292 research outputs found

    Evolution of microgrids with converter-interfaced generations: Challenges and opportunities

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Although microgrids facilitate the increased penetration of distributed generations (DGs) and improve the security of power supplies, they have some issues that need to be better understood and addressed before realising the full potential of microgrids. This paper presents a comprehensive list of challenges and opportunities supported by a literature review on the evolution of converter-based microgrids. The discussion in this paper presented with a view to establishing microgrids as distinct from the existing distribution systems. This is accomplished by, firstly, describing the challenges and benefits of using DG units in a distribution network and then those of microgrid ones. Also, the definitions, classifications and characteristics of microgrids are summarised to provide a sound basis for novice researchers to undertake ongoing research on microgrids

    Time and Frequency Transfer in a Coherent Multistatic Radar using a White Rabbit Network

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    Networks of coherent multistatic radars require accurate and stable time and frequency transfer (TFT) for range and Doppler estimation. TFT techniques based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), have been favoured for several reasons, such as enabling node mobility through wireless operation, geospatial referencing, and atomic clock level time and frequency stability. However, such systems are liable to GNSS-denial, where the GNSS carrier is temporarily or permanently removed. A denial-resilient system should consider alternative TFT techniques, such as the White Rabbit (WR) project. WR is an Ethernet based protocol, that is able to synchronise thousands of nodes on a fibre-optic based network with sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds of jitter. This thesis evaluates WR as the TFT network for a coherent multistatic pulse-Doppler radar – NeXtRAD. To test the hypothesis that WR is suitable for TFT in a coherent multistatic radar, the time and frequency performance of a WR network was evaluated under laboratory conditions, comparing the results against a network of multi-channel GPS-disciplined oscillators (GPSDO). A WR-disciplined oscillator (WRDO) is introduced, which has the short-term stability of an ovenised crystal (OCXO), and long-term stability of the WR network. The radar references were measured using a dual mixer time difference technique (DMTD), which allows the phase to be measured with femtosecond level resolution. All references achieved the stringent time and frequency requirements for short-term coherent bistatic operation, however the GPSDOs and WRDOs had the best short-term frequency stability. The GPSDOs had the highest amount of long-term phase drift, with a peak-peak time error of 9.6 ns, whilst the WRDOs were typically stable to within 0.4 ns, but encountered transient phase excursions to 1.5 ns. The TFT networks were then used on the NeXtRAD radar, where a lighthouse, Roman Rock, was used as a static target to evaluate the time and frequency performance of the references on a real system. The results conform well to the laboratory measurements, and therefore, WR can be used for TFT in coherent radar

    Control and Energy Management of Standalone Interconnected AC Microgrids

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    This thesis considered microgrids as local area distribution mini-power grids formed by distributed generation sources, energy storage systems and loads. They are reliable and can operate at different voltages and frequencies to meet the requirements of the load. Microgrids have limited renewable energy source (RES) capacity, which can only supply a limited load and increasing the load beyond a specifically designed limit can lead to stability issues. Irrespective of its limited capacity, there has been an increased widespread deployment of renewable energy-based microgrids worldwide orchestrated by the 2015 Paris Agreement and the war in Ukraine and as a solution to meet the global demand for energy in electricity deficit zones aimed to achieve universal access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy. Fast forward to the future, flooded singly operated microgrids face the problem of more curtailing of RES and load shedding. Multiple microgrids can be interconnected to mitigate the limitations of single microgrids and improve supply reliability, enhance power supply availability, stability, reserve capacity, reduce investment in new generating capacity and control flexibility. As a result, this thesis proposes a new structure and control technique for interconnecting multiple standalone AC microgrids to a common alternating current (AC) bus using a back-to-back power electronic converter and a traditional transformer. Each microgrid considered in this thesis comprises a renewable energy source (RES), battery, auxiliary unit, and load. The battery maintains the AC bus voltage and frequency and balances the difference in power generated by the RES and that consumed by the load. Each microgrid battery’s charge/discharge is maintained within the safest operating limit to maximise the RES power utilisation. The back-to-back converters are used to decouple the connecting standalone microgrid frequencies and facilitate power exchange between microgrids. The transformer is used to transmit electric power over long distances efficiently. The control technique for all the connecting bidirectional back-to-back converters is developed to manage the bidirectional power flow between each microgrid and other microgrids in the network and to balance the energy in the global bus of the interconnected microgrid with no communication. The control strategy uses a frequency signalling mechanism to limit the power demand of individual global converters and adjusts its droop coefficients accordingly and in proportion to deviation in frequency. The global droop controllers of the global connecting converters receive information about the status of the frequencies of individual microgrids using a low bandwidth communication link to enhance network power flow. MATLAB/Simulink results validate the performance of the proposed structure and control strategy. A decentralised control scheme is further proposed for the standalone interconnected AC microgrid structure. This thesis presented a high-level global droop controller that exchanges power between the interconnected microgrids. Renewable power curtailment and auxiliary power supplement mechanisms are designed based on the bus frequency signalling technique to achieve balance and continuity of supply. In case of power shortage in one microgrid, priority will first be given to power import from other microgrids. A power supplement is used if the power imported is insufficient to control the battery state of charge (SOC). Similarly, in case of a power surplus, priority will be given to power export, and if this is not enough, power from RES will be curtailed. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed controller maximises renewable power utilisation and minimises auxiliary power usage while providing better load support. The performance validation of the proposed structure and control strategy has been tested using MATLAB/Simulink. Furthermore, this thesis investigated a centralised control and energy management of multiple interconnected standalone AC microgrids using the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm (Fminsearch optimisation toolbox in MATLAB) based on the new proposed model. The main objective is to minimise the total cost of energy from the auxiliary unit produced from gas. The results obtained are compared with those obtained from an unoptimised system. The performance evaluation investigation results are compared with the unoptimised results to determine the percentage optimal performance of the system. The comparison outcome shows that the proposed optimisation method minimises the total auxiliary energy cost by about 9% compared with the results of the unoptimised benchmark

    A review of hierarchical control for building microgrids

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    Building microgrids have emerged as an advantageous alternative for tackling environmental issues while enhancing the electricity distribution system. However, uncertainties in power generation, electricity prices and power consumption, along with stringent requirements concerning power quality restrain the wider development of building microgrids. This is due to the complexity of designing a reliable and robust energy management system. Within this context, hierarchical control has proved suitable for handling different requirements simultaneously so that it can satisfactorily adapt to building environments. In this paper, a comprehensive literature review of the main hierarchical control algorithms for building microgrids is discussed and compared, emphasising their most important strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, a detailed explanation of the primary, secondary and tertiary levels is presented, highlighting the role of each control layer in adapting building microgrids to current and future electrical grid structures. Finally, some insights for forthcoming building prosumers are outlined, identifying certain barriers when dealing with building microgrid communities

    MediaSync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization

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    This book provides an approachable overview of the most recent advances in the fascinating field of media synchronization (mediasync), gathering contributions from the most representative and influential experts. Understanding the challenges of this field in the current multi-sensory, multi-device, and multi-protocol world is not an easy task. The book revisits the foundations of mediasync, including theoretical frameworks and models, highlights ongoing research efforts, like hybrid broadband broadcast (HBB) delivery and users' perception modeling (i.e., Quality of Experience or QoE), and paves the way for the future (e.g., towards the deployment of multi-sensory and ultra-realistic experiences). Although many advances around mediasync have been devised and deployed, this area of research is getting renewed attention to overcome remaining challenges in the next-generation (heterogeneous and ubiquitous) media ecosystem. Given the significant advances in this research area, its current relevance and the multiple disciplines it involves, the availability of a reference book on mediasync becomes necessary. This book fills the gap in this context. In particular, it addresses key aspects and reviews the most relevant contributions within the mediasync research space, from different perspectives. Mediasync: Handbook on Multimedia Synchronization is the perfect companion for scholars and practitioners that want to acquire strong knowledge about this research area, and also approach the challenges behind ensuring the best mediated experiences, by providing the adequate synchronization between the media elements that constitute these experiences

    Energy Management

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    Forecasts point to a huge increase in energy demand over the next 25 years, with a direct and immediate impact on the exhaustion of fossil fuels, the increase in pollution levels and the global warming that will have significant consequences for all sectors of society. Irrespective of the likelihood of these predictions or what researchers in different scientific disciplines may believe or publicly say about how critical the energy situation may be on a world level, it is without doubt one of the great debates that has stirred up public interest in modern times. We should probably already be thinking about the design of a worldwide strategic plan for energy management across the planet. It would include measures to raise awareness, educate the different actors involved, develop policies, provide resources, prioritise actions and establish contingency plans. This process is complex and depends on political, social, economic and technological factors that are hard to take into account simultaneously. Then, before such a plan is formulated, studies such as those described in this book can serve to illustrate what Information and Communication Technologies have to offer in this sphere and, with luck, to create a reference to encourage investigators in the pursuit of new and better solutions