8 research outputs found

    Terminology-based Text Embedding for Computing Document Similarities on Technical Content

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    We propose in this paper a new, hybrid document embedding approach in order to address the problem of document similarities with respect to the technical content. To do so, we employ a state-of-the-art graph techniques to first extract the keyphrases (composite keywords) of documents and, then, use them to score the sentences. Using the ranked sentences, we propose two approaches to embed documents and show their performances with respect to two baselines. With domain expert annotations, we illustrate that the proposed methods can find more relevant documents and outperform the baselines up to 27% in terms of NDCG

    A method for measuring verb similarity for two closely related languages with application to Zulu and Xhosa

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    There are limited computational resources for Nguni languages and when improving availability for one of the languages, bootstrapping from a related language’s resources may be a cost-saving approach. This requires the ability to quantify similarity between any two closely related languages so as to make informed decisions, of which it is unclear how to measure it. We devised a method for quantifying similarity by adapting four extant similar measures, and present a method of quantifying the ratio of verbs that would need phonological conditioning due to consecutive vowels. The verbs selected are those relevant for weather forecasts for Xhosa and Zulu and newly specified as computational grammar rules. The 52 Xhosa and 49 Zulu rules share 42 rules, supporting informal impressions of their similarity. The morphosyntactic similarity reached 59.5% overall on the adapted Driver-Kroeber metric, with past tense rules only at 99.5%. This similarity score is a result of the variation in terminals mainly for the prefix of the verb

    Incorporating semantic and syntactic information into document representation for document clustering

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    Document clustering is a widely used strategy for information retrieval and text data mining. In traditional document clustering systems, documents are represented as a bag of independent words. In this project, we propose to enrich the representation of a document by incorporating semantic information and syntactic information. Semantic analysis and syntactic analysis are performed on the raw text to identify this information. A detailed survey of current research in natural language processing, syntactic analysis, and semantic analysis is provided. Our experimental results demonstrate that incorporating semantic information and syntactic information can improve the performance of our document clustering system for most of our data sets. A statistically significant improvement can be achieved when we combine both syntactic and semantic information. Our experimental results using compound words show that using only compound words does not improve the clustering performance for our data sets. When the compound words are combined with original single words, the combined feature set gets slightly better performance for most data sets. But this improvement is not statistically significant. In order to select the best clustering algorithm for our document clustering system, a comparison of several widely used clustering algorithms is performed. Although the bisecting K-means method has advantages when working with large datasets, a traditional hierarchical clustering algorithm still achieves the best performance for our small datasets

    Identificando plágio externo com Locality-sensitive hashing

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    Heuristic Retrieval task aims to retrieve a set of documents from which the external plagiarism detection identifies plagiarized pieces of text. In this context, we present Minmax Circular Sector Arcs algorithms that treats HR task as an approximate k-nearest neighbor search problem. Moreover, Minmax Circular Sector Arcs algorithms aim to retrieve the set of documents with greater amounts of plagiarized fragments, while reducing the amount of time to accomplish the HR task. Our theoretical framework is based on two aspects: (i) a triangular property to encode a range of sketches on a unique value; and (ii) a Circular Sector Arc property which enables (i) to be more accurate. Both properties were proposed for handling high-dimensional spaces, hashing them to a lower number of hash values. Our two Minmax Circular Sector Arcs methods, Minmax Circular Sector Arcs Lower Bound and Minmax Circular Sector Arcs Full Bound, achieved Recall levels slightly more imprecise than Minmaxwise hashing in exchange for a better Speedup in document indexing and query extraction and retrieval time in high-dimensional plagiarism related datasets.A tarefa de recuperação heurística tem como objetivo resgatar um conjunto de documentos dos quais a identificação de plágio externo identifica de pedaços de texto plagiado. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho apresenta os algoritmos Minmax Circular Sector Arcs que lidam com a tarefa de recuperação heurística como um problema de busca aproximada dos vizinhos mais próximos. Ademais, os algoritmos Minmax Circular Sector Arcs têm como objetivo recuperar documentos com grande quantidade de fragmentos plagiados enquanto reduz a quantidade de tempo para realizar a tarefa recuperação heurística. O ferramental teórico proposto é baseado em dois aspectos: (i) uma propriedade triangular que codifica um conjunto de esbo¸cos em um valor único; e (ii) a propriedade baseada em Arcos de Setores Circulares que melhoram a precisão de (i). Ambas as propriedades foram propostas para lidar com espaços de alta dimensionalidade, representando-os em um número pequendo de valores de hash. Os dois métodos Minmax Circular Sector Arcs aqui propostos, alcunhados de Minmax Circular Sector Arcs Lower Bound e Minmax Circular Sector Arcs Full Bound alcançaram níveis de recall singelamente mais imprecisos que o método Minmaxwise em troca de uma aceleração durante a indexação de documentos e da redução do tempo de extração e busca de consultas em coleções de dados de plágio de alta dimensionalidade

    Detection and management of redundancy for information retrieval

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    The growth of the web, authoring software, and electronic publishing has led to the emergence of a new type of document collection that is decentralised, amorphous, dynamic, and anarchic. In such collections, redundancy is a significant issue. Documents can spread and propagate across such collections without any control or moderation. Redundancy can interfere with the information retrieval process, leading to decreased user amenity in accessing information from these collections, and thus must be effectively managed. The precise definition of redundancy varies with the application. We restrict ourselves to documents that are co-derivative: those that share a common heritage, and hence contain passages of common text. We explore document fingerprinting, a well-known technique for the detection of co-derivative document pairs. Our new lossless fingerprinting algorithm improves the effectiveness of a range of document fingerprinting approaches. We empirically show that our algorithm can be highly effective at discovering co-derivative document pairs in large collections. We study the occurrence and management of redundancy in a range of application domains. On the web, we find that document fingerprinting is able to identify widespread redundancy, and that this redundancy has a significant detrimental effect on the quality of search results. Based on user studies, we suggest that redundancy is most appropriately managed as a postprocessing step on the ranked list and explain how and why this should be done. In the genomic area of sequence homology search, we explain why the existing techniques for redundancy discovery are increasingly inefficient, and present a critique of the current approaches to redundancy management. We show how document fingerprinting with a modified version of our algorithm provides significant efficiency improvements, and propose a new approach to redundancy management based on wildcards. We demonstrate that our scheme provides the benefits of existing techniques but does not have their deficiencies. Redundancy in distributed information retrieval systems - where different parts of the collection are searched by autonomous servers - cannot be effectively managed using traditional fingerprinting techniques. We thus propose a new data structure, the grainy hash vector, for redundancy detection and management in this environment. We show in preliminary tests that the grainy hash vector is able to accurately detect a good proportion of redundant document pairs while maintaining low resource usage

    Syntactic Similarity of Web Documents

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    This paper presents and compares two methods for evaluating the syntactic similarity between documents. The first method uses the Patricia tree, constructed from the original document, and the similarity is computed searching the text of each candidate document in the tree. The second method uses shingles concept to obtain the similarity measure for every document pairs, and each shingle from the original document is inserted in a hash table, where shingles of each candidate document are searched. Given an original document and some candidates, two methods find documents that have some similarity relationship with the original document. Experimental results were obtained by using a plagiarized documents generator system, from 900 documents collected from the Web. Considering the arithmetic average of the absolute differences between the expected and obtained similarity, the algorithm that uses shingles obtained a performance of ##### and the algorithm that uses Patricia tree a performance of #####

    Syntactic similarity of web documents.

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    This paper presents and compares two methods for evaluating the syntactic similarity between documents. The first method uses the Patricia tree, constructed from the original document, and the similarity is computed searching the text of each candidate document in the tree. The second method uses shingles concept to obtain the similarity measure for every document pairs, and each shingle from the original document is inserted in a hash table, where shingles of each candidate document are searched. Given an original doc-ument and some candidates, two methods find documents that have some similarity relationship with the original doc-ument. Experimental results were obtained by using a pla-giarized documents generator system, from 900 documents collected from the Web. Considering the arithmetic ave rage of the absolute differences between the expected and ob-tained similarity, the algorithm that uses shingles obtained a performance of 4,13 % and the algorithm that uses Patricia tree a performance 7.50