647 research outputs found

    Piecewise principal comodule algebras

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    A comodule algebra P over a Hopf algebra H with bijective antipode is called principal if the coaction of H is Galois and P is H-equivariantly projective (faithfully flat) over the coaction-invariant subalgebra PcoH. We prove that principality is a piecewise property: given N comodule-algebra surjections P → P_i whose kernels intersect to zero, P is principal if and only if all P_i’s are principal. Furthermore, assuming the principality of P, we show that the lattice these kernels generate is distributive if and only if so is the lattice obtained by intersection with PcoH. Finally, assuming the above distributivity property, we obtain a flabby sheaf of principal comodule algebras over a certain space that is universal for all such N-families of surjections P → P_i and such that the comodule algebra of global sections is P

    Non-homeomorphic topological rank and expansiveness

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    Downarowicz and Maass (2008) have shown that every Cantor minimal homeomorphism with finite topological rank K>1K > 1 is expansive. Bezuglyi, Kwiatkowski and Medynets (2009) extended the result to non-minimal cases. On the other hand, Gambaudo and Martens (2006) had expressed all Cantor minimal continuou surjections as the inverse limit of graph coverings. In this paper, we define a topological rank for every Cantor minimal continuous surjection, and show that every Cantor minimal continuous surjection of finite topological rank has the natural extension that is expansive

    On the connection between fundamental groups and pencils with multiple fibers

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    We present two results about the relationship between fundamental groups of quasiprojective manifolds and linear systems on a projectivization. We prove the existence of a plane curve with non-abelian fundamental group of the complement which does not admit a mapping onto an orbifold with non-abelian fundamental group. We also find an affine manifold whose irreducible components of its characteristic varieties do not come from the pull-back of the characteristic varieties of an orbifold
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