5 research outputs found

    Stochastic control of spiking activity bump expansion: monotonic and resonant phenomena

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    We consider spatially localized spiking activity patterns, so-called bumps, in ensembles of bistable spiking oscillators. The bistability consists in the coexistence of self-sustained spiking dynamics and quiescent steady-state regime. We show numerically that the processes of growth or contraction of such patterns can be controlled by varying the intensity of multiplicative noise. In particular, the effect of the noise is monotonic in an ensemble of the coupled Hindmarsh-Rose oscillators. On the other hand, in another model proposed by V. Semenov et al. in 2016 (see Ref. [V. Semenov et al., Phys. Rev. E 93, 052210 (2016)]), a resonant noise effect is observed. In that model, stabilization of the activity bump expansion is achieved at an appropriate noise level, and the noise effect reverses with a further increase in noise intensity. Moreover, we show the constructive role of nonlocal coupling which allows to save domains and fronts being totally destroyed due to the action of noise in the case of local coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Criteria for robustness of heteroclinic cycles in neural microcircuits.

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    Copyright © 2011 Ashwin et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.We introduce a test for robustness of heteroclinic cycles that appear in neural microcircuits modeled as coupled dynamical cells. Robust heteroclinic cycles (RHCs) can appear as robust attractors in Lotka-Volterra-type winnerless competition (WLC) models as well as in more general coupled and/or symmetric systems. It has been previously suggested that RHCs may be relevant to a range of neural activities, from encoding and binding to spatio-temporal sequence generation.The robustness or otherwise of such cycles depends both on the coupling structure and the internal structure of the neurons. We verify that robust heteroclinic cycles can appear in systems of three identical cells, but only if we require perturbations to preserve some invariant subspaces for the individual cells. On the other hand, heteroclinic attractors can appear robustly in systems of four or more identical cells for some symmetric coupling patterns, without restriction on the internal dynamics of the cells

    The Interplay of Intrinsic Dynamics and Coupling in Spatially Distributed Neuronal Networks

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    We explore three coupled networks. Each is an example of a network whose spatially coupled behavior is dratically different than the behavior of the uncoupled system. 1. An evolution equation such that the intrinsic dynamics of the system are those near a degenerate Hopf bifurcation is explored. The coupled system is bistable and solutions such as waves and persistent localized activity are found. 2. A trapping mechanism that causes long interspike intervals in a network of Hodgkin Huxley neurons coupled with excitatory synaptic coupling is unveiled. This trapping mechanism is formed through the interaction of the time scales present intrinsically and the time scale of the synaptic decay. 3. We construct a model to create the spatial patterns reported by subjects in an experiment when their eyes were stimulated electrically. Phase locked oscillators are used to create boundaries representing phosphenes. Asymmetric coupling causes the lines to move, as in the experiment. Stable stationary solutions and waves are found in a reduced model of evolution/ convolution type