2,974 research outputs found

    Symmetric motifs in random geometric graphs

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    We study symmetric motifs in random geometric graphs. Symmetric motifs are subsets of nodes which have the same adjacencies. These subgraphs are particularly prevalent in random geometric graphs and appear in the Laplacian and adjacency spectrum as sharp, distinct peaks, a feature often found in real-world networks. We look at the probabilities of their appearance and compare these across parameter space and dimension. We then use the Chen-Stein method to derive the minimum separation distance in random geometric graphs which we apply to study symmetric motifs in both the intensive and thermodynamic limits. In the thermodynamic limit the probability that the closest nodes are symmetric approaches one, whilst in the intensive limit this probability depends upon the dimension.Comment: 11 page

    Emergence of Symmetry in Complex Networks

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    Many real networks have been found to have a rich degree of symmetry, which is a very important structural property of complex network, yet has been rarely studied so far. And where does symmetry comes from has not been explained. To explore the mechanism underlying symmetry of the networks, we studied statistics of certain local symmetric motifs, such as symmetric bicliques and generalized symmetric bicliques, which contribute to local symmetry of networks. We found that symmetry of complex networks is a consequence of similar linkage pattern, which means that nodes with similar degree tend to share similar linkage targets. A improved version of BA model integrating similar linkage pattern successfully reproduces the symmetry of real networks, indicating that similar linkage pattern is the underlying ingredient that responsible for the emergence of the symmetry in complex networks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Spectral statistics of random geometric graphs

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    We use random matrix theory to study the spectrum of random geometric graphs, a fundamental model of spatial networks. Considering ensembles of random geometric graphs we look at short range correlations in the level spacings of the spectrum via the nearest neighbour and next nearest neighbour spacing distribution and long range correlations via the spectral rigidity Delta_3 statistic. These correlations in the level spacings give information about localisation of eigenvectors, level of community structure and the level of randomness within the networks. We find a parameter dependent transition between Poisson and Gaussian orthogonal ensemble statistics. That is the spectral statistics of spatial random geometric graphs fits the universality of random matrix theory found in other models such as Erdos-Renyi, Barabasi-Albert and Watts-Strogatz random graph.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Substantially updated from previous versio

    Dimensionality of social networks using motifs and eigenvalues

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    We consider the dimensionality of social networks, and develop experiments aimed at predicting that dimension. We find that a social network model with nodes and links sampled from an mm-dimensional metric space with power-law distributed influence regions best fits samples from real-world networks when mm scales logarithmically with the number of nodes of the network. This supports a logarithmic dimension hypothesis, and we provide evidence with two different social networks, Facebook and LinkedIn. Further, we employ two different methods for confirming the hypothesis: the first uses the distribution of motif counts, and the second exploits the eigenvalue distribution.Comment: 26 page

    CONTEST : a Controllable Test Matrix Toolbox for MATLAB

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    Large, sparse networks that describe complex interactions are a common feature across a number of disciplines, giving rise to many challenging matrix computational tasks. Several random graph models have been proposed that capture key properties of real-life networks. These models provide realistic, parametrized matrices for testing linear system and eigenvalue solvers. CONTEST (CONtrollable TEST matrices) is a random network toolbox for MATLAB that implements nine models. The models produce unweighted directed or undirected graphs; that is, symmetric or unsymmetric matrices with elements equal to zero or one. They have one or more parameters that affect features such as sparsity and characteristic pathlength and all can be of arbitrary dimension. Utility functions are supplied for rewiring, adding extra shortcuts and subsampling in order to create further classes of networks. Other utilities convert the adjacency matrices into real-valued coefficient matrices for naturally arising computational tasks that reduce to sparse linear system and eigenvalue problems
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