98 research outputs found

    Digital mapping of soil properties using multivariate statistical analysis and ASTER data in an Arid Region

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    Modeling and mapping of soil properties has been identified as key for effective land degradation management and mitigation. The ability to model and map soil properties at sufficient accuracy for a large agriculture area is demonstrated using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) imagery. Soil samples were collected in the El-Tina Plain, Sinai, Egypt, concurrently with the acquisition of ASTER imagery, and measured for soil electrical conductivity (EC_e), clay content and soil organic matter (OM). An ASTER image covering the study area was preprocessed, and two predictive models, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) and the partial least squares regression (PLSR), were constructed based on the ASTER spectra. For all three soil properties, the results of MARS models were better than those of the respective PLSR models, with cross-validation estimated R^2 of 0.85 and 0.80 for EC_e, 0.94 and 0.90 for clay content and 0.79 and 0.73 for OM. Independent validation of EC_e, clay content and OM maps with 32 soil samples showed the better performance of the MARS models, with R^2 = 0.81, 0.89 and 0.73, respectively, compared to R^2 = 0.78, 0.87 and 0.71 for the PLSR models. The results indicated that MARS is a more suitable and superior modeling technique than PLSR for the estimation and mapping of soil salinity (EC_e), clay content and OM. The method developed in this paper was found to be reliable and accurate for digital soil mapping in arid and semi-arid environments

    Estimating the soil clay content and organic matter by means of different calibration methods of vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

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    The selection of calibration method is one of the main factors influencing measurement accuracy of soil properties estimation in visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. In this study, the performance of three regression techniques, namely, partial least-squares regression (PLSR), support vector regression (SVR), and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) were compared to identify the best method to assess organic matter (OM) and clay content in the salt-affected soils. One hundred and two soil samples collected from Northern Sinai, Egypt, were used as the data set for the calibration and validation procedures. The dry samples were scanned using a FieldSpec Pro FR Portable Spectroradiometer (Analytical Spectral Devices, ASD) with a measurement range of 350–2500 nm. The spectra were subjected to seven pre-processed techniques, e.g., Savitzky–Golay (SG) smoothing, first derivative with SG smoothing (FD-SG), second derivative with SG smoothing (SD-SG), continuum removed reflectance (CR), standard normal variate and detrending (SNV-DT), multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) and extended MSC. The results of cross-validation showed that in most cases MARS models performed better than PLSR and SVR models. The best predictions were obtained using MARS calibration methods with CR prep-processing, yielding R2, root mean squared error (RMSE), and ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) values of 0.85, 0.19%, and 2.63, respectively, for OM; and 0.90, 5.32%, and 3.15, respectively, for clay content

    Review of soil salinity assessment for agriculture across multiple scales using proximal and/or remote sensors

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    Mapping and monitoring soil spatial variability is particularly problematic for temporally and spatially dynamic properties such as soil salinity. The tools necessary to address this classic problem only reached maturity within the past 2 decades to enable field- to regional-scale salinity assessment of the root zone, including GPS, GIS, geophysical techniques involving proximal and remote sensors, and a greater understanding of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and multi- and hyperspectral imagery. The concurrent development and application of these tools have made it possible to map soil salinity across multiple scales, which back in the 1980s was prohibitively expensive and impractical even at field scale. The combination of ECa-directed soil sampling and remote imagery has played a key role in mapping and monitoring soil salinity at large spatial extents with accuracy sufficient for applications ranging from field-scale site-specific management to statewide water allocation management to control salinity within irrigation districts. The objective of this paper is: (i) to present a review of the geophysical and remote imagery techniques used to assess soil salinity variability within the root zone from field to regional scales; (ii) to elucidate gaps in our knowledge and understanding of mapping soil salinity; and (iii) to synthesize existing knowledge to give new insight into the direction soil salinity mapping is heading to benefit policy makers, land resource managers, producers, agriculture consultants, extension specialists, and resource conservation field staff. The review covers the need and justification for mapping and monitoring salinity, basic concepts of soil salinity and its measurement, past geophysical and remote imagery research critical to salinity assessment, current approaches for mapping salinity at different scales, milestones in multi-scale salinity assessment, and future direction of field- to regional-scale salinity assessment

    USCID fourth international conference

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.The two-layer model of Shuttlerworth and Wallace (SW) was evaluated to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ETa) above a drip-irrigated Merlot vineyard, located in the Talca Valley, Region del Maule, Chile (35° 25' LS; 71° 32' LW ; 136m above the sea level). An automatic weather system was installed in the center of the vineyard to measure climatic variables (air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed) and energy balance components (solar radiation, net radiation, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, and soil heat flux) during November and December 2006. Values of ETa estimated by the SW model were tested with latent heat flux measurements obtained from an eddy-covariance system on a 30 minute time interval. Results indicated that SW model was able to predict ETa with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.44 mm d-1 and mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.36 mm d-1. Furthermore, SW model predicted latent heat flux with RMSE and MAE of 32 W m-2 and 19W m-1, respectively

    USCID Fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.Integrated regional water management -- Change of irrigation water quantity according to farm mechanization and land consolidation in Korea -- Local stakeholders participation for small scale water resources management in Bangladesh -- Water user participation in Egypt -- The man swimming against the stream knows the strength of it -- Roles and issues of Water Users' Associations for Sustainable Irrigation and Drainage in the Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan in Central Asia -- Chartered Water User Associations of Afghanistan -- Updated procedures for calculating state-wide consumptive use in Idaho -- Measuring and estimating open water evaporation in Elephant Butte Reservoir in New Mexico -- Evapotranspiration of deficit irrigated sorghum and winter wheat -- Evaluation of a two-layer model to estimate actual evapotranspiration for vineyards -- Estimating pecan water use through remote sensing in Lower Rio Grande -- Estimating crop water use from remotely sensed NDVI, crop models, and reference ET -- Alfalfa production using saline drainage water -- Performance evaluation of subsurface drainage system under unsteady state flow conditions in coastal saline soils of Andhrapradesh, India -- Management strategies for the reuse of wastewater in Jordan -- Providing recycled water for crop irrigation and other uses in Gilroy, California -- Oakdale Irrigation District Water Resources Plan -- Use of information technology to support integrated water resources management implementation -- Decision-support systems for efficient irrigation in the Middle Rio Grande -- Salt management -- Ghazi Barotha Project on Indus River in Pakistan -- Field tests of OSIRI -- Water requirements, irrigation evaluation and efficiency in Tenerife's crops (Canary Islands, Spain) -- Using wireless technology to reduce water use in rice production -- Variability of crop coefficients in space and time -- Assessing the implementation of integrated water management approach in closed basins -- New strategies of donors in the irrigation sector of Africa -- Holistic perspective for investments in agricultural drainage in Egypt -- Mapping system and services for canal operation techniques -- An open channel network modernization with automated structures -- Canal control alternatives in the irrigation district 'Sector BXII del Bajo Guadalquivir,' Spain -- Hydrodynamic behavior of a canal network under simultaneous supply and demand based operations -- Simulation on the effect of microtopography spatial variability on basin irrigation performance -- Drip irrigation as a sustainable practice under saline shallow ground water conditions -- Water retention, compaction and bean yield in different soil managements under a center pivot system -- Precision mechanical move irrigation for smallholding farmers -- Wild flood to graded border irrigation for water and energy conservation in the Klamath basin -- A method describing precise water application intensity under a CPIS from a limited number of measurements -- An irrigation sustainability assessment framework for reporting across the environmental-economic-social spectrum -- Planning for future irrigation landscapes -- One size does not fit all -- Water information networks -- Improving water use efficiency -- Irrigation system modernization in the Middle Rio Grande Valley -- Relationship of operation stability and automatic operation control methods of open canal -- Responsive strategies of agricultural water sector in Taiwan -- Effect of network water distribution schedule and different on-farm water management practices on sugarbeet water use efficiency -- Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) considerations for irrigation -- Accuracy of radar water level measurements -- Transition submergence and hysteresis effects in three-foot Cutthroat flumes -- Practical irrigation flow measurement and control -- Linear anionic PAM as a canal water seepage reducing technology -- In-situ non-destructive monitoring of water flow in damaged agricultural pipeline by AE -- Reoptimizing global irrigation systems to restore floodplain ecosystems and human livelihoods -- Water management technologies for sustainable agriculture in Kenya -- Impacts of changing rice irrigation practices on the shallow aquifer of Nasunogahara basin, Japan -- Drought protection from an in-lieu groundwater banking program -- Development of agricultural drought evaluation system in Korea -- Bean yield and root development in different soil managements under a center pivot system -- Can frost damage impact water demand for crop production in the future? -- Real time water delivery management and planning in irrigation and drainage networks -- Growth response of palm trees to the frequency of irrigation by bubblers in Khuzestan, Iran -- Application of Backpropagation Neural Network to estimate evapotranspiration for ChiaNan irrigated area, Taiwan -- Increasing water and fertilizer use efficiency through rain gun sprinkler irrigation in sugar cane agriculture

    USCID fourth international conference

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.A In order to promote irrigation sustainability through reporting by irrigation water managers around Australia, we have developed an adaptive framework and methodology for improved triple-bottom-line reporting. The Irrigation Sustainability Assessment Framework (ISAF) was developed to provide a comprehensive framework for irrigation sustainability assessment and integrated triple-bottom-line reporting, and is structured to promote voluntary application of this framework across the irrigation industry, with monitoring, assessment and feedback into future planning, in a continual learning process. Used in this manner the framework serves not only as a "reporting tool", but also as a "planning tool" for introducing innovative technology and as a "processes implementation tool" for enhanced adoption of new scientific research findings across the irrigation industry. The ISAF was applied in case studies to selected rural irrigation sector organisations, with modifications to meet their specific interests and future planning

    USCID fourth international conference

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    Presented at the Role of irrigation and drainage in a sustainable future: USCID fourth international conference on irrigation and drainage on October 3-6, 2007 in Sacramento, California.Includes bibliographical references.Since 3000 BC, rice has been the main crop in the Korean Peninsula, and where currently most of the available irrigation water is used to grow paddy rice. Methods for calculating the quantity of irrigation water required developed in the 1990's were compared to quantities measured in the field. The largest difference between calculated and measured quantities occurred in April and May. Based on field data we obtained in the middle part of the Korean Peninsula, significant changes have occurred in rice management, which has changed the amount of irrigation water required. Rice is now transplanted earlier, and duration of the transplanting phase on the regional scale is shorter through mechanization and consolidation of land holdings. These changes need to be taken into account when calculating the quantity of water needed for irrigation