10 research outputs found

    Boosting API Recommendation with Implicit Feedback

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    Developers often need to use appropriate APIs to program efficiently, but it is usually a difficult task to identify the exact one they need from a vast of candidates. To ease the burden, a multitude of API recommendation approaches have been proposed. However, most of the currently available API recommenders do not support the effective integration of users' feedback into the recommendation loop. In this paper, we propose a framework, BRAID (Boosting RecommendAtion with Implicit FeeDback), which leverages learning-to-rank and active learning techniques to boost recommendation performance. By exploiting users' feedback information, we train a learning-to-rank model to re-rank the recommendation results. In addition, we speed up the feedback learning process with active learning. Existing query-based API recommendation approaches can be plugged into BRAID. We select three state-of-the-art API recommendation approaches as baselines to demonstrate the performance enhancement of BRAID measured by Hit@k (Top-k), MAP, and MRR. Empirical experiments show that, with acceptable overheads, the recommendation performance improves steadily and substantially with the increasing percentage of feedback data, comparing with the baselines.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Recommending Stack Overflow Posts for Fixing Runtime Exceptions using Failure Scenario Matching

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    Using online Q&A forums, such as Stack Overflow (SO), for guidance to resolve program bugs, among other development issues, is commonplace in modern software development practice. Runtime exceptions (RE) is one such important class of bugs that is actively discussed on SO. In this work we present a technique and prototype tool called MAESTRO that can automatically recommend an SO post that is most relevant to a given Java RE in a developer's code. MAESTRO compares the exception-generating program scenario in the developer's code with that discussed in an SO post and returns the post with the closest match. To extract and compare the exception scenario effectively, MAESTRO first uses the answer code snippets in a post to implicate a subset of lines in the post's question code snippet as responsible for the exception and then compares these lines with the developer's code in terms of their respective Abstract Program Graph (APG) representations. The APG is a simplified and abstracted derivative of an abstract syntax tree, proposed in this work, that allows an effective comparison of the functionality embodied in the high-level program structure, while discarding many of the low-level syntactic or semantic differences. We evaluate MAESTRO on a benchmark of 78 instances of Java REs extracted from the top 500 Java projects on GitHub and show that MAESTRO can return either a highly relevant or somewhat relevant SO post corresponding to the exception instance in 71% of the cases, compared to relevant posts returned in only 8% - 44% instances, by four competitor tools based on state-of-the-art techniques. We also conduct a user experience study of MAESTRO with 10 Java developers, where the participants judge MAESTRO reporting a highly relevant or somewhat relevant post in 80% of the instances. In some cases the post is judged to be even better than the one manually found by the participant

    A Survey on Query-based API Recommendation

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    Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are designed to help developers build software more effectively. Recommending the right APIs for specific tasks has gained increasing attention among researchers and developers in recent years. To comprehensively understand this research domain, we have surveyed to analyze API recommendation studies published in the last 10 years. Our study begins with an overview of the structure of API recommendation tools. Subsequently, we systematically analyze prior research and pose four key research questions. For RQ1, we examine the volume of published papers and the venues in which these papers appear within the API recommendation field. In RQ2, we categorize and summarize the prevalent data sources and collection methods employed in API recommendation research. In RQ3, we explore the types of data and common data representations utilized by API recommendation approaches. We also investigate the typical data extraction procedures and collection approaches employed by the existing approaches. RQ4 delves into the modeling techniques employed by API recommendation approaches, encompassing both statistical and deep learning models. Additionally, we compile an overview of the prevalent ranking strategies and evaluation metrics used for assessing API recommendation tools. Drawing from our survey findings, we identify current challenges in API recommendation research that warrant further exploration, along with potential avenues for future research

    Automatically assessing and improving code readability and understandability

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    Holistic recommender systems for software engineering

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    The knowledge possessed by developers is often not sufficient to overcome a programming problem. Short of talking to teammates, when available, developers often gather additional knowledge from development artifacts (e.g., project documentation), as well as online resources. The web has become an essential component in the modern developer’s daily life, providing a plethora of information from sources like forums, tutorials, Q&A websites, API documentation, and even video tutorials. Recommender Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE) provide developers with assistance to navigate the information space, automatically suggest useful items, and reduce the time required to locate the needed information. Current RSSEs consider development artifacts as containers of homogeneous information in form of pure text. However, text is a means to represent heterogeneous information provided by, for example, natural language, source code, interchange formats (e.g., XML, JSON), and stack traces. Interpreting the information from a pure textual point of view misses the intrinsic heterogeneity of the artifacts, thus leading to a reductionist approach. We propose the concept of Holistic Recommender Systems for Software Engineering (H-RSSE), i.e., RSSEs that go beyond the textual interpretation of the information contained in development artifacts. Our thesis is that modeling and aggregating information in a holistic fashion enables novel and advanced analyses of development artifacts. To validate our thesis we developed a framework to extract, model and analyze information contained in development artifacts in a reusable meta- information model. We show how RSSEs benefit from a meta-information model, since it enables customized and novel analyses built on top of our framework. The information can be thus reinterpreted from an holistic point of view, preserving its multi-dimensionality, and opening the path towards the concept of holistic recommender systems for software engineering