4 research outputs found


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian tinggi pada manusia. Pencegahan penyakit ini telah dicari oleh para profesional medis dan peneliti. Sayangnya, penanganan TB masih dilakukan secara manual dan sangat tergantung pada ahli medis yang jumlahnya terbatas, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem diagnosis gejala TB ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode sistem pakar fuzzy. Data masukan pada sistem ini adalah gejala yang diderita penderita, yang terdiri dari batuk, penurunan berat badan, sesak napas, kehilangan nafsu makan, demam, berkeringat di malam hari, dan malaise. Prosesnya dimulai dari memasukkan data gejala, kemudian diproses menggunakanfuzzy yang terdiri dari proses fuzifikasi, inferensi dan defuzifikasi.Aturan penyakit diberikan oleh para ahli yang ahli di bidangnya dan dari sumber jurnal. Keluaran dari sistem menampilkan antarmuka diagnosis penyakit di web. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan hasil diagnosis penyakit kepada pengguna. Perhitungan nilai akurasi juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa akurat fuzzy dalam sistem ini, dan dari hasil perhitungan ditemukan bahwa nilai akurasi yang didapat adalah sebesar 82% yang menunjukkan bahwa logika fuzzy baik untuk proses diagnosis. Kata kunci — TB, pakar, sistem pakar fuzzy, logika fuzzy, diagnosis Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the diseases that causes high mortality in humans. The prevention of this disease has been sought by medical professionals and researchers. Unfortunately, the handling of TB is still manual and very dependent on medical experts who are very limited in number. In this study we propose an alternative information technology to overcome this problem. To overcome this problem a TB diagnostic system is developed using a fuzzy expert system. Input data on this system are the symptoms suffered by the sufferer, which consists of cough, weight loss, breathless, loss of appetite, fever, sweat at night, and malaise. The input data is then processed using fuzzy logic which consists of a process of fuzification, inference and defuzification. The output of the system displays the disease diagnosis interface on the web. Disease rules are given by experts who are experts in their fields and from journal sources. The results of the study are information systems that can provide the results of disease diagnosis to the user. The calculation of the accuracy value is also done to find out how accurate the fuzzy logic is in this system, and from the results of these calculations it is found that the accuracy value is 82% which shows that fuzzy logic is good for the diagnostic process. Keywords—tuberculosis, expert, fuzzy expert system, fuzzy logic, diagnosi

    Design and development of a fuzzy explainable expert system for a diagnostic robot of COVID-19

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    Expert systems have been widely used in medicine to diagnose different diseases. However, these rule-based systems only explain why and how their outcomes are reached. The rules leading to those outcomes are also expressed in a machine language and confronted with the familiar problems of coverage and specificity. This fact prevents procuring expert systems with fully human-understandable explanations. Furthermore, early diagnosis involves a high degree of uncertainty and vagueness which constitutes another challenge to overcome in this study. This paper aims to design and develop a fuzzy explainable expert system for coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) diagnosis that could be incorporated into medical robots. The proposed medical robotic application deduces the likelihood level of contracting COVID-19 from the entered symptoms, the personal information, and the patient's activities. The proposal integrates fuzzy logic to deal with uncertainty and vagueness in diagnosis. Besides, it adopts a hybrid explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) technique to provide different explanation forms. In particular, the textual explanations are generated as rules expressed in a natural language while avoiding coverage and specificity problems. Therefore, the proposal could help overwhelmed hospitals during the epidemic propagation and avoid contamination using a solution with a high level of explicability

    Pankin mobiilisovelluksen graafisen käyttöliittymän testaaminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Digitalisaation myötä merkittävä osa pankkipalveluista on siirtynyt mobiilisovelluksiin. Sovellusten ominaisuudet monipuolistuvat ja niiden käyttäjämäärät kasvavat koko ajan. Mobiilisovellusten kehittämisen ja testaamisen eräs ongelma on laitesukupolvien nopea kehitys. Eri käyttöjärjestelmät, ohjelmistoversiot, laitevalmistajat, laitteiden mallit, näyttökoot, näytön kuvasuhteet ja resoluutiot tuottavat lukemattoman määrän erilaisia laiteprofiileja, joiden kanssa sovelluksen tulisi toimia virheettömästi. Testaus on toistettava jokaisen uuden sovellus-, laite- ja käyttöjärjestelmäversion kohdalla. Laajasta laitekirjosta johtuen fyysisistä mobiililaitteista koostuvan testilaboratorion ylläpitäminen ei välttämättä ole realistista. Tässä diplomityössä on tarkasteltu pankkipalveluiden mobiilisovellusten testausta vertaamalla laitepohjaista ratkaisua, simulaattoreita ja emulaattoreita, virtuaalikoneita sekä pilvipalveluissa tapahtuvaa testausta. Pankkisovelluksen tapauksessa tietoturvalla on keskeinen merkitys, sillä kyseessä on asiakkaiden henkilötietojen sekä raha-asioiden käsittely. Tarkkojen ja yhtenäisten kriteereiden määrittely pankin mobiilisovelluksen graafisen käyttöliittymän testauksen automatisointiin on haasteellista. Testausratkaisun valinta riippuu kontekstista, tiimin asettamista vaatimuksista ja työyhteisön kulttuurista. Tässä tutkielmassa tehdyt analyysit antavat pohjan valinnalle.Testing the graphical user interface of the mobile banking application. Abstract. With digitalization, a significant portion of banking services have shifted to mobile applications. The features of the applications are diversifying, and the number of their users is constantly growing. One problem with the development and testing of mobile applications is the rapid development of device generations. Different operating systems, software versions, device manufacturers, device models, screen sizes, screen aspect ratios, and resolutions produce a myriad of different device profiles with which the application should work flawlessly. Testing must be repeated for each new version of application, device, and operating system. Due to the large variety of hardware, maintaining a test lab made up of physical mobile devices may not be realistic. This thesis examines the testing of mobile applications in banking services by comparing a device-based solution, simulators and emulators, virtual machines and testing in cloud services. In the case of a banking application, data security is of key importance, as it involves the processing of customers’ personal data as well as financial matters. Defining exact and unified criteria for automating the graphical user interface testing of a mobile banking application is challenging. The selection of the testing solution depends on the context, the requirements set by the team, and the culture of the work community. The analyses in this thesis provide a foundation for such a choice