1,987 research outputs found

    TextureNet: Consistent Local Parametrizations for Learning from High-Resolution Signals on Meshes

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    We introduce, TextureNet, a neural network architecture designed to extract features from high-resolution signals associated with 3D surface meshes (e.g., color texture maps). The key idea is to utilize a 4-rotational symmetric (4-RoSy) field to define a domain for convolution on a surface. Though 4-RoSy fields have several properties favorable for convolution on surfaces (low distortion, few singularities, consistent parameterization, etc.), orientations are ambiguous up to 4-fold rotation at any sample point. So, we introduce a new convolutional operator invariant to the 4-RoSy ambiguity and use it in a network to extract features from high-resolution signals on geodesic neighborhoods of a surface. In comparison to alternatives, such as PointNet based methods which lack a notion of orientation, the coherent structure given by these neighborhoods results in significantly stronger features. As an example application, we demonstrate the benefits of our architecture for 3D semantic segmentation of textured 3D meshes. The results show that our method outperforms all existing methods on the basis of mean IoU by a significant margin in both geometry-only (6.4%) and RGB+Geometry (6.9-8.2%) settings

    Multi-directional Geodesic Neural Networks via Equivariant Convolution

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    We propose a novel approach for performing convolution of signals on curved surfaces and show its utility in a variety of geometric deep learning applications. Key to our construction is the notion of directional functions defined on the surface, which extend the classic real-valued signals and which can be naturally convolved with with real-valued template functions. As a result, rather than trying to fix a canonical orientation or only keeping the maximal response across all alignments of a 2D template at every point of the surface, as done in previous works, we show how information across all rotations can be kept across different layers of the neural network. Our construction, which we call multi-directional geodesic convolution, or directional convolution for short, allows, in particular, to propagate and relate directional information across layers and thus different regions on the shape. We first define directional convolution in the continuous setting, prove its key properties and then show how it can be implemented in practice, for shapes represented as triangle meshes. We evaluate directional convolution in a wide variety of learning scenarios ranging from classification of signals on surfaces, to shape segmentation and shape matching, where we show a significant improvement over several baselines

    CAD-Based Porous Scaffold Design of Intervertebral Discs in Tissue Engineering

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    With the development and maturity of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology over the past decade, 3D printing has been widely investigated and applied in the field of tissue engineering to repair damaged tissues or organs, such as muscles, skin, and bones, Although a number of automated fabrication methods have been developed to create superior bio-scaffolds with specific surface properties and porosity, the major challenges still focus on how to fabricate 3D natural biodegradable scaffolds that have tailor properties such as intricate architecture, porosity, and interconnectivity in order to provide the needed structural integrity, strength, transport, and ideal microenvironment for cell- and tissue-growth. In this dissertation, a robust pipeline of fabricating bio-functional porous scaffolds of intervertebral discs based on different innovative porous design methodologies is illustrated. Firstly, a triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) based parameterization method, which has overcome the integrity problem of traditional TPMS method, is presented in Chapter 3. Then, an implicit surface modeling (ISM) approach using tetrahedral implicit surface (TIS) is demonstrated and compared with the TPMS method in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, we present an advanced porous design method with higher flexibility using anisotropic radial basis function (ARBF) and volumetric meshes. Based on all these advanced porous design methods, the 3D model of a bio-functional porous intervertebral disc scaffold can be easily designed and its physical model can also be manufactured through 3D printing. However, due to the unique shape of each intervertebral disc and the intricate topological relationship between the intervertebral discs and the spine, the accurate localization and segmentation of dysfunctional discs are regarded as another obstacle to fabricating porous 3D disc models. To that end, we discuss in Chapter 6 a segmentation technique of intervertebral discs from CT-scanned medical images by using deep convolutional neural networks. Additionally, some examples of applying different porous designs on the segmented intervertebral disc models are demonstrated in Chapter 6

    Structural Surface Mapping for Shape Analysis

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    Natural surfaces are usually associated with feature graphs, such as the cortical surface with anatomical atlas structure. Such a feature graph subdivides the whole surface into meaningful sub-regions. Existing brain mapping and registration methods did not integrate anatomical atlas structures. As a result, with existing brain mappings, it is difficult to visualize and compare the atlas structures. And also existing brain registration methods can not guarantee the best possible alignment of the cortical regions which can help computing more accurate shape similarity metrics for neurodegenerative disease analysis, e.g., Alzheimer’s disease (AD) classification. Also, not much attention has been paid to tackle surface parameterization and registration with graph constraints in a rigorous way which have many applications in graphics, e.g., surface and image morphing. This dissertation explores structural mappings for shape analysis of surfaces using the feature graphs as constraints. (1) First, we propose structural brain mapping which maps the brain cortical surface onto a planar convex domain using Tutte embedding of a novel atlas graph and harmonic map with atlas graph constraints to facilitate visualization and comparison between the atlas structures. (2) Next, we propose a novel brain registration technique based on an intrinsic atlas-constrained harmonic map which provides the best possible alignment of the cortical regions. (3) After that, the proposed brain registration technique has been applied to compute shape similarity metrics for AD classification. (4) Finally, we propose techniques to compute intrinsic graph-constrained parameterization and registration for general genus-0 surfaces which have been used in surface and image morphing applications

    3D Shape Reconstruction from Sketches via Multi-view Convolutional Networks

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    We propose a method for reconstructing 3D shapes from 2D sketches in the form of line drawings. Our method takes as input a single sketch, or multiple sketches, and outputs a dense point cloud representing a 3D reconstruction of the input sketch(es). The point cloud is then converted into a polygon mesh. At the heart of our method lies a deep, encoder-decoder network. The encoder converts the sketch into a compact representation encoding shape information. The decoder converts this representation into depth and normal maps capturing the underlying surface from several output viewpoints. The multi-view maps are then consolidated into a 3D point cloud by solving an optimization problem that fuses depth and normals across all viewpoints. Based on our experiments, compared to other methods, such as volumetric networks, our architecture offers several advantages, including more faithful reconstruction, higher output surface resolution, better preservation of topology and shape structure.Comment: 3DV 2017 (oral

    Surface fluid registration of conformal representation: Application to detect disease burden and genetic influence on hippocampus

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    abstract: In this paper, we develop a new automated surface registration system based on surface conformal parameterization by holomorphic 1-forms, inverse consistent surface fluid registration, and multivariate tensor-based morphometty (mTBM). First, we conformally map a surface onto a planar rectangle space with holomorphic 1-forms. Second, we compute surface conformal representation by combining its local conformal factor and mean curvature and linearly scale the dynamic range of the conformal representation to form the feature image of the surface. Third, we align the feature image with a chosen template image via the fluid image registration algorithm, which has been extended into the curvilinear coordinates to adjust for the distortion introduced by surface parameterization. The inverse consistent image registration algorithm is also incorporated in the system to jointly estimate the forward and inverse transformations between the study and template images. This alignment induces a corresponding deformation on the surface. We tested the system on Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) baseline dataset to study AD symptoms on hippocampus. In our system, by modeling a hippocampus as a 3D parametric surface, we nonlinearly registered each surface with a selected template surface. Then we used mTBM to analyze the morphometry difference between diagnostic groups. Experimental results show that the new system has better performance than two publicly available subcortical surface registration tools: FIRST and SPHARM. We also analyzed the genetic influence of the Apolipoprotein E(is an element of)4 allele (ApoE4), which is considered as the most prevalent risk factor for AD. Our work successfully detected statistically significant difference between ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers in both patients of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy control subjects. The results show evidence that the ApoE genotype may be associated with accelerated brain atrophy so that our work provides a new MRI analysis tool that may help presymptomatic AD research.NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in NEUROIMAGE. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Neuroimage, 78, 111-134 [2013] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.01
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