8,051 research outputs found

    Robust Loss Functions under Label Noise for Deep Neural Networks

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    In many applications of classifier learning, training data suffers from label noise. Deep networks are learned using huge training data where the problem of noisy labels is particularly relevant. The current techniques proposed for learning deep networks under label noise focus on modifying the network architecture and on algorithms for estimating true labels from noisy labels. An alternate approach would be to look for loss functions that are inherently noise-tolerant. For binary classification there exist theoretical results on loss functions that are robust to label noise. In this paper, we provide some sufficient conditions on a loss function so that risk minimization under that loss function would be inherently tolerant to label noise for multiclass classification problems. These results generalize the existing results on noise-tolerant loss functions for binary classification. We study some of the widely used loss functions in deep networks and show that the loss function based on mean absolute value of error is inherently robust to label noise. Thus standard back propagation is enough to learn the true classifier even under label noise. Through experiments, we illustrate the robustness of risk minimization with such loss functions for learning neural networks.Comment: Appeared in AAAI 201

    A Semi-Supervised Two-Stage Approach to Learning from Noisy Labels

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    The recent success of deep neural networks is powered in part by large-scale well-labeled training data. However, it is a daunting task to laboriously annotate an ImageNet-like dateset. On the contrary, it is fairly convenient, fast, and cheap to collect training images from the Web along with their noisy labels. This signifies the need of alternative approaches to training deep neural networks using such noisy labels. Existing methods tackling this problem either try to identify and correct the wrong labels or reweigh the data terms in the loss function according to the inferred noisy rates. Both strategies inevitably incur errors for some of the data points. In this paper, we contend that it is actually better to ignore the labels of some of the data points than to keep them if the labels are incorrect, especially when the noisy rate is high. After all, the wrong labels could mislead a neural network to a bad local optimum. We suggest a two-stage framework for the learning from noisy labels. In the first stage, we identify a small portion of images from the noisy training set of which the labels are correct with a high probability. The noisy labels of the other images are ignored. In the second stage, we train a deep neural network in a semi-supervised manner. This framework effectively takes advantage of the whole training set and yet only a portion of its labels that are most likely correct. Experiments on three datasets verify the effectiveness of our approach especially when the noisy rate is high

    IMAE for Noise-Robust Learning: Mean Absolute Error Does Not Treat Examples Equally and Gradient Magnitude's Variance Matters

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    In this work, we study robust deep learning against abnormal training data from the perspective of example weighting built in empirical loss functions, i.e., gradient magnitude with respect to logits, an angle that is not thoroughly studied so far. Consequently, we have two key findings: (1) Mean Absolute Error (MAE) Does Not Treat Examples Equally. We present new observations and insightful analysis about MAE, which is theoretically proved to be noise-robust. First, we reveal its underfitting problem in practice. Second, we analyse that MAE's noise-robustness is from emphasising on uncertain examples instead of treating training samples equally, as claimed in prior work. (2) The Variance of Gradient Magnitude Matters. We propose an effective and simple solution to enhance MAE's fitting ability while preserving its noise-robustness. Without changing MAE's overall weighting scheme, i.e., what examples get higher weights, we simply change its weighting variance non-linearly so that the impact ratio between two examples are adjusted. Our solution is termed Improved MAE (IMAE). We prove IMAE's effectiveness using extensive experiments: image classification under clean labels, synthetic label noise, and real-world unknown noise. We conclude IMAE is superior to CCE, the most popular loss for training DNNs.Comment: Updated Version. IMAE for Noise-Robust Learning: Mean Absolute Error Does Not Treat Examples Equally and Gradient Magnitude's Variance Matters Code: \url{https://github.com/XinshaoAmosWang/Improving-Mean-Absolute-Error-against-CCE}. Please feel free to contact for discussions or implementation problem

    EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Regularized Graph Neural Networks

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) measures the neuronal activities in different brain regions via electrodes. Many existing studies on EEG-based emotion recognition do not fully exploit the topology of EEG channels. In this paper, we propose a regularized graph neural network (RGNN) for EEG-based emotion recognition. RGNN considers the biological topology among different brain regions to capture both local and global relations among different EEG channels. Specifically, we model the inter-channel relations in EEG signals via an adjacency matrix in a graph neural network where the connection and sparseness of the adjacency matrix are inspired by neuroscience theories of human brain organization. In addition, we propose two regularizers, namely node-wise domain adversarial training (NodeDAT) and emotion-aware distribution learning (EmotionDL), to better handle cross-subject EEG variations and noisy labels, respectively. Extensive experiments on two public datasets, SEED and SEED-IV, demonstrate the superior performance of our model than state-of-the-art models in most experimental settings. Moreover, ablation studies show that the proposed adjacency matrix and two regularizers contribute consistent and significant gain to the performance of our RGNN model. Finally, investigations on the neuronal activities reveal important brain regions and inter-channel relations for EEG-based emotion recognition
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