5,402 research outputs found

    Power Grid Network Evolutions for Local Energy Trading

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    The shift towards an energy Grid dominated by prosumers (consumers and producers of energy) will inevitably have repercussions on the distribution infrastructure. Today it is a hierarchical one designed to deliver energy from large scale facilities to end-users. Tomorrow it will be a capillary infrastructure at the medium and Low Voltage levels that will support local energy trading among prosumers. In our previous work, we analyzed the Dutch Power Grid and made an initial analysis of the economic impact topological properties have on decentralized energy trading. In this paper, we go one step further and investigate how different networks topologies and growth models facilitate the emergence of a decentralized market. In particular, we show how the connectivity plays an important role in improving the properties of reliability and path-cost reduction. From the economic point of view, we estimate how the topological evolutions facilitate local electricity distribution, taking into account the main cost ingredient required for increasing network connectivity, i.e., the price of cabling

    Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility: special report, session 2

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    The scope of Session 2 (S2) has been defined as follows by the Session Advisory Group and the Technical Committee: Power Quality (PQ), with the more general concept of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and with some related safety problems in electricity distribution systems. Special focus is put on voltage continuity (supply reliability, problem of outages) and voltage quality (voltage level, flicker, unbalance, harmonics). This session will also look at electromagnetic compatibility (mains frequency to 150 kHz), electromagnetic interferences and electric and magnetic fields issues. Also addressed in this session are electrical safety and immunity concerns (lightning issues, step, touch and transferred voltages). The aim of this special report is to present a synthesis of the present concerns in PQ&EMC, based on all selected papers of session 2 and related papers from other sessions, (152 papers in total). The report is divided in the following 4 blocks: Block 1: Electric and Magnetic Fields, EMC, Earthing systems Block 2: Harmonics Block 3: Voltage Variation Block 4: Power Quality Monitoring Two Round Tables will be organised: - Power quality and EMC in the Future Grid (CIGRE/CIRED WG C4.24, RT 13) - Reliability Benchmarking - why we should do it? What should be done in future? (RT 15

    Improving Grid Hosting Capacity and Inertia Response with High Penetration of Renewable Generation

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    To achieve a more sustainable supply of electricity, utilizing renewable energy resources is a promising solution. However, the inclusion of intermittent renewable energy resources in electric power systems, if not appropriately managed and controlled, will raise a new set of technical challenges in both voltage and frequency control and jeopardizes the reliability and stability of the power system, as one of the most critical infrastructures in the today’s world. This dissertation aims to answer how to achieve high penetration of renewable generations in the entire power system without jeopardizing its security and reliability. First, we tackle the data insufficiency in testing new methods and concepts in renewable generation integration and develop a toolkit to generate any number of synthetic power grids feathering the same properties of real power grids. Next, we focus on small-scale PV systems as the most growing renewable generation in distribution networks and develop a detailed impact assessment framework to examine its impacts on the system and provide installation scheme recommendations to improve the hosting capacity of PV systems in the distribution networks. Following, we examine smart homes with rooftop PV systems and propose a new demand side management algorithm to make the best use of distributed renewable energy. Finally, the findings in the aforementioned three parts have been incorporated to solve the challenge of inertia response and hosting capacity of renewables in transmission network

    Distribution Network Model Platform: A First Case Study

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    Decarbonisation policies have recently seen an uncontrolled increase in local electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES) at distribution level. As a consequence, bidirectional power flows might cause high voltage/ medium voltage (HV/MV) transformers to overload. Additionally, not-well-planned installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations could provoke voltage deviations and cables overloading during peak times. To ensure secure and reliable distribution network operations, technology integration requires careful analysis which is based on realistic distribution grid models (DGM). Currently, however, only not geo-referenced synthetic grids are available inliterature. This fact unfortunately represents a big limitation. In order to overcome this knowledge gap, we developed a distribution network model (DiNeMo) web-platform aiming at reproducing the DGM of a given area of interest. DiNeMo is based on metrics and indicators collected from 99 unbundled distribution system operators (DSOs) in Europe. In this work we firstly perform a validation exercise on two DGMs of the city of VaraĹľdin in Croatia. To this aim, a set of indicators from the DGMs and from the real networks are compared. The DGMs are later used for a power flow analysis which focuses on voltage fluctuations, line losses, and lines loading considering different levels of EV charging stations penetration

    Topological properties of medium voltage electricity distribution networks

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    With a large penetration of low carbon technologies (LCTs) at medium voltage and low voltage levels, electricity distribution networks are undergoing rapid changes. Much research has been carried out to analyse the impact of employing LCTs in distribution networks based on either real or synthetic network samples. Results of such studies are usually case specific and of limited applicability to other networks. Topological properties of a distribution networks describe how different network components are located and connected, which are critical for the investigation of network performance. However, the number of network modelling and simulation platforms are limited in the open literature which can provide random realistic representations of electricity distribution networks. Thus, it is difficult to arrive to generalized and robust conclusions on impact studies of LCTs. As the initial step to bridge this gap, this paper studies the topological properties of real-world electricity distribution networks at the medium voltage level by employing the techniques from complex networks analysis and graph theory. The networks have been modelled as graphs with nodes representing electrical components of the network and links standing for the connections between the nodes through distribution lines. The key topological properties that characterize different types (urban and sub-urban) of distribution networks have been identified and quantified. A novel approach to obtain depth-dependent topological properties has also been developed. Results show that the node degree and edge length related graph properties are a key to characterize different types of electricity distribution networks and depth dependent network properties are able to better characterize the topological properties of urban and sub-urban networks

    Estimating national and local low-voltage grid capacity for residential solar photovoltaic in Sweden, UK and Germany

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    The electric grid\u27s available capacity to accommodate solar photovoltaic on national scales is currently uncertain. This makes decisions about grid capacity expansion, which can be very costly for local grid operators, difficult to make. Yet, knowledge of national solar photovoltaic grid capacity is central in order to formulate realistic solar PV targets and strategies. We present a methodology based on publicly available data to estimate the grid\u27s hosting capacity of residential solar photovoltaic at both the national and local scale. The model is applied to Sweden, Germany and the UK and shows that low-voltage grid capacity for residential solar photovoltaic is very large, 33 (+5/-7) GW (Sweden), 248 (+5/-24) GW (Germany) and 63 (+1/-14) GW UK, and similar to current total generation capacity. Based on our estimations, we find that with the capacity of the present grid Sweden can supply 24%, Germany 60% and UK 21% of their current annual net electricity consumption from residential solar photovoltaic. In addition, we find that the grid-supported individual solar PV system sizes increase as population density decreases. Finally, our work highlights the importance of implementing sizing incentives for customers when installing their solar PV systems

    A Critical Review of Robustness in Power Grids using Complex Networks Concepts

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    Complex network theory for analyzing robustness in energy gridsThis paper reviews the most relevant works that have investigated robustness in power grids using Complex Networks (CN) concepts. In this broad field there are two different approaches. The first one is based solely on topological concepts, and uses metrics such as mean path length, clustering coefficient, efficiency and betweenness centrality, among many others. The second, hybrid approach consists of introducing (into the CN framework) some concepts from Electrical Engineering (EE) in the effort of enhancing the topological approach, and uses novel, more efficient electrical metrics such as electrical betweenness, net-ability, and others. There is however a controversy about whether these approaches are able to provide insights into all aspects of real power grids. The CN community argues that the topological approach does not aim to focus on the detailed operation, but to discover the unexpected emergence of collective behavior, while part of the EE community asserts that this leads to an excessive simplification. Beyond this open debate it seems to be no predominant structure (scale-free, small-world) in high-voltage transmission power grids, the vast majority of power grids studied so far. Most of them have in common that they are vulnerable to targeted attacks on the most connected nodes and robust to random failure. In this respect there are only a few works that propose strategies to improve robustness such as intentional islanding, restricted link addition, microgrids and smart grids, for which novel studies suggest that small-world networks seem to be the best topology.This work has been partially supported by the project TIN2014-54583-C2-2-R from the Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT), by the project S2013/ICE-2933 from Comunidad de Madrid and by the project FUTURE GRIDS-2020 from the Basque Government
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