39 research outputs found

    Retrieval of firn thickness by means of polarisation phase differences in L-band SAR data

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    The knowledge of ice zones extent and their temporal variations is fundamental for the retrieval of surface mass balance of glaciers and ice sheets. In this context, a key parameter is the firn line (FL), the lower boundary of the firn zone, whose location is an indicator of time-integrated mass balance changes. Several approaches have been developed in the last decades to map the FL by means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery, mainly exploiting backscatter intensities and their seasonal variations. In this paper, an alternative approach is proposed, based on co-polarization phase differences (CPDs). In particular, CPDs are interpreted as the result of propagation through anisotropic firn layers and are, therefore, proposed as an indicator of the presence of firn. A model is employed to demonstrate the link between CPDs and firn depth, indicating the potential of polarimetric SAR to improve firn characterization beyond spatial extent and FL detection. The proposed approach is demonstrated on L-band airborne data acquired by the F-SAR sensor of DLR in West Greenland during the ARCTIC15 campaign and validated with in-situ reference information available from other studies

    Age stratigraphy and basal properties of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet from radio-echo sounding measurements : and inferences about ice dynamics

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    The ice sheet internal structure is an imprint of its history and dynamics, and, additionally, the ice and enclosed air provide valuable information about the past climate. An established continent-wide stratigraphy can constrain both paleo-climate reconstructions and ice-flow models. In this study, the internal stratigraphy and basal properties of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) are inferred from radio-echo sounding (RES) measurements and interpreted with respect to ice dynamics. The first part evaluates the compatibility of multiple RES data sets and investigates the physical cause for RES internal reflections, ensuring their isochronicity. These reflections are used to map the age-depth stratigraphy of the EAIS. The depth distribution of paleo surfaces provides first estimates about accumulation-rate distribution and maximum age of the ice. The third part analyzes the roughness of the EAIS' base. Relationships between basal roughness, ice-flow speed and basal temperatures are observed, which could serve as a method to infer the basal thermal condition or validate modeled temperate-bed locations

    The Remotely and Directly Obtained Results of Glaciological Studies on King George Island: A Review

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    Climate warming has become indisputable, and it is now crucial to increase our understanding of both the mechanisms and consequences of climate change. The Antarctic region is subjected to substantial changes, the trends of which have been recognized for several decades. In the South Shetland Islands, the most visible effect of climate change is progressive deglaciation. The following review focuses on past glaciological studies conducted on King George Island (KGI). The results of collected cryosphere element observations are discussed herein in a comprehensive manner. Our analysis showed that there is a lack of temporal as well as spatial continuity for studies on the basic mass balance parameters on the entire KGI ice dome and only Bellingshausen Dome has a relatively long history of data collection. The methodologies of past work, which have improved over time, are also discussed. When studying the glacier front fluctuations, the authors most frequently use a 1956 aerial photography as reference ice coverage. This was the case for seven papers, while other sources are seldomly mentioned. In other papers as many as 41 other sources were used, and therefore comparison to photos taken up to 60 years later can give misleading trends, as small glaciers may have both advanced and retreated in that time. In the case of glacial velocities there is also an apparent lack of consistency, as different glaciers were indicated as the fastest on KGI. Only Lange, Anna, Crystal, Eldred, and eastern part of Usher glaciers were determined by more than one author as the fastest. Additionally, there are gaps in the KGI Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey area, which includes three ice domes: the Warszawa Icefield, the Krakow Icefield, and eastern part of King George Island. Ideas for further work on the topic are also suggested, allowing for easier access to data and thus contributing to a better understanding of glacier development mechanisms

    One Decade of Glacier Mass Changes on the Tibetan Plateau Derived from Multisensoral Remote Sensing Data

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    The Tibetan Plateau (TP) with an average altitude of 4,500 meters above sea level is characterized by many glaciers and ice caps. Glaciers are a natural indicator for climate variability in this high mountain environment where meteorological stations are rare or non-existent. In addition, the melt water released from the Tibetan glaciers is feeding the headwaters of the major Asian river systems and contributes to the rising levels of endorheic lakes on the plateau. As many people directly rely on the glacier melt water a continuous glacier monitoring program is necessary in this region. In situ measurements of glaciers are important, but are spatial limited due to large logistical efforts, physical constrains and high costs. Remote sensing techniques can overcome this gap and are suitable to complement in situ measurements on a larger scale. In the last decade several remote sensing studies dealt with areal changes of glaciers on the TP. However, glacier area changes only provide a delayed signal to a changing climate and the amount of melt water released from the glaciers cannot be quantified. Therefore it is important to measure the glacier mass balance. In order to estimate glacier mass balances and their spatial differences on the TP, several remote sensing techniques and sensors were synthesized in this thesis. In a first study data from the Ice Cloud and Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission were employed. ICESat was in orbit between 2003 and 2009 and carried a laser altimeter which recorded highly accurate surface elevation measurements. As in mid-latitudes these measurements are rather sparse glaciers on the TP were grouped into eight climatological homogeneous sub-regions in order to perform a statistical sound analysis of glacier elevation changes. To assess surface elevation changes of a single mountain glacier from ICESat data, an adequate spatial sampling of ICESat measurements need to be present. This is the case for the Grosser Aletschgletscher, located in the Swiss Alps which served as a test site in this thesis. In another study data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission and from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) conducted in February 2000 were employed to calculate glacier elevation changes. In a co-authored study, these estimates could be compared with glacier elevation changes obtained from the current French Pléiades satellite mission. In order to calculate glacier mass balances, the derived elevation changes were combined with assumptions about glacier area and ice density in all studies. In this thesis contrasting patterns of glacier mass changes were found on the TP. With an ICESat derived estimate of -15.6±10.1 Gt/a between 2003 and 2009 the average glacier mass balance on the TP was clearly negative. However, some glaciers in the central and north-western part of the TP showed a neutral mass balance or a slightly positive anomaly which was also confirmed by data from the current TanDEM-X satellite mission. A possible explanation of this anomaly in mass balance could be a compensation of the temperature driven glacier melt due to an increase in precipitation

    Elevation change and mass balance of Svalbard glaciers from geodetic data

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    This thesis uses ground-based, airborne and spaceborne elevation measurements to estimate elevation change and mass balance of glaciers and ice caps on the Svalbard archipelago in the Norwegian Arctic. Remote sensing data are validated against field measurements from annual campaigns at the Austfonna ice cap. A new and more accurate DEM of the ice cap is constucted by combining SAR interferometry with ICESat laser altimetry. The precision of the DEM is sufficient to correct ICESat near repeat-tracks for the cross-track topography such that multitemporal elevation profiles can be compared along each reference track. The calculated elevation changes agree well with more accurate elevation change data from airborne laser scanning and GNSS surface profiling. The average mass balance of Austfonna between 2002 and 2008 is estimated to -1.3 ± 0.5 Gt y-1, corresponding to an area-averaged water equivalent elevation change of -0.16 ± 0.06 m w.e. y-1. The entire net loss is due to a retreat of the tidewater fronts. Earlier time periods are difficult to assess due to limitations in the amount and quality of previous elevation data sets. Other Svalbard regions have been precisely mapped by aerial photogrammetry, so the ICESat profiles from 2003-2008 can be compared with existing topographic maps and DEMs from 1965-1990. The mass balance for this period is estimated to -9.7 ± 0.6 Gt y-1 (or -0.36 ± 0.02 m w.e. y-1), excluding Austfonna. Repeat-track ICESat data are also analysed for the entire Svalbard yielding an average 2003-2008 mass balance of -4.3 ± 1.4 Gt y-1 (or -0.12 ± 0.04 m w.e. y-1) when tidewater front retreat is not accounted for. The most accurate elevation change estimates are obtained using all available ICESat data in a joint regression where surface slope and elevation change are estimated for rectangular planes that are fitted to the data along each track. The good performance of the plane method implies that it can also be used in other Arctic regions where accurate DEMs typically are not available

    Using Repeat Photography to Document the Effects of Climate Change on Glaciers in Iceland Change on Glaciers in Iceland

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    Climate change is a worldwide, multifaceted phenomenon that impacts our world today and will continue to impact our world in the future with even greater severity. Although climate change can sometimes be considered an abstract topic due to its being somewhat intangible, one direct way of observing the effects of climate change is by studying glaciers. This study combines a literature review with repeat photography in order to demonstrate the tangible effects of climate change on glaciers in Iceland and explore the secondary impacts on sea level elevation (SEL), water availability and distribution, hydropower, natural hazards, and tourism in Iceland. The literature review explores past research on both short-term and long-term glacial changes as well as future glacial change projections in Iceland. Results of the literature review showed a general consensus that Iceland’s glaciers have been steadily declining since the early 1990s, with one study even determining that over a 129-year study period, half of the observed mass change on Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland (-240 +/- 20 Gt) occurred during geological years 1994/1995 and 2018/2019 (Aðalgeirsdóttir, G. et al., 2020). For repeat photography, the outline of Vatnajökull glacier from photographs taken in 2013 and 2023 were compared, showing a general trend of glacial volume loss occurring throughout the 10-year period, aligning with the results of the literature review. By using the highly visual nature of repeat photography and combining it with the review of previous glacial research, this study allows for scientific research surrounding the effects of climate change on glaciers to be easily visible to the general public, thus rendering a previously considered intangible concept tangible. This study may, therefore, be seen as a starting point for bridging the gap between scientific discourse surrounding climate change and information for the general public