18 research outputs found

    Surface-Only Liquids

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    © ACM, 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Da, F., Hahn, D., Batty, C., Wojtan, C., & Grinspun, E. (2016). Surface-Only Liquids. Acm Transactions on Graphics, 35(4), 78. https://doi.org/10.1145/2897824.2925899We propose a novel surface-only technique for simulating incompressible, inviscid and uniform-density liquids with surface tension in three dimensions. The liquid surface is captured by a triangle mesh on which a Lagrangian velocity field is stored. Because advection of the velocity field may violate the incompressibility condition, we devise an orthogonal projection technique to remove the divergence while requiring the evaluation of only two boundary integrals. The forces of surface tension, gravity, and solid contact are all treated by a boundary element solve, allowing us to perform detailed simulations of a wide range of liquid phenomena, including waterbells, droplet and jet collisions, fluid chains, and crown splashes.European Research Council, National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Physically-Based Droplet Interaction

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    In this paper we present a physically-based model for simulating realistic interactions between liquid droplets in an efficient manner. Our particle-based system recreates the coalescence, separation and fragmentation interactions that occur between colliding liquid droplets and allows systems of droplets to be meaningfully repre- sented by an equivalent number of simulated particles. By consid- ering the interactions specific to liquid droplet phenomena directly, we display novel levels of detail that cannot be captured using other interaction models at a similar scale. Our work combines experi- mentally validated components, originating in engineering, with a collection of novel modifications to create a particle-based interac- tion model for use in the development of mid-to-large scale droplet- based liquid spray effects. We demonstrate this model, alongside a size-dependent drag force, as an extension to a commonly-used ballistic particle system and show how the introduction of these interactions improves the quality and variety of results possible in recreating liquid droplets and sprays, even using these otherwise simple systems

    A model for soap film dynamics with evolving thickness

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    Previous research on animations of soap bubbles, films, and foams largely focuses on the motion and geometric shape of the bubble surface. These works neglect the evolution of the bubble’s thickness, which is normally responsible for visual phenomena like surface vortices, Newton’s interference patterns, capillary waves, and deformation-dependent rupturing of films in a foam. In this paper, we model these natural phenomena by introducing the film thickness as a reduced degree of freedom in the Navier-Stokes equations and deriving their equations of motion. We discretize the equations on a nonmanifold triangle mesh surface and couple it to an existing bubble solver. In doing so, we also introduce an incompressible fluid solver for 2.5D films and a novel advection algorithm for convecting fields across non-manifold surface junctions. Our simulations enhance state-of-the-art bubble solvers with additional effects caused by convection, rippling, draining, and evaporation of the thin film

    Water wave packets

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    This paper presents a method for simulating water surface waves as a displacement field on a 2D domain. Our method relies on Lagrangian particles that carry packets of water wave energy; each packet carries information about an entire group of wave trains, as opposed to only a single wave crest. Our approach is unconditionally stable and can simulate high resolution geometric details. This approach also presents a straightforward interface for artistic control, because it is essentially a particle system with intuitive parameters like wavelength and amplitude. Our implementation parallelizes well and runs in real time for moderately challenging scenarios

    Fundamental solutions for water wave animation

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    This paper investigates the use of fundamental solutions for animating detailed linear water surface waves. We first propose an analytical solution for efficiently animating circular ripples in closed form. We then show how to adapt the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to create ambient waves interacting with complex obstacles. Subsequently, we present a novel wavelet-based discretization which outperforms the state of the art MFS approach for simulating time-varying water surface waves with moving obstacles. Our results feature high-resolution spatial details, interactions with complex boundaries, and large open ocean domains. Our method compares favorably with previous work as well as known analytical solutions. We also present comparisons between our method and real world examples

    Curl-Flow: Boundary-Respecting Pointwise Incompressible Velocity Interpolation for Grid-Based Fluids

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    We propose to augment standard grid-based fluid solvers with pointwise divergence-free velocity interpolation, thereby ensuring exact incompressibility down to the sub-cell level. Our method takes as input a discretely divergence-free velocity field generated by a staggered grid pressure projection, and first recovers a corresponding discrete vector potential. Instead of solving a costly vector Poisson problem for the potential, we develop a fast parallel sweeping strategy to find a candidate potential and apply a gauge transformation to enforce the Coulomb gauge condition and thereby make it numerically smooth. Interpolating this discrete potential generates a pointwise vector potential whose analytical curl is a pointwise incompressible velocity field. Our method further supports irregular solid geometry through the use of level set-based cut-cells and a novel Curl-Noise-inspired potential ramping procedure that simultaneously offers strictly non-penetrating velocities and incompressibility. Experimental comparisons demonstrate that the vector potential reconstruction procedure at the heart of our approach is consistently faster than prior such reconstruction schemes, especially those that solve vector Poisson problems. Moreover, in exchange for its modest extra cost, our overall Curl-Flow framework produces significantly improved particle trajectories that closely respect irregular obstacles, do not suffer from spurious sources or sinks, and yield superior particle distributions over time