239 research outputs found

    Synthesising correct concurrent runtime monitors

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    This paper studies the correctness of automated synthesis for concurrent monitors. We adapt a subset of the Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion (a reformulation of the modal μ-calculus) to specify safety properties for Erlang programs. We also define an automated translation from formulas in this sub-logic to concurrent Erlang monitors that detect formula violations at runtime. Subsequently, we formalise a novel definition for monitor correctness that incorporates monitor behaviour when instrumented with the program being monitored. Finally, we devise a sound technique that allows us to prove monitor correctness in stages; this technique is used to prove the correctness of our automated monitor synthesis.peer-reviewe

    Improving Runtime Overheads for detectEr

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    We design monitor optimisations for detectEr, a runtime-verification tool synthesising systems of concurrent monitors from correctness properties for Erlang programs. We implement these optimisations as part of the existing tool and show that they yield considerably lower runtime overheads when compared to the unoptimised monitor synthesis.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437

    On Synchronous and Asynchronous Monitor Instrumentation for Actor-based systems

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    We study the impact of synchronous and asynchronous monitoring instrumentation on runtime overheads in the context of a runtime verification framework for actor-based systems. We show that, in such a context, asynchronous monitoring incurs substantially lower overhead costs. We also show how, for certain properties that require synchronous monitoring, a hybrid approach can be used that ensures timely violation detections for the important events while, at the same time, incurring lower overhead costs that are closer to those of an asynchronous instrumentation.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2014, arXiv:1502.0315

    Improving runtime overheads for detectEr

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    We design monitor optimisations for detectEr, a runtime-verification tool synthesising systems of concurrent monitors from correctness properties for Erlang programs. We implement these optimisations as part of the existing tool and show that they yield considerably lower runtime overheads when compared to the unoptimised monitor synthesis.peer-reviewe

    Monitoring distributed systems with distributed polyLarva

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    polyLarva is a language-agnostic runtime verification tool, which converts a polyLarvaScript into a monitor for a given system. While an implementation for polyLarva exists, the language and its compilation have not been formalised. We therefore present a formal implementation-independent model which describes the behaviour of polyLarvaScript, comprising of the uLarvaScript grammar and of a set of operational semantics. This allows us to prove important properties, such as determinism, and also enables us to reason about ways of re-designing the tool in a more scalable way. We also present a collection of denotational mappings for uLarvaScript converting the constructs of our grammar into constructs of a formal actor-based model, thus providing an Actor semantics for uLarvaScript. We are also able to prove certain correctness properties of the denotational translation such as that the denoted Actors behave in a way which corresponds to the behaviour described by our implementation-independent model. We finally present distPolyLarva, a prototype implementation of the distributed polyLarva tool, which implements the new actor-based semantics over a language that can natively handle distribution and concurrency called Erlang.peer-reviewe

    On synchronous and asynchronous monitor instrumentation for actor-based systems

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    We study the impact of synchronous and asynchronous monitoring instrumentation on runtime overheads in the context of a runtime verification framework for actor-based systems. We show that, in such a context, asynchronous monitoring incurs substantially lower overhead costs. We also show how, for certain properties that require synchronous monitoring, a hybrid approach can be used that ensures timely violation detections for the important events while, at the same time, incurring lower overhead costs that are closer to those of an asynchronous instrumentation.peer-reviewe

    A Foundation for Runtime Monitoring

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    Runtime Verification is a lightweight technique that complements other verification methods in an effort to ensure software correctness. The technique poses novel questions to software engineers: it is not easy to identify which specifications are amenable to runtime monitoring, nor is it clear which monitors effect the required runtime analysis correctly. This exposition targets a foundational understanding of these questions. Particularly, it considers an expressive specification logic (a syntactic variant of the mmucalc) that is agnostic of the verification method used, together with an elemental framework providing an operational semantics for the runtime analysis performed by monitors. The correspondence between the property satisfactions in the logic on the one hand, and the verdicts reached by the monitors performing the analysis on the other, is a central theme of the study. Such a correspondence underpins the concept of monitorability, used to identify the subsets of the logic that can be adequately monitored for by RV. Another theme of the study is that of understanding what should be expected of a monitor in order for the verification process to be correct. We show how the monitor framework considered can constitute a basis whereby various notions of monitor correctness may be defined and investigated

    A foundation for runtime monitoring

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    Runtime Verification is a lightweight technique that complements other verification methods in an effort to ensure software correctness. The technique poses novel questions to software engineers: it is not easy to identify which specifications are amenable to runtime monitor-ing, nor is it clear which monitors effect the required runtime analysis correctly. This exposition targets a foundational understanding of these questions. Particularly, it considers an expressive specification logic (a syntactic variant of the modal μ-calculus) that is agnostic of the verification method used, together with an elemental framework providing an operational semantics for the runtime analysis performed by monitors. The correspondence between the property satisfactions in the logic on the one hand, and the verdicts reached by the monitors performing the analysis on the other, is a central theme of the study. Such a correspondence underpins the concept of monitorability, used to identify the subsets of the logic that can be adequately monitored for by RV. Another theme of the study is that of understanding what should be expected of a monitor in order for the verification process to be correct. We show how the monitor framework considered can constitute a basis whereby various notions of monitor correctness may be defined and investigated.peer-reviewe

    Towards sound refactoring in erlang

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    Erlang is an actor-based programming language used extensively for building concurrent, reactive systems that are highly available and suff er minimum downtime. Such systems are often mission critical, making system correctness vital. Refactoring is code restructuring that improves the code but does not change behaviour. While using automated refactoring tools is less error-prone than performing refactorings manually, automated refactoring tools still cannot guarantee that the refactoring is correct, i.e., program behaviour is preserved. This leads to lack of trust in automated refactoring tools. We rst survey solutions to this problem proposed in the literature. Erlang refactoring tools as commonly use approximation techniques which do not guarantee behaviour while some other works propose the use of formal methodologies. In this work we aim to develop a formal methodology for refactoring Erlang code. We study behavioural preorders, with a special focus on the testing preorder as it seems most suited to our purpose.peer-reviewe
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