5,074 research outputs found

    Surface reconstruction from microscopic images in optical lithography

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    We propose a shape-from-shading method to reconstruct surfaces of silicon wafers from images of printed circuits taken with scanning electron microscope. Our method combines the physical model of the optical acquisition system with prior knowledge about the shapes of the patterns in the circuit. The reconstruction of the surface is formulated as an optimization problem with a combined criterion based on the irradiance equation and a shape prior that constrains the shape of the surface to agree with the expected shape of the pattern. To account for the variability of the manufacturing process, the model allows a non-linear elastic deformation between the expected patterns and the reconstructed surface. Our method provides two outputs: a reconstructed surface and a deformation field. The reconstructed surface is derived from the shading observed in the images and the prior knowledge about circuit patterns, which results in a shape-from-shading technique stable and robust to noise. The deformation field produces a mapping between the expected shape and the reconstructed surface, which provides a measure of deviation between the models and the real manufacturing process

    Surface Percolation and Growth. An alternative scheme for breaking the diffraction limit in optical patterning

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    A nanopatterning scheme is presented by which the structure height can be controlled in the tens of nanometers range and the lateral resolution is a factor at least three times better than the point spread function of the writing beam. The method relies on the initiation of the polymerization mediated by a very inefficient energy transfer from a fluorescent dye molecule after single photon absorption. The mechanism has the following distinctive steps: the dye adsorbs on the substrate surface with a higher concentration than in the bulk, upon illumination it triggers the polymerization, then isolated islands develop and merge into a uniform structure (percolation), which subsequently grows until the illumination is interrupted. This percolation mechanism has a threshold that introduces the needed nonlinearity for the fabrication of structures beyond the diffraction limit.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Color Capable Sub-Pixel Resolving Optofluidic Microscope and Its Application to Blood Cell Imaging for Malaria Diagnosis

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    Miniaturization of imaging systems can significantly benefit clinical diagnosis in challenging environments, where access to physicians and good equipment can be limited. Sub-pixel resolving optofluidic microscope (SROFM) offers high-resolution imaging in the form of an on-chip device, with the combination of microfluidics and inexpensive CMOS image sensors. In this work, we report on the implementation of color SROFM prototypes with a demonstrated optical resolution of 0.66 µm at their highest acuity. We applied the prototypes to perform color imaging of red blood cells (RBCs) infected with Plasmodium falciparum, a particularly harmful type of malaria parasites and one of the major causes of death in the developing world

    Learning from Coffee Rings : Ordered Structures Enabled by Controlled Evaporative Self-Assembly

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    Drying droplets containing nonvolatile solutes (polymers, microspheres, nanoparticles, single-walled carbon nanotubes, DNA, etc.) on a solid surface have been utilized to yield self-assembled, dissipative structures, possessing dimensions of a few hundred submicrons and beyond. However, these dissipative structures created via evaporation are often irregular and far from equilibrium. Yet for many applications in microelectronics, data storage devices, and biotechnology, it is highly desirable to achieve surface patterns that have a well-controlled spatial arrangement. To date, only a few elegant studies have centered on establishing a means of harnessing the drying process of an evaporating droplet to produce highly regular structures. Among them, controlled evaporative self-assembly (CESA) in a restricted geometry stands out as an extremely simple route to creating intriguing one- or two-dimensional structures. In this geometry, the evaporation flux, the solution concentration and the interfacial interaction between the solute and substrate are precisely controlled, thereby producing intriguing, well-ordered structures with high fidelity and regularity. When compared with conventional lithography techniques, surface patterning by controlled solvent evaporation is simple and cost-effective, offering a lithography- and external field-free means of organizing nonvolatile materials into ordered microscopic structures over large surface areas. Over the past several years, I have crafted a wide range of intriguing and highly regular micro- and nanostructures composed of conjugated polymers, block copolymers, and latex particles, metallocene-containing polymers, etc. enabled by CESA in rationally designed curve-on-flat geometries. The mechanism of structure formation is elucidated both experimentally and theoretically. Moreover, by applying external magnetic field in conjunction with the solvent evaporative field, CESA of magnetic nanoparticles is promoted to yield intriguing asymmetry patterns. Finally, hierarchically structured wrinkles formed within the gradient stripes prepared by CESA are systematically scrutinized. As such, CESA represents a state-of-art strategy for crafting highly structured, multifunctional materials and devices for potential applications in optoelectronics, photonics, and biosensors

    Three-dimensional microfabrication through a multimode optical fiber

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    Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is an advanced manufacturing technique that allows the fabrication of arbitrary macroscopic and microscopic objects. All 3D printing systems require large optical elements or nozzles in proximity to the built structure. This prevents their use in applications in which there is no direct access to the area where the objects have to be printed. Here, we demonstrate three-dimensional microfabrication based on two-photon polymerization (TPP) with sub diffraction-limited resolution through an ultra-thin, 50 mm long printing nozzle of 560 micrometers in diameter. Using wavefront shaping, femtosecond infrared pulses are focused and scanned through a multimode optical fiber (MMF) inside a photoresist that polymerizes via two-photon absorption. We show the construction of arbitrary 3D structures of 500 nm resolution on the other side of the fiber. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of microfabrication through a multimode optical fiber. Our work represents a new area which we refer to as endofabrication

    Formation of bacterial streamers during filtration in microfluidic systems

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    Bacterial behavior during filtration is complex and is influenced by numerous factors. The aim of this paper is to report on experiments designed to make progress in the understanding of bacterial transfer in filters and membranes. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microsystems were built to allow direct dynamic observation of bacterial transfer across different microchannel geometries mimicking filtration processes. When filtering Escherichia coli suspensions in such devices, the bacteria accumulated in the downstream zone of the filter forming long streamers undulating in the flow. Confocal microscopy and 3D reconstruction of streamers showed how the streamers are connected to the filter and how they form in the stream. Streamer development was found to be influenced by the flow configuration and the presence of connections or tortuosity between channels. Experiments showed that streamer formation was greatest in a filtration system composed of staggered arrays of squares 10 ÎĽm apart

    Design, fabrication and characterization of Computer Generated Holograms for anti-counterfeiting applications using OAM beams as light decoders

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    In this paper, we present the design, fabrication and optical characterization of computer-generated holograms (CGH) encoding information for light beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). Through the use of a numerical code, based on an iterative Fourier transform algorithm, a phase-only diffractive optical element (PH-DOE) specifically designed for OAM illumination has been computed, fabricated and tested. In order to shape the incident beam into a helicoidal phase profile and generate light carrying phase singularities, a method based on transmission through high-order spiral phase plates (SPPs) has been used. The phase pattern of the designed holographic DOEs has been fabricated using high-resolution Electron-Beam Lithography (EBL) over glass substrates coated with a positive photoresist layer (polymethylmethacrylate). To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first attempt, in a comprehensive work, to design, fabricate and characterize computer-generated holograms encoding information for structured light carrying OAM and phase singularities. These optical devices appear promising as high-security optical elements for anti-counterfeiting applications.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Supplementary info: 8 pages, 3 figure
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