introduced in 2012 as a considered is a prioritized choice for the internet of things applications. As fog computing extend services of cloud near to the edge of the network and make possible computations, communications, and storage services in proximity to the end user. Fog computing cannot only provide low latency, location awareness but also enhance real-time applications, quality of services, mobility, security and privacy in the internet of things applications scenarios. In this paper, we will summarize and overview fog computing model architecture, characteristic, similar paradigm and various applications in real-time scenarios such as smart grid, traffic control system and augmented reality. Finally, security challenges are presented

    Power aware early design stage hardware software co-optimization

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    Co-optimizing hardware and software can lead to substantial performance and energy benefits, and is becoming an increasingly important design paradigm. In scientific computing, power constraints increasingly necessitate the return to specialized chips such as Intel’s MIC or IBM’s Blue-Gene architectures. To enable hardware/software co-design in early stages of the design cycle, we propose a simulation infrastructure methodology by combining high-abstraction performance simulation using Sniper with power modeling using McPAT and custom DRAM power models. Sniper/McPAT is fast — simulation speed is around 2 MIPS on an 8-core host machine — because it uses analytical modeling to abstract away core performance during multi-core simulation. We demonstrate Sniper/McPAT’s accuracy through validation against real hardware; we report average performance and power prediction errors of 22.1% and 8.3%, respectively, for a set of SPEComp benchmarks

    Radiation safety based on the sky shine effect in reactor

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    In the reactor operation, neutrons and gamma rays are the most dominant radiation. As protection, lead and concrete shields are built around the reactor. However, the radiation can penetrate the water shielding inside the reactor pool. This incident leads to the occurrence of sky shine where a physical phenomenon of nuclear radiation sources was transmitted panoramic that extends to the environment. The effect of this phenomenon is caused by the fallout radiation into the surrounding area which causes the radiation dose to increase. High doses of exposure cause a person to have stochastic effects or deterministic effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the radiation dose from sky shine effect that scattered around the reactor at different distances and different height above the reactor platform. In this paper, the analysis of the radiation dose of sky shine effect was measured using the experimental metho

    Flow-based Intrinsic Curiosity Module

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    In this paper, we focus on a prediction-based novelty estimation strategy upon the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework, and present a flow-based intrinsic curiosity module (FICM) to exploit the prediction errors from optical flow estimation as exploration bonuses. We propose the concept of leveraging motion features captured between consecutive observations to evaluate the novelty of observations in an environment. FICM encourages a DRL agent to explore observations with unfamiliar motion features, and requires only two consecutive frames to obtain sufficient information when estimating the novelty. We evaluate our method and compare it with a number of existing methods on multiple benchmark environments, including Atari games, Super Mario Bros., and ViZDoom. We demonstrate that FICM is favorable to tasks or environments featuring moving objects, which allow FICM to utilize the motion features between consecutive observations. We further ablatively analyze the encoding efficiency of FICM, and discuss its applicable domains comprehensively.Comment: The SOLE copyright holder is IJCAI (International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence), all rights reserved. The link is provided as follows: https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/2020/28

    A Particle Swarm Optimization-based Flexible Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Image Classification

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    Convolutional auto-encoders have shown their remarkable performance in stacking to deep convolutional neural networks for classifying image data during past several years. However, they are unable to construct the state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks due to their intrinsic architectures. In this regard, we propose a flexible convolutional auto-encoder by eliminating the constraints on the numbers of convolutional layers and pooling layers from the traditional convolutional auto-encoder. We also design an architecture discovery method by using particle swarm optimization, which is capable of automatically searching for the optimal architectures of the proposed flexible convolutional auto-encoder with much less computational resource and without any manual intervention. We use the designed architecture optimization algorithm to test the proposed flexible convolutional auto-encoder through utilizing one graphic processing unit card on four extensively used image classification datasets. Experimental results show that our work in this paper significantly outperform the peer competitors including the state-of-the-art algorithm.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 201
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