152,603 research outputs found

    Automatic instantiation of abstract tests on specific configurations for large critical control systems

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    Computer-based control systems have grown in size, complexity, distribution and criticality. In this paper a methodology is presented to perform an abstract testing of such large control systems in an efficient way: an abstract test is specified directly from system functional requirements and has to be instantiated in more test runs to cover a specific configuration, comprising any number of control entities (sensors, actuators and logic processes). Such a process is usually performed by hand for each installation of the control system, requiring a considerable time effort and being an error prone verification activity. To automate a safe passage from abstract tests, related to the so called generic software application, to any specific installation, an algorithm is provided, starting from a reference architecture and a state-based behavioural model of the control software. The presented approach has been applied to a railway interlocking system, demonstrating its feasibility and effectiveness in several years of testing experience

    Practical Application Of Uml Activity Diagrams For The Generation Of Test Cases

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    Software testing and debugging represents around one third of total effort in development projects. Different factors which have influence on poor practices of testing have been identified through specific surveys. Amongst several, one of the most important is the lack of efficient methods to exploit development models for generating test cases. This paper presents a new method for automatically generating a complete set of functional test cases from UML activity diagrams complementing specification of use cases. Test cases are prioritized according to software risk information. Results from experiences with more than 70 software professionals/experts validate benefits of the method. Participants also confirm its interest and effectiveness for testing needs of industry

    Automatic test cases generation from software specifications modules

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    A new technique is proposed in this paper to extend the Integrated Classification Tree Methodology (ICTM) developed by Chen et al. [13] This software assists testers to construct test cases from functional specifications. A Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagram and Object Constraint Language (OCL) are used in this paper to represent the software specifications. Each classification and associated class in the software specification is represented by classes and attributes in the class diagram. Software specification relationships are represented by associated and hierarchical relationships in the class diagram. To ensure that relationships are consistent, an automatic methodology is proposed to capture and control the class relationships in a systematic way. This can help to reduce duplication and illegitimate test cases, which improves the testing efficiency and minimises the time and cost of the testing. The methodology introduced in this paper extracts only the legitimate test cases, by removing the duplicate test cases and those incomputable with the software specifications. Large amounts of time would have been needed to execute all of the test cases; therefore, a methodology was proposed which aimed to select a best testing path. This path guarantees the highest coverage of system units and avoids using all generated test cases. This path reduces the time and cost of the testing

    Test Case Generation for Object-Oriented Imperative Languages in CLP

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    Testing is a vital part of the software development process. Test Case Generation (TCG) is the process of automatically generating a collection of test cases which are applied to a system under test. White-box TCG is usually performed by means of symbolic execution, i.e., instead of executing the program on normal values (e.g., numbers), the program is executed on symbolic values representing arbitrary values. When dealing with an object-oriented (OO) imperative language, symbolic execution becomes challenging as, among other things, it must be able to backtrack, complex heap-allocated data structures should be created during the TCG process and features like inheritance, virtual invocations and exceptions have to be taken into account. Due to its inherent symbolic execution mechanism, we pursue in this paper that Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) has a promising unexploited application field in TCG. We will support our claim by developing a fully CLP-based framework to TCG of an OO imperative language, and by assessing it on a corresponding implementation on a set of challenging Java programs. A unique characteristic of our approach is that it handles all language features using only CLP and without the need of developing specific constraint operators (e.g., to model the heap)

    Automatically Discovering, Reporting and Reproducing Android Application Crashes

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    Mobile developers face unique challenges when detecting and reporting crashes in apps due to their prevailing GUI event-driven nature and additional sources of inputs (e.g., sensor readings). To support developers in these tasks, we introduce a novel, automated approach called CRASHSCOPE. This tool explores a given Android app using systematic input generation, according to several strategies informed by static and dynamic analyses, with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. When a crash is detected, CRASHSCOPE generates an augmented crash report containing screenshots, detailed crash reproduction steps, the captured exception stack trace, and a fully replayable script that automatically reproduces the crash on a target device(s). We evaluated CRASHSCOPE's effectiveness in discovering crashes as compared to five state-of-the-art Android input generation tools on 61 applications. The results demonstrate that CRASHSCOPE performs about as well as current tools for detecting crashes and provides more detailed fault information. Additionally, in a study analyzing eight real-world Android app crashes, we found that CRASHSCOPE's reports are easily readable and allow for reliable reproduction of crashes by presenting more explicit information than human written reports.Comment: 12 pages, in Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST'16), Chicago, IL, April 10-15, 2016, pp. 33-4

    Automatic Test Generation for Space

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) uses an engine to perform tests in the Ground Segment infrastructure, specially the Operational Simulator. This engine uses many different tools to ensure the development of regression testing infrastructure and these tests perform black-box testing to the C++ simulator implementation. VST (VisionSpace Technologies) is one of the companies that provides these services to ESA and they need a tool to infer automatically tests from the existing C++ code, instead of writing manually scripts to perform tests. With this motivation in mind, this paper explores automatic testing approaches and tools in order to propose a system that satisfies VST needs