965 research outputs found

    Using synchronizing heuristics to construct homing sequences

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    Computing a shortest synchronizing sequence of an automaton is an NP-Hard problem. There are well-known heuristics to find short synchronizing sequences. Finding a shortest homing sequence is also an NP-Hard problem. Unlike existing heuristics to find synchronizing sequences, homing heuristics are not widely studied. In this paper, we discover a relation between synchronizing and homing sequences by creating an automaton called homing automaton. By applying synchronizing heuristics on this automaton we get short homing sequences. Furthermore, we adapt some of the synchronizing heuristics to construct homing sequences

    Synchronizing heuristics for weakly connected automata with various topologies

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    Since the problem of finding a shortest synchronizing sequence for an automaton is known to be NP-hard, heuristics algorithms are used to find synchronizing sequences. There are several heuristic algorithms in the literature for this purpose. However, even the most efficient heuristic algorithm in the literature has a quadratic complexity in terms of the number of states of the automaton, and therefore can only scale up to a couple of thousands of states. It was also shown before that if an automaton is not strongly connected, then these heuristic algorithms can be used on each strongly connected component separately. This approach speeds up these heuristic algorithms and allows them to scale to much larger number of states easily. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the topology of the automaton on the performance increase obtained by these heuristic algorithms. To this end, we consider various topologies and provide an extensive experimental study on the performance increase obtained on the existing heuristic algorithms. Depending on the size and the number of components, we obtain speed-up values as high as 10000x and more

    Boosting expensive synchronizing heuristics

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    For automata, synchronization, the problem of bringing an automaton to a particular state regardless of its initial state, is important. It has several applications in practice and is related to a fifty-year-old conjecture on the length of the shortest synchronizing word. Although using shorter words increases the effectiveness in practice, finding a shortest one (which is not necessarily unique) is NP-hard. For this reason, there exist various heuristics in the literature. However, high-quality heuristics such as SynchroP producing relatively shorter sequences are very expensive and can take hours when the automaton has tens of thousands of states. The SynchroP heuristic has been frequently used as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of the new heuristics. In this work, we first improve the runtime of SynchroP and its variants by using algorithmic techniques. We then focus on adapting SynchroP for many-core architectures, and overall, we obtain more than 1000× speedup on GPUs compared to naive sequential implementation that has been frequently used as a benchmark to evaluate new heuristics in the literature. We also propose two SynchroP variants and evaluate their performance

    An Improved Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Synchronizing Words

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    A synchronizing word of a deterministic finite complete automaton is a word whose action maps every state to a single one. Finding a shortest or a short synchronizing word is a central computational problem in the theory of synchronizing automata and is applied in other areas such as model-based testing and the theory of codes. Because the problem of finding a shortest synchronizing word is computationally hard, among exact algorithms only exponential ones are known. We redesign the previously fastest known exact algorithm based on the bidirectional breadth-first search and improve it with respect to time and space in a practical sense. We develop new algorithmic enhancements and adapt the algorithm to multithreaded and GPU computing. Our experiments show that the new algorithm is multiple times faster than the previously fastest one and its advantage quickly grows with the hardness of the problem instance. Given a modest time limit, we compute the lengths of the shortest synchronizing words for random binary automata up to 570 states, significantly beating the previous record. We refine the experimental estimation of the average reset threshold of these automata. Finally, we develop a general computational package devoted to the problem, where an efficient and practical implementation of our algorithm is included, together with several well-known heuristics

    An Improved Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Synchronizing Words

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    A synchronizing word of a deterministic finite complete automaton is a word whose action maps every state to a single one. Finding a shortest or a short synchronizing word is a central computational problem in the theory of synchronizing automata and is applied in other areas such as model-based testing and the theory of codes. Because the problem of finding a shortest synchronizing word is computationally hard, among \emph{exact} algorithms only exponential ones are known. We redesign the previously fastest known exact algorithm based on the bidirectional breadth-first search and improve it with respect to time and space in a practical sense. We develop new algorithmic enhancements and adapt the algorithm to multithreaded and GPU computing. Our experiments show that the new algorithm is multiple times faster than the previously fastest one and its advantage quickly grows with the hardness of the problem instance. Given a modest time limit, we compute the lengths of the shortest synchronizing words for random binary automata up to 570 states, significantly beating the previous record. We refine the experimental estimation of the average reset threshold of these automata. Finally, we develop a general computational package devoted to the problem, where an efficient and practical implementation of our algorithm is included, together with several well-known heuristics.Comment: Full version of ESA 2022 pape

    A uniform definition of stochastic process calculi

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    We introduce a unifying framework to provide the semantics of process algebras, including their quantitative variants useful for modeling quantitative aspects of behaviors. The unifying framework is then used to describe some of the most representative stochastic process algebras. This provides a general and clear support for an understanding of their similarities and differences. The framework is based on State to Function Labeled Transition Systems, FuTSs for short, that are state-transition structures where each transition is a triple of the form (s; α;P). The first andthe second components are the source state, s, and the label, α, of the transition, while the third component is the continuation function, P, associating a value of a suitable type to each state s0. For example, in the case of stochastic process algebras the value of the continuation function on s0 represents the rate of the negative exponential distribution characterizing the duration/delay of the action performed to reach state s0 from s. We first provide the semantics of a simple formalism used to describe Continuous-Time Markov Chains, then we model a number of process algebras that permit parallel composition of models according to the two main interaction paradigms (multiparty and one-to-one synchronization). Finally, we deal with formalisms where actions and rates are kept separate and address the issues related to the coexistence of stochastic, probabilistic, and non-deterministic behaviors. For each formalism, we establish the formal correspondence between the FuTSs semantics and its original semantics