336,514 research outputs found

    Symbolic Synchronization and the Detection of Global Properties of Coupled Dynamics from Local Information

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    We study coupled dynamics on networks using symbolic dynamics. The symbolic dynamics is defined by dividing the state space into a small number of regions (typically 2), and considering the relative frequencies of the transitions between those regions. It turns out that the global qualitative properties of the coupled dynamics can be classified into three different phases based on the synchronization of the variables and the homogeneity of the symbolic dynamics. Of particular interest is the {\it homogeneous unsynchronized phase} where the coupled dynamics is in a chaotic unsynchronized state, but exhibits (almost) identical symbolic dynamics at all the nodes in the network. We refer to this dynamical behaviour as {\it symbolic synchronization}. In this phase, the local symbolic dynamics of any arbitrarily selected node reflects global properties of the coupled dynamics, such as qualitative behaviour of the largest Lyapunov exponent and phase synchronization. This phase depends mainly on the network architecture, and only to a smaller extent on the local chaotic dynamical function. We present results for two model dynamics, iterations of the one-dimensional logistic map and the two-dimensional H\'enon map, as local dynamical function.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Symbolic dynamics of biological feedback networks

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    We formulate general rules for a coarse-graining of the dynamics, which we term `symbolic dynamics', of feedback networks with monotone interactions, such as most biological modules. Networks which are more complex than simple cyclic structures can exhibit multiple different symbolic dynamics. Nevertheless, we show several examples where the symbolic dynamics is dominated by a single pattern that is very robust to changes in parameters and is consistent with the dynamics being dictated by a single feedback loop. Our analysis provides a method for extracting these dominant loops from short time series, even if they only show transient trajectories.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inverse problems of symbolic dynamics

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    This paper reviews some results regarding symbolic dynamics, correspondence between languages of dynamical systems and combinatorics. Sturmian sequences provide a pattern for investigation of one-dimensional systems, in particular interval exchange transformation. Rauzy graphs language can express many important combinatorial and some dynamical properties. In this case combinatorial properties are considered as being generated by substitutional system, and dynamical properties are considered as criteria of superword being generated by interval exchange transformation. As a consequence, one can get a morphic word appearing in interval exchange transformation such that frequencies of letters are algebraic numbers of an arbitrary degree. Concerning multydimensional systems, our main result is the following. Let P(n) be a polynomial, having an irrational coefficient of the highest degree. A word ww (w=(w_n), n\in \nit) consists of a sequence of first binary numbers of {P(n)}\{P(n)\} i.e. wn=[2{P(n)}]w_n=[2\{P(n)\}]. Denote the number of different subwords of ww of length kk by T(k)T(k) . \medskip {\bf Theorem.} {\it There exists a polynomial Q(k)Q(k), depending only on the power of the polynomial PP, such that T(k)=Q(k)T(k)=Q(k) for sufficiently great kk.

    Symbolic dynamics for Lozi maps

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    In this paper we study the family of the Lozi maps La,b:R2→R2L_{a,b} : {\mathbb R}^2 \to {\mathbb R}^2, La,b=(1+y−a∣x∣,bx)L_{a,b} = (1 + y - a|x|, bx), and their strange attractors Λa,b\Lambda_{a,b}. We introduce the set of kneading sequences for the Lozi map and prove that it determines the symbolic dynamics for that map. We also introduce two other equivalent approaches
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