4 research outputs found

    Citizens\u27 Perceptions of Body-Worn Camera Usage by Law Enforcement

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    A need for more transparency and accountability of police misconduct was obvious from citizen\u27 complaints and media coverage of inhumane actions of law enforcement offers unequipped with body-worn cameras (BWCs). With the fatalities of citizens by law enforcement on the rise, it was incumbent upon the officials in two communities to deliver measures to improve citizens\u27 perceptions of police officers\u27 use of BWCs and how much trust the citizens have in the use of these instruments, as a whole. The purpose of this study was to explore citizens\u27 confidence levels, sense of safety, and perception of civility when police officers use body cameras. The two research questions asked how has being made aware of the usage of BWCs by law enforcement impacted the perception of rural area citizens, and what is the perception of law enforcement officers\u27 usage of BWCs among rural area citizens? The theoretical framework for this study was the self-awareness theory. Data were collected via interviews The data were collected and coded for analysis. Coded data were generated from responses in face to face interviews of participants. Themes were developed from key words in the context and word repetition. Seven main themes were created. The findings of the research show that the usage of body-worn cameras is wanted by citizens in small rural cities and the citizens have a positive perception of officers who utilize body-worn cameras. The results of the study have substantial implication for social change and suggest the people are calling for the use of BWC\u27s by law enforcement officers to aid in increased transparency and trust in police officers on patrol. By carrying out this research, I was able to validate the perception of the citizens

    Sustainable Tourism Using Security Cameras with Privacy Protecting Ability

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    Sustainable Tourism Using Security Cameras with Privacy Protecting Ability

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    For sustainable tourism, a novel method of security camera operation is proposed. In the method, security cameras, which encrypt the taken images and store them into the memory card inside, are used. Only when crimes occur, the memory cards are taken out from the cameras and the images are decrypted with the key and viewed by the city government and/or the police. When no crimes occur, images are overwritten by the new ones after a week automatically without being viewed by anyone. By using the stand-alone cameras without wiring to the control center, the installation cost and the operation cost are much lower than CCTV cameras. By using image encryption, the privacy of the tourists is protected. Using this system, high density installation of the security cameras with very low cost can be realized in encryption with image encryption privacy protection function

    A vigilância e segurança de edifícios e instalações: O caso da EDP Distribuição de Energia, SA

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    A segurança de pessoas e bens revela-se particularmente importante pelo impacto que pode causar, quer nos países, quer em entidades públicas ou privadas. Sendo a EDP Distribuição de Energia, SA, a maior empresa de distribuição de eletricidade no país, depara-se esta com eventos anómalos que podem pôr em causa a segurança e a proteção de pessoas e bens, provocando elevado impacto no negócio, na imagem, nos custos. Os principais eventos anómalos detetados são o furto ou roubo, em especial de cobre, intrusão ou invasão de propriedade, atos de vandalismo e incêndio, localizando-se estes, não só em edifícios administrativos e em instalações técnicas, mas também na periferia dos mesmos. Com o presente estudo pretende-se conhecer as mais modernas tecnologias existentes em sistemas de vigilância e segurança, e resolver o problema da EDP Distribuição de Energia, S.A., a maior empresa do Grupo EDP e a que tem maior impacto no negócio de distribuição e venda de energia elétrica. A metodologia utilizada foi a observação direta, análise e diagnóstico interno às instalações administrativas e subestações, e o lançamento de um concurso público a conhecidas empresas do setor da segurança privada, que atuam no mercado nacional empresarial. Foi efetuada uma análise e um acompanhamento pormenorizado, em todas as fases do concurso. Como resultados, verificamos que muitas das empresas que apresentaram propostas nas fases iniciais do concurso, não apresentaram garantias ou qualidade, que consideramos como mínimas essenciais para o objetivo estabelecido, pelo que foram excluídas. Das empresas que chegaram à fase de negociação, constatamos que as propostas apresentadas dispunham de elevada qualidade técnica, possuíam os mais modernos equipamentos e demonstraram elevados conhecimentos da tecnologia. Concluiu-se a necessidade urgente de dotar os edifícios administrativos e as subestações da EDP Distribuição, com modernos sistemas de vigilância, que possibilitem um acompanhamento e controlo remoto, em tempo real e que permitam dissuadir potenciais invasores ou intrusos antes da invasão ou intrusão se verificar.The safety of people and goods is particularly important given the impact it may cause, whether in countries, or in public or private entities. EDP Distribuição de Energia, S.A. is the largest power distribution company in the country, and as such, it faces some anomalies that can jeopardize the security and protection of people and goods, causing a high impact in the business, image and costs of the company. The main detected anomalies are: theft (mainly of copper), intrusion or invasion of property, vandalism and malicious fire, perpetrated not only on administrative buildings and technical facilities, but also on their surroundings. The purpose of the present study is to understand the most modern technologies available in surveillance and security systems and solve the problem of EDP Distribuição, SA, which is the largest company of the EDP Group and the one that has the greatest impact in the business of distribution and sale of electricity. The methodology used was direct observation, analysis and internal diagnostic to the administrative facilities and substations, and the launch of a public competition to known companies in the security sector, which operate in the domestic corporate market. An analysis was performed as well as a detailed monitoring, at all stages of the competition. As a result, we find that many of the companies that submitted bids in the early stages of the competition, showed no assurances or quality, which we regard as essential to the minimum target set, and were therefore excluded. Of the companies that came to the negotiation phase, we found that their proposals had high technical quality, had the most modern equipment and demonstrated high knowledge of technology. We concluded that there is an urgent need to equip the administrative buildings and EDP Distribuição substations with modern surveillance systems that enable remote monitoring and control in real time, and allow the deterrence of potential attackers or intruders before the invasion or intrusion takes place