6 research outputs found

    iWarpGAN: Disentangling Identity and Style to Generate Synthetic Iris Images

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown success in approximating complex distributions for synthetic image generation. However, current GAN-based methods for generating biometric images, such as iris, have certain limitations: (a) the synthetic images often closely resemble images in the training dataset; (b) the generated images lack diversity in terms of the number of unique identities represented in them; and (c) it is difficult to generate multiple images pertaining to the same identity. To overcome these issues, we propose iWarpGAN that disentangles identity and style in the context of the iris modality by using two transformation pathways: Identity Transformation Pathway to generate unique identities from the training set, and Style Transformation Pathway to extract the style code from a reference image and output an iris image using this style. By concatenating the transformed identity code and reference style code, iWarpGAN generates iris images with both inter- and intra-class variations. The efficacy of the proposed method in generating such iris DeepFakes is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively using ISO/IEC 29794-6 Standard Quality Metrics and the VeriEye iris matcher. Further, the utility of the synthetically generated images is demonstrated by improving the performance of deep learning based iris matchers that augment synthetic data with real data during the training process

    Private Eyes: Zero-Leakage Iris Searchable Encryption

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    Biometric databases are being deployed with few cryptographic protections. Because of the nature of biometrics, privacy breaches affect users for their entire life. This work introduces Private Eyes, the first zero-leakage biometric database. The only leakage of the system is unavoidable: 1) the log of the dataset size and 2) the fact that a query occurred. Private Eyes is built from symmetric searchable encryption. Proximity queries are the required functionality: given a noisy reading of a biometric, the goal is to retrieve all stored records that are close enough according to a distance metric. Private Eyes combines locality sensitive-hashing or LSHs (Indyk and Motwani, STOC 1998) and encrypted maps. One searches for the disjunction of the LSHs of a noisy biometric reading. The underlying encrypted map needs to efficiently answer disjunction queries. We focus on the iris biometric. Iris biometric data requires a large number of LSHs, approximately 1000. The most relevant prior work is in zero-leakage k-nearest-neighbor search (Boldyreva and Tang, PoPETS 2021), but that work is designed for a small number of LSHs. Our main cryptographic tool is a zero-leakage disjunctive map designed for the setting when most clauses do not match any records. For the iris, on average at most 6% of LSHs match any stored value. To aid in evaluation, we produce a synthetic iris generation tool to evaluate sizes beyond available iris datasets. This generation tool is a simple generative adversarial network. Accurate statistics are crucial to optimizing the cryptographic primitives so this tool may be of independent interest. Our scheme is implemented and open-sourced. For the largest tested parameters of 5000 stored irises, search requires 26 rounds of communication and 26 minutes of single-threaded computation

    Anales del XIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computaci贸n (CACIC)

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    Contenido: Arquitecturas de computadoras Sistemas embebidos Arquitecturas orientadas a servicios (SOA) Redes de comunicaciones Redes heterog茅neas Redes de Avanzada Redes inal谩mbricas Redes m贸viles Redes activas Administraci贸n y monitoreo de redes y servicios Calidad de Servicio (QoS, SLAs) Seguridad inform谩tica y autenticaci贸n, privacidad Infraestructura para firma digital y certificados digitales An谩lisis y detecci贸n de vulnerabilidades Sistemas operativos Sistemas P2P Middleware Infraestructura para grid Servicios de integraci贸n (Web Services o .Net)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Anales del XIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computaci贸n (CACIC)

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    Contenido: Arquitecturas de computadoras Sistemas embebidos Arquitecturas orientadas a servicios (SOA) Redes de comunicaciones Redes heterog茅neas Redes de Avanzada Redes inal谩mbricas Redes m贸viles Redes activas Administraci贸n y monitoreo de redes y servicios Calidad de Servicio (QoS, SLAs) Seguridad inform谩tica y autenticaci贸n, privacidad Infraestructura para firma digital y certificados digitales An谩lisis y detecci贸n de vulnerabilidades Sistemas operativos Sistemas P2P Middleware Infraestructura para grid Servicios de integraci贸n (Web Services o .Net)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI