3 research outputs found

    SOTESTER – Sistema de recomendación de técnicas de testing de software: Un enfoque colaborativo

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    Presenta un sistema de recomendación con enfoque colaborativo y basado en contenido que permite obtener recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software basado en la caracterización del proyecto objetivo y la evaluación de técnicas de testing instanciadas en proyectos similares. Se ha demostrado que el método propuesto SOTESTER realiza recomendaciones de buena calidad de manera similar a como las realiza un experto humano. La investigación busca medir la calidad de las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por el método propuesto SOTESTER respecto a las recomendaciones de técnicas de testing de software realizadas por expertos, mide la coincidencia de los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan y mide la coincidencia del método propuesto SOTESTER con los expertos respecto a las técnicas de testing de software que recomiendan.Tesi

    Simulation combined model-based testing method for train control systems

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    A Train Control System (TCS) is utilised to guard the operational safety of the trains in railway systems. Therefore, functional testing is applied to verify consistency between the TCS and specification requirements. Traditional functional testing in TCSs is mainly based on manually designed test cases, which is becoming unsuitable for testing increasingly complex TCSs. Therefore, Model-Based Testing (MBT) methods have been introduced into TCS functional testing, to improve the efficiency and coverage of TCS testing, with application difficulties. To overcome the difficulties of applying MBT methods to test TCSs, the author introduces simulation combined MBT which combines an MBT method with simulation. Modelling method and implementation method for the proposed approach were explained in detail. Two case studies were undertaken to explore the effectiveness of the testing platform developed. The testing results obtained prove that the testing platform can be utilised to implement the functional testing of TCSs. To prove that the MBT platform is effective in detecting errors in the SUT, validation and verification was undertaken, which include validation of specification requirements and verification of the MBT platform. The testing performance is proven to be better than existing MBT methods in terms of coverage and efficiency