7 research outputs found

    SimCheck: An Expressive Type System for Simulink

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    MATLAB Simulink is a member of a class of visual languages that are used for modeling and simulating physical and cyber-physical systems. A Simulink model consists of blocks with input and output ports connected using links that carry signals. We extend the type system of Simulink with annotations and dimensions/units associated with ports and links. These types can capture invariants on signals as well as relations between signals. We define a type-checker that checks the wellformedness of Simulink blocks with respect to these type annotations. The type checker generates proof obligations that are solved by SRI's Yices solver for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). This translation can be used to detect type errors, demonstrate counterexamples, generate test cases, or prove the absence of type errors. Our work is an initial step toward the symbolic analysis of MATLAB Simulink models

    From stateflow simulation to verified implementation: A verification approach and a real-time train controller design

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    Simulink is widely used for model driven development (MDD) of industrial software systems. Typically, the Simulink based development is initiated from Stateflow modeling, followed by simulation, validation and code generation mapped to physical execution platforms. However, recent industrial trends have raised the demands of rigorous verification on safety-critical applications, which is unfortunately challenging for Simulink. In this paper, we present an approach to bridge the Stateflow based model driven development and a well- defined rigorous verification. First, we develop a self- contained toolkit to translate Stateflow model into timed automata, where major advanced modeling features in Stateflow are supported. Taking advantage of the strong verification capability of Uppaal, we can not only find bugs in Stateflow models which are missed by Simulink Design Verifier, but also check more important temporal properties. Next, we customize a runtime verifier for the generated nonintrusive VHDL and C code of Stateflow model for monitoring. The major strength of the customization is the flexibility to collect and analyze runtime properties with a pure software monitor, which opens more opportunities for engineers to achieve high reliability of the target system compared with the traditional act that only relies on Simulink Polyspace. We incorporate these two parts into original Stateflow based MDD seamlessly. In this way, safety-critical properties are both verified at the model level, and at the consistent system implementation level with physical execution environment in consideration. We apply our approach on a train controller design, and the verified implementation is tested and deployed on a real hardware platform

    Error Propagation in a System Model

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    Embodiments of the present subject matter can enable the analysis of signal value errors for system models. In an example, signal value errors can be propagated through the functional blocks of a system model to analyze possible effects as the signal value errors impact incident functional blocks. This propagation of the errors can be applicable to many models of computation including avionics models, synchronous data flow, and Kahn process networks

    Symbolic Analysis for Improving Simulation Coverage of Simulink/Stateflow Models

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    Aimed at verifying safety properties and improving simulation coverage for hybrid systems models of embedded control software, we propose a technique that combines numerical simulation and symbolic methods for computing state-sets. We consider systems with linear dynamics described in the commercial modeling tool Simulink/Stateflow. Given an initial state x, and a discrete-time simulation trajectory, our method computes a set of initial states that are guaranteed to be equivalent to x, where two initial states are considered to be equivalent if the resulting simulation trajectories contain the same discrete components at each step of the simulation. We illustrate the benefits of our method on two case studies. One case study is a benchmark proposed in the literature for hybrid systems verification and another is a Simulink demo model from Mathworks

    Méthodes logico-numériques pour la vérification des systèmes discrets et hybrides

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    Cette thèse étudie la vérification automatique de propriétés de sûreté de systèmes logico-numériques discrets ou hybrides. Ce sont des systèmes ayant des variables booléennes et numériques et des comportements discrets et continus. Notre approche est fondée sur l'analyse statique par interprétation abstraite. Nous adressons les problèmes suivants : les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques exigent l'énumération des états booléens, et par conséquent, ils souffrent du probléme d'explosion d'espace d'états. En outre, il y a une perte de précision due à l'utilisation d'un opérateur d'élargissement afin de garantir la terminaison de l'analyse. Par ailleurs, nous voulons rendre les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite accessibles à des langages de simulation hybrides. Dans cette thèse, nous généralisons d'abord l'accélération abstraite, une méthode qui améliore la précision des invariants numériques inférés. Ensuite, nous montrons comment étendre l'accélération abstraite et l'itération de max-stratégies à des programmes logico-numériques, ce qui aide à améliorer le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision. En ce qui concerne les systèmes hybrides, nous traduisons le langage de programmation synchrone et hybride Zelus vers les automates hybrides logico-numériques, et nous étendons les méthodes d'analyse logico-numérique aux systèmes hybrides. Enfin, nous avons mis en oeuvre les méthodes proposées dans un outil nommé ReaVer et nous fournissons des résultats expérimentaux. En conclusion, cette thèse propose une approche unifiée à la vérification de systèmes logico-numériques discrets et hybrides fondée sur l'interprétation abstraite qui est capable d'intégrer des méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques sophistiquées tout en améliorant le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision.This thesis studies the automatic verification of safety properties of logico-numerical discrete and hybrid systems. These systems have Boolean and numerical variables and exhibit discrete and continuous behavior. Our approach is based on static analysis using abstract interpretation. We address the following issues: Numerical abstract interpretation methods require the enumeration of the Boolean states, and hence, they suffer from the state space explosion problem. Moreover, there is a precision loss due to widening operators used to guarantee termination of the analysis. Furthermore, we want to make abstract interpretation-based analysis methods accessible to simulation languages for hybrid systems. In this thesis, we first generalize abstract acceleration, a method that improves the precision of the inferred numerical invariants. Then, we show how to extend abstract acceleration and max-strategy iteration to logico-numerical programs while improving the trade-off between efficiency and precision. Concerning hybrid systems, we translate the Zelus hybrid synchronous programming language to logico-numerical hybrid automata and extend logico-numerical analysis methods to hybrid systems. Finally, we implemented the proposed methods in ReaVer, a REActive System VERification tool, and provide experimental results. Concluding, this thesis proposes a unified approach to the verification of discrete and hybrid logico-numerical systems based on abstract interpretation, which is capable of integrating sophisticated numerical abstract interpretation methods while successfully trading precision for efficiency.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium

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    This publication contains the proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and held in Washington D.C. April 13-15, 2010. Topics covered include: Decision Engines for Software Analysis using Satisfiability Modulo Theories Solvers; Verification and Validation of Flight-Critical Systems; Formal Methods at Intel -- An Overview; Automatic Review of Abstract State Machines by Meta Property Verification; Hardware-independent Proofs of Numerical Programs; Slice-based Formal Specification Measures -- Mapping Coupling and Cohesion Measures to Formal Z; How Formal Methods Impels Discovery: A Short History of an Air Traffic Management Project; A Machine-Checked Proof of A State-Space Construction Algorithm; Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Omega-Regular Systems and Specifications; Modeling Regular Replacement for String Constraint Solving; Using Integer Clocks to Verify the Timing-Sync Sensor Network Protocol; Can Regulatory Bodies Expect Efficient Help from Formal Methods?; Synthesis of Greedy Algorithms Using Dominance Relations; A New Method for Incremental Testing of Finite State Machines; Verification of Faulty Message Passing Systems with Continuous State Space in PVS; Phase Two Feasibility Study for Software Safety Requirements Analysis Using Model Checking; A Prototype Embedding of Bluespec System Verilog in the PVS Theorem Prover; SimCheck: An Expressive Type System for Simulink; Coverage Metrics for Requirements-Based Testing: Evaluation of Effectiveness; Software Model Checking of ARINC-653 Flight Code with MCP; Evaluation of a Guideline by Formal Modelling of Cruise Control System in Event-B; Formal Verification of Large Software Systems; Symbolic Computation of Strongly Connected Components Using Saturation; Towards the Formal Verification of a Distributed Real-Time Automotive System; Slicing AADL Specifications for Model Checking; Model Checking with Edge-valued Decision Diagrams; and Data-flow based Model Analysis