2 research outputs found

    Energy Harvesting for Residential Microgrid Distributed Sensor Systems

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    Microgrids are localized, independent power grids that can operate while connected to the larger electrical grid. These systems make intelligent decisions regarding power management and use an array of components to monitor power generation, consumption, and environmental conditions. While this technology can save end users money, the complexity of installation and maintenance has limited the adoption of microgrids in residential spaces. To simplify this technology for end users, the next evolution of microgrid components includes sensors that are wireless and ambiently powered. Even with a microgrid installed, significant energy is wasted in residential spaces. To address this loss, energy harvesting circuits can be incorporated into microgrid sensors, enabling them to recapture otherwise wasted environmental energy. Light, heat, radio frequency (RF) energy, mechanical energy, and 60 Hz noise from power lines are all abundant in most residential spaces and can be harvested to power microgrid components. Equipping microgrid sensors with energy harvesters simplifies the end user experience by eliminating the need for cable routing. Implementing energy harvesting techniques results in a microgrid that is easier to deploy, cleaner, and requires less maintenance. Developing this type of sensor is not only feasible, but sensible and can be constructed using off-the-shelf components. My research led me to conclude that the most effective strategy for designing an energy harvesting sensor is to combine energy harvesting technologies with battery power. By delegating smaller loads away from the harvesting integrated circuit (IC), its full harvesting potential is utilized, maximizing energy collection for the power-hungry transmitter. Simultaneously, a small coin-cell battery can sustain the remaining components, ensuring over a decade of functionality. This thesis explores the feasibility and design of a hybrid battery and energy harvesting sensor. The developed system block diagram allows for the swapping of components within each block, catering to the varying needs of the end user. The system is data and energy-aware, allowing it to make intelligent decisions regarding data transmission and enable communication as reliable as that of a traditional wire-line powered sensor. The hybrid sensor module underwent testing with a small monocrystalline solar cell as its energy source, delivering consistent power throughout the testing period. It accumulated surplus energy in a super capacitor storage unit, ensuring the system’s reliable operation even at night when the energy source was not available. While the tests utilized a photovoltaic (PV) cell, the design accommodates any energy harvesting source that can generate a minimum of 40 µW of power

    Double smart energy harvesting system for self-powered industrial IoT

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    312 p. 335 p. (confidencial)Future factories would be based on the Industry 4.0 paradigm. IndustrialInternet of Things (IIoT) represent a part of the solution in this field. Asautonomous systems, powering challenges could be solved using energy harvestingtechnology. The present thesis work combines two alternatives of energy input andmanagement on a single architecture. A mini-reactor and an indoor photovoltaiccell as energy harvesters and a double power manager with AC/DC and DC/DCconverters controlled by a low power single controller. Furthermore, theaforementioned energy management is improved with artificial intelligencetechniques, which allows a smart and optimal energy management. Besides, theharvested energy is going to be stored in a low power supercapacitor. The workconcludes with the integration of these solutions making IIoT self-powered devices.IK4 Teknike